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Official lance armstrong thread, part 2 (from september 2012)

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Apr 8, 2010
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I hate the way that Kristin Armstrong manipulates people emotionally. I realise now that's how the LA-KA combo worked (together, to con others). And I always thought that she was the victim.

When I was broken and drifting, Runner’s World was the passing ship that picked me up and gave me an opportunity to be publicly what I had always been privately – a writer. I have been very blessed to run, write and relate here with you for almost a decade. There may have been some celebrity intrigue associated with my last name when I first started, but I appreciate how RW staff and readers have allowed my work to stand for itself.
Ah, poor me, but you're in this initimate relationship with me, support me...

There are many things being said about me right now, some are true and some are not. But to me, it’s like contrasting snowflakes in the middle of an avalanche – what on earth is the point?
... and you wouldn't want me to be hurt by having to admit to something so trivial, would you?

I also think the article verges on 'I'm not coming clean to protect my kids'

cocteau_ireland said:
Some opportunities exist for Lance's big Livestrong gig tonight in his backyard. Speakers include Ben stiller (to open the the school for cyclists who can't bleed good n stuff?) Or maybe Robin Williams will do his Good will hunting 'it's ok,it's ok' bit with an in tatters lance at his armpit?

Goodwill Hunting was "it's not your fault, it's not your fault" - still very apt.
Jun 1, 2011
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Race Radio said:
Why doesn't Kristen talk about the claims she was a drug mule?

Surely you know the simple answer. If there is still the threat of federal procsecution, she won't. Lance won't. So why would ask such a silly question? Unless she might get the "deal" as well. I'm sure Lance would have a different outlook on some of his teammates escpecially in the early years of USPS and before if he did not still have the gun pointed at his head.

You annoy me in that you fly right past the obvious. The de facto "plea deal" here is a rotten way to justice. It will be a long time until we hear the LA version of events. He still stands on perilous ground while the accussers walk away with a clean slate.

....and justice for all.

I do still hope that this is the beginining of a new era for the sport, but I never will like the tactics in took to get here.
Aug 13, 2009
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BillytheKid said:
Surely you know the simple answer. If there is still the threat of federal procsecution, she won't. Lance won't. So why would ask such a silly question? Unless she might get the "deal" as well. I'm sure Lance would have a different outlook on some of his teammates escpecially in the early years of USPS and before if he did not still have the gun pointed at his head.

You annoy me in that you fly right past the obvious. The de facto "plea deal" here is a rotten way to justice. It will be a long time until we hear the LA version of events. He still stands on perilous ground while the accussers walk away with a clean slate.

....and justice for all.

I do still hope that this is the beginining of a new era for the sport, but I never will like the tactics in took to get here.


Wonderboy was offered the same deal, he turned it down. Lance got himself into this mess
Jun 1, 2011
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thehog said:
Oh god please. Get rid of her. The pain, the pain. You're a drug mule. Plain and simple.

(Thanks Mr. Walsh)

She has not been offered the "deal?"

Plea bargins on this magnitude are the jolly junk of "justice for all." The narritive that those who got the "deal" were somehow victims of Armstrong and never had progamme of their own is a nice fariy tail.
Jan 5, 2011
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Race Radio said:
Why doesn't Kristen talk about the claims she was a drug mule?

All of the excuses she makes for not talking are BS.
Martial privilege means you don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, not that you can’t talk. And it only applies to civil and criminal cases, not to writing articles in magazines.
Confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements could be applicable, but do not generally apply if one is trying to hide illegal activities. Transporting drugs, without a valid prescription, over international borders is a crime. As is possesison of those drugs in many European countries.
The only defense she truly could offer is her right to not self-incriminate. But saying that would conflict with her desire for a clean image as a mother trying to protect her children.
I have no sympathy for her.
Jun 1, 2011
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Race Radio said:

Wonderboy was offered the same deal, he turned it down. Lance got himself into this mess

The criminal case came first. That would not be the same. Much of what took place in the Grand Jury is seal and secret.

USADA had the advantage of reporting only what serves their investigation.

So Armstrong was not facing massive federal charges? What was offered in the "pleas deals" may never be know. So unless your an inside source, you cannot possibly know the full scope or turn of events inside the Grand Jury.

Lots and lots of wonderboys. The nature of sport I guess.

Armstrong may not be "safe" from another criminal investigation for a long time. Should they offer him the "deal" to testify about things pre-1996. A very young Lance Armstong was brought along from the beginning. That should investigated as well. Armstorng could have a lot to say about it I am sure, but those who once call him a friend have defected in cause of self-service. Armstong could still face federal crimminal charges.

The wording of "the largest or greatest" sporting scandal of all time makes for great press and headlines. It may also be the may be the most unusual investigation of its kind, as well, in terms of magnitude and plea deals to strip and attemp to crimminally convict a single American sportsman and the "Europeans" that are accused of acting with him. How the other American riders, etc. have been so well protected tells a tale too.

Armstrong and the foreign menace! Goal!
So Monday it is:


Cycling’s governing body the UCI has come to a relatively quick decision in relation to the Lance Armstrong doping case, revealing that it will announce its intention with regard to the case in just three days’ time.

The UCI was sent the reasoned decision by USADA on October 10th and, under the rules in place, had until October 31st to declare whether it would accept the report or appeal it to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. Today’s announcement means that it will announce the decision a full nine days earlier than the deadline.

On August 23rd, Armstrong was handed a lifetime ban from sport plus had all of his results since August 1998 taken away. The sanction was handed down after he decided not to fight the doping charges made against him by USADA.
Jun 16, 2012
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Pat is being turned by the power, he will claim it for his own, high up on the mountain. Only madman Hein can do the selfish deed that will, coincidentally, bring down the evil empire. Maybe it's done already, 500K transfers and all. Nike sure looks like they know something about that transfer - their words not saying no transfer, rather a more precise "no transfer for the purpose of."
Sep 29, 2012
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MarkvW said:
The UCI is going to send a message to every wavering Pro Tour sponsor on Monday.

If they appeal this, they're dragging the sport through more months of unfavorable publicity. They couldn't be that stupid...:D:D:D:D

Don't underestimate Heinie and Pattie's stupidity. Because just when you think it can't get any worse .....
Appologize if this has already been posted, but this is some good stuff:

Skip to an hour in to hear what these guys are saying about Lance. This is one of ESPN's bigger radio shows and although these guys know nothing about cycling they give a good perspective of what's going in the heads of "ordinary sports fans" or what not. Skip Bayless in particular used to be an admitted Armstrong Fanboy and now they are just hammering on Armstrong pretty brutally. His public image is just destroyed - I think at this point he really just needs to go away and drop out of public view.
knewcleardaze said:
In this age of webcasts, why is the Livestrongfest not being streamed live on the interwebs for all the folks not able to attend in Texas?

Last 36 hrs bn thinking this mite be an interesting event for folks to watch. Some fantastic contributors. if anyone gets a link n I'm still awake(Austin-Belfast time dif) lmk At some point we might start feeling sorry for this bar stard Psycho being dismissed Maybe it was the lawyers uh
May 27, 2012
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Anyone taking odds on what he will say tonight?

If your money is on an admission, you're gonna lose. My money is on the same old "I am innocent...cancer" diatribe we have become so used to.