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Official Lance Armstrong Thread: Part 3 (Post-Confession)

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Merckx index said:
The EPO test does not tell you how much recombinant EPO is present, it only tells you (and only very roughly at that, certainly not in a way that would allow quantitation) the ratio of recombinant to natural. If LA had very low levels of natural EPO, he could have had a “flaming positive” gel with relatively low levels of recombinant EPO.

I don't have the interview handy, but Ashenden made a point roughly summarized as scientists can be confident they have a case, but it can be weak legal proof. Perhaps that is the case here. Also, has the test technique improved significantly between test periods? I don't know and you have an excellent background in this area.

The more I think about this news, the more I fear Wonderboy is trying to appeal directly to the IOC/WADA. It looks like he's doing an end-run around USADA to get back to sanctioned events basically using your argument to return to racing soon.
DirtyWorks said:
I don't have the interview handy, but Ashenden made a point roughly summarized as scientists can be confident they have a case, but it can be weak legal proof. Perhaps that is the case here. Also, has the test technique improved significantly between test periods? I don't know and you have an excellent background in this area.

The more I think about this news, the more I fear Wonderboy is trying to appeal directly to the IOC/WADA. It looks like he's doing an end-run around USADA to get back to sanctioned events basically using your argument to return to racing soon.

That is what I think too. LA is a wily character.
Sep 24, 2012
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I just watched the second half of the soap Oprah. Never has it taken so long for two people to say so little. The lies and evasive eyes still in overdrive. This stunt seriously backfired on Lance. Oprah was the clear winner, long term. Armstrong is in the biggest world of trouble, its only the beginning for him, and hard to see how he'll ever get free. He'll just disappear slowly I predict.
spalco said:
That's article made me literally laugh out loud several times. Herman is a ****ing comedian. :D

Indeed not much has changed, except that Lancey-poo and his paid thugs are now on the losing side.

They still figure the rules that apply to everyone else don't apply to them. It appears to be a coordinated effort that everything passes through a T&R process - controlled by the UCI. That way the UCI doesn't have its corruption exposed and Armstrong benefits retroactively from a global amnesty. I wouldn't think this little scam will work - Tygart is working hard to head off this tactic and the UCI's tattered reputation should ensure that they don't get their way.

Everyone seems to agree that the Oprah performance was more of the same lies and arrogance. As long as he is surrounded by Herman, Stapleton and gang we can assume that every move is calculated to personally benefit Armstrong and his entourage.
May 9, 2009
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Fatclimber said:
armstrong to cooperate to clean up cycling

Hasn't he already done that by staying out of the sport?

He's lied so much for so long, what credibility does he have?

He just keeps getting slimier and slimier.
From Armstrong refuses to confess to USADA on CN.

Armstrong's lawyer Timothy Herman confirmed USADA's request but told the Associated Press that "logistically, it is simply not possible" to do in the next two weeks "due to pre-existing obligations." It is not clear what obligations Armstrong has.

Haha, dude's busy riding his bike alone in Hawaii possibly? I was wondering, how does he fly to Hawaii now, still on the private jet?

"USADA has no authority to investigate, prosecute or otherwise involve itself with the other 95% of cycling competitors," Herman claimed. "Thus, in order to achieve the goal of 'cleaning up cycling,' it must be WADA and the UCI who have overall authority to do so."

Surely Herman knows that only USADA can give Dopestrong a little discount on his "banned for life" sanction? What incentive does Dopestrong have apart from that to rat out some other a**sholes out?
Jul 19, 2010
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Armstrong won't go to USADA because he knew he would get caught lying under oath. He knew his so-called confession was still full of lies and he couldn't tell the same story that he told Oprah to USADA. Instead he wants to go UCI, to his bosom buddies Pat and Hein, but this won't help with his sanction. USADA was the organization that banned him for life. He has to go to Tygart if he wants to ever compete again. It's common sense.
MarkvW said:
I can't believe that Lance lied to Oprah--again. While the odds of gaining anything from a halfway-confession were small, the odds of gaining anything from lying to Oprah were nonexistent. He has a right to remain silent and he really should STFU.

You're surprised that a pathological liar, lied again about something he initially lied about?
jackwolf said:
Well, with the help of Armstrong plus the independent commission, the UCI might find out how everything was covered up. It's not like they're not getting enough help. :)

If you honestly believe UCI didn't have a hand in covering up for Wonderboy, or at the very least knew what was going on, you're insane. Fat Pat, Heiney & the gang all knew. The ONLY reason why Wonderboy us willing to work with UCI, is to try to gain some sort of advantage, he'll tell them nothing, and they'll cover it up, just like last time. I'm willing to bet Wonderboy will slip the UCI some nice $$$ to help himself out.
TheEnoculator said:
Armstrong won't go to USADA because he knew he would get caught lying under oath. He knew his so-called confession was still full of lies and he couldn't tell the same story that he told Oprah to USADA. Instead he wants to go UCI, to his bosom buddies Pat and Hein, but this won't help with his sanction. USADA was the organization that banned him for life. He has to go to Tygart if he wants to ever compete again. It's common sense.

That's the thing, Wonderboy doesn't have ANY common sense, that was taken from him a long time ago by EPO. He knows he's f*/€ if he talks to USADA, so like another poster said, he's doing an end around in hopes he'll win points with UCI/WADA and they'll plead to USADA. However, Fahey detests Wonderboy, so it's doubtful that WADA would be willing to do anything for Wonderboy. His only hope is UCI, and that puts them in an even worse light now.
Jul 19, 2010
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86TDFWinner said:
That's the thing, Wonderboy doesn't have ANY common sense, that was taken from him a long time ago by EPO. He knows he's f*/€ if he talks to USADA, so like another poster said, he's doing an end around in hopes he'll win points with UCI/WADA and they'll plead to USADA. However, Fahey detests Wonderboy, so it's doubtful that WADA would be willing to do anything for Wonderboy. His only hope is UCI, and that puts them in an even worse light now.

