Race Radio said:
I am not sure what is more comical, when the groupies cry like babies when someone questions the myth or when somebody says we should not question if Armstrong is a *** or a narcissist.
Armstrong is a public figure who for years has made multiple questionable public claims and actions. To ask that we should sit by and not question his ofter ridiculous claims and behavior is ludicrous.
I understand that many of his fans are embarrassed by his actions and would prefer that nobody question his dubious claims.....but that is not going to happen.
Dude!! Look around this thread. No one cares as much about LA as you and your dour fellow posters. You are the "Groupies". The rest of us don't give a sh!t about his dubious claims. He is a media personality, that's what they do! Question all you like. That's what groupies do. Just don't confuse it to be anything meaningful.