Well if you read his article with Froome, then you would see he managed to make the Froome's contradict each other and spell it out themselves. After that Kimmage didn't need to understand the data. But yes, i do agree he should get someone out there (Ross Tucker) to explain it and then he will really be able to tear Sky, Froome, Wiggins et al a new one.
the delgados said:@Benotti:
I've always had a huge amount of respect for Kimmage ever since I read Rough Ride when it was published.
He knows how to tell a good story, which is why I'd read his profiles of athletes from sports I'd barely heard of.
But I'm going to have to take issue with your claim that he's doing his job well with regard to the Vroomster.
I listened to the interview posted a few days ago, and I was disappointed to learn he had no clue how to interpret the numbers presented in the press conference. Seems to me that most posters in the clinic knows more about the science of sport than Kimmage. That's not good reporting. That's just muckraking.
That said, I don't doubt what he's saying. But he should be able to back it up by taking the time to learn about the numbers presented by Sky in the rest day press conference.
Well if you read his article with Froome, then you would see he managed to make the Froome's contradict each other and spell it out themselves. After that Kimmage didn't need to understand the data. But yes, i do agree he should get someone out there (Ross Tucker) to explain it and then he will really be able to tear Sky, Froome, Wiggins et al a new one.