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Patrick Jonker on LA.......?


Jul 11, 2010
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Hotbrakes said:
Not a Lance fan but was Jonker left out of the loop?


Oh dear. Is this the best Armstrong can do? The only guy he can get to drum up support is an half aussie hack like Jonker? I mean seriously?? Jonker? What can't he get Big George to come out and defend his honor? P2ss poor if you ask me.

Is this idiot one of the 100's? To support Lance?
editedbymod said:
Oh dear. Is this the best Armstrong can do? The only guy he can get to drum up support is an half aussie hack like Jonker? I mean seriously?? Jonker? What can't he get Big George to come out and defend his honor? P2ss poor if you ask me.

Is this idiot one of the 100's? To support Lance?

Dont think Jonker was ever a hack, he rode the tour five times and missed the sixed due to injury. How many Tours have you ridden?

So far we have several US Postal riders saying they didnt see any doping.

The only one doping was Landis.

Ferminal said:

"If they want to ask were there any performance enhancing drugs taken at US Postal, I'd say, 'I wish there was' because I would have liked to improve my performance," Jonker said.

What is that supposed to mean...

Its a joke, ever heard of humour, Australians tend to joke a lot.

Apr 29, 2009
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editedbymod said:
Oh dear. Is this the best Armstrong can do? The only guy he can get to drum up support is an half aussie hack like Jonker? I mean seriously?? Jonker? What can't he get Big George to come out and defend his honor? P2ss poor if you ask me.

Is this idiot one of the 100's? To support Lance?

So far he is the only one. How much money will all this support cost?


Sep 24, 2009
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The joke in LA's War was that the USPS riders in Girona saw Armstrong more on TV than they did in person. I agree with Brodeal. It would be smart for these guys to keep their mouth's shut. Maybe they need the money though.


Jul 11, 2010
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hughmoore said:
Don't think Jonker was ever a hack, he rode the tour five times and missed the sixed due to injury. How many Tours have you ridden?

So far we have several US Postal riders saying they didn't see any doping.

The only one doping was Landis.


You know what. You're right and I'm wrong.

Jonker had intimate knowledge of everything that went on at USPS especially at the Tour de France. Jonker is the lynch pin in the Federal Investigation. He's one year at Postal where he barely put foot on pedal could make or break the case.


Going on the strength of his previous palmares, Jonker was recruited by U.S. Postal for the 2000 season. Unfortunately, he developed a chronic tendonitis problem in his ankle during this time and was relatively unsuccessful due to this malady, with a 13th place in the Amstel Gold Race being his only notable result that year. Significantly, this was also Patrick’s final season on a Division I team.
hughmoore said:
Dont think Jonker was ever a hack, he rode the tour five times and missed the sixed due to injury. How many Tours have you ridden?

The same number as you.

hughmoore said:
So far we have several US Postal riders saying they didn't see any doping.

The only one doping was Landis.

Jonker didn't ride with the Tour team when he was at Postal. So he couldn't have seen anything if he wasn't one of the riders preparing for or riding the Tour.

My guess is this doesn't matter to you. I don't really know why I even posted this.

I guess it's because I couldn't stomach having a fanboy with his revisionist history try to remake the past.
Berzin said:
Jonker didn't ride with the Tour team when he was at Postal. So he couldn't have seen anything if he wasn't one of the riders preparing for or riding the Tour.
You know, that makes me think about something. Did they only dope* for the TdF? I always sort of assumed they might actually dope less for the Tour than during the rest of the year, because not all races can afford the same controls as the Tour. Dope all year round, get the benefits in your training and win other races without getting caught, then ride the Tour cleanish with just recovery drugs and rest day refills.

*I mean get doped to the gills here.
Jul 29, 2010
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hughmoore said:
So far we have several US Postal riders saying they didnt see any doping.

The only one doping was Landis.


Yes, and likewise while JV may have freely and honestly discussed doping w/ Andreu in a private IM, he later signed an affadavit (at the request (ahem) of LA's lawyers): "I didn't see anything".

Bwah hah ha


Jul 11, 2010
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I think the key here is that Jonker never rode the Tour de France with Armstrong and in the 1 year he spent on Postal he spent most of the year injured. I mean really what can he offer in terms of real evidence?
Jul 29, 2010
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hrotha said:
You know, that makes me think about something. Did they only dope* for the TdF?

Kind of doubt that. This is 2000 we are talking about. Don't think EPO was even detectable yet. So wasn't even moving into micro-dosing. This was "50%" territory, right?

Also, wasn't LA well-known for picking several select spring races, in which he would emerge from "training", then ride the race only to gauge his "fitness"? Amstel Gold, etc. Then go off the radar again and "train" in the Canary Islands, etc. This always smacked me as questionable, to say the least. I remember one Amstel race, he got to the finish w/ the lead group and then didn't even contest the sprint. As if to say, "yep, the juice seems to be working!"
hrotha said:
You know, that makes me think about something. Did they only dope* for the TdF? I always sort of assumed they might actually dope less for the Tour than during the rest of the year, because not all races can afford the same controls as the Tour. Dope all year round, get the benefits in your training and win other races without getting caught, then ride the Tour cleanish with just recovery drugs and rest day refills.

*I mean get doped to the gills here.

It's hard to judge whether or not the "outsiders" were on the program.

Floyd says he was first introduced to doping during the Dauphine (or TdS?) which was probably the time the Hog decided he was going to be part of the TdF squad and could bring him in as a member of the "A" team.

So there's no guarantee the non-A teamers were part of the systematic doping regime.
Ok, maybe it's just me but the title of the article reads:

"Australian cyclist Jonker takes lie detector test, vouches for Armstrong"

but the body of the article makes no mention of any such test being taken. The closest it comes is:

A former teammate of Armstrong, Jonker said he was willing to face a lie detector to clear the seven-times Tour de France champion's name

Am I missing something?
Jul 13, 2010
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editedbymod said:
Oh dear. Is this the best Armstrong can do? The only guy he can get to drum up support is an half aussie hack like Jonker? I mean seriously?? Jonker? What can't he get Big George to come out and defend his honor? P2ss poor if you ask me.

Is this idiot one of the 100's? To support Lance?

It may be that this is a misstep by Jonker (I would say so...) but calling a guy who went top 20 at the tour one year a hack is a bit rich. Sure, he got in a good break that hear... but the man could ride. There's no reason to question his ability on the bike and rip on him just because he is probably speaking out of turn here.

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