WADA will not work with Armstrong unless USADA is involved, because WADA fully backs USADA's jurisdiction, and Fahey 100% supports Tygart. It's a waste of time for Armstrong to go to WADA.

Besides, what can UCI do for Armstrong now? It was USADA's report that got all his results stripped and him being banned for life. No way can UCI touch any of that until USADA/WADA OK it.

I thought Armstrong was smarter than this.
TheEnoculator said:
WADA will not work with Armstrong unless USADA is involved, because WADA fully backs USADA's jurisdiction, and Fahey 100% supports Tygart. It's a waste of time for Armstrong to go to WADA.

Besides, what can UCI do for Armstrong now? It was USADA's report that got all his results stripped and him being banned for life. No way can UCI touch any of that until USADA/WADA OK it.

I thought Armstrong was smarter than this.

I agree with all of your comments.

He and his legal team are very good at obfuscating and that is all they have left.
Wait till USADA shows proof of the 'attempted' donation that wonderboy is denying.
webvan said:
Haha, dude's busy riding his bike alone in Hawaii possibly?

It's the Chris Carmichael "I'm not available because I'm off the communications map." <noise>ckkkcccrrr</noise>I'm going through<noise>ccressrskkkshhh</noise> a tunnel." excuse.

webvan said:
Surely Herman knows that only USADA can give Dopestrong a little discount on his "banned for life" sanction? What incentive does Dopestrong have apart from that to rat out some other a**sholes out?

Wonderboy hasn't changed. His world view is so broken he is still operating under the assumption that the rules don't apply to him. My guess is he's arranging for some scenario where there's a manufactured exception and he gets his penalty reduced on a technicality.

Pretty much everything is for sale at the IOC. If someone figures out a way to do it so it looks legitimate, consider it done.
DirtyWorks said:
It's the Chris Carmichael "I'm not available because I'm off the communications map." <noise>ckkkcccrrr</noise>I'm going through<noise>ccressrskkkshhh</noise> a tunnel." excuse.

Wonderboy hasn't changed. His world view is so broken he is still operating under the assumption that the rules don't apply to him. My guess is he's arranging for some scenario where there's a manufactured exception and he gets his penalty reduced on a technicality.

Pretty much everything is for sale at the IOC. If someone figures out a way to do it so it looks legitimate, consider it done.

So right, he continues to try to dictate the process. Sorry Lancey-poo, you lost!

Why is USADA even entertaining the idea of a reduced sentence, only a few months after it was handed down? There was plenty of opportunity for Armstrong to negotiate before the scheduled arbitration (or during arbitration) but he continued his scorched earth policy. Nobody owes him anything, so let him rot in obliviation. In any case, there is no way he is actually going to give any pertinent information to anti-doping authorities.

The worst thing is that all this is so that he can "compete" again - meaning appearance fees and sponsors. Is anyone really stupid enough to give this guy money? Of course there are which is really pathetic.
frenchfry said:
Why is USADA even entertaining the idea of a reduced sentence, only a few months after it was handed down? There was plenty of opportunity for Armstrong to negotiate before the scheduled arbitration (or during arbitration) but he continued his scorched earth policy. Nobody owes him anything, so let him rot in obliviation. In any case, there is no way he is actually going to give any pertinent information to anti-doping authorities.

I dunno, that doesn't make me angry. No harm in hearing what he has to say and deciding if it's worth reducing his sentence then. I would laugh so hard if he throws Bruyneel, Verbruggen, McQuaid, Weisel, or any of the other many many ******bags he surrounded himself with under the bus.

eta: and for what? A bunch of bull**** old-man triathlons? I'd let him have his fun there in return for seeing heads roll.
May 25, 2011
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86TDFWinner said:
If you honestly believe UCI didn't have a hand in covering up for Wonderboy, or at the very least knew what was going on, you're insane. Fat Pat, Heiney & the gang all knew. The ONLY reason why Wonderboy us willing to work with UCI, is to try to gain some sort of advantage, he'll tell them nothing, and they'll cover it up, just like last time. I'm willing to bet Wonderboy will slip the UCI some nice $$$ to help himself out.

Gosh, man, what happened to your sarcasm detector? Get it fixed quick.
frenchfry said:
So right, he continues to try to dictate the process. Sorry Lancey-poo, you lost!

Why is USADA even entertaining the idea of a reduced sentence, only a few months after it was handed down?

Hold on. I didn't say USADA was doing that. My crackpot theory is Wonderboy is, consistent with Wonderboy's "the rules don't apply to me and Tygart's a hard@ss ##@!! ~%*!!." couldn't get the rules changed at USADA is trying to go around and convince the IOC to manufacture the technicality and then force it onto WADA. Will it happen? I don't know. Could it happen? The IOC is for sale, so maybe.

frenchfry said:
There was plenty of opportunity for Armstrong to negotiate before the scheduled arbitration (or during arbitration) but he continued his scorched earth policy. Nobody owes him anything, so let him rot in obliviation. In any case, there is no way he is actually going to give any pertinent information to anti-doping authorities.

All true. Except, the rules don't apply to Wonderboy. Might makes right and the IOC is for sale.

Like all of my crackpot theories, I could be wrong. If I am? It's not the first time. If there's another Wonderboy strategy I'm missing, please post it.

And yes, all for Wonderboy age-grade glory. Why? Wonderboy hasn't changed. He's going to be 80 and crushing age-grade triathlons doped. Why? Wonderboy can't seem to change.