Is there a public petition for Pat McQuaid and Hein Verbruggen to step down and leave the UCI?
Surely it's clear that cycling cannot make significant gains until they're gone and the UCI recalibrated? However much Vaughters, Millar, Brailsford, Greenedge, Wiggins, Pate etc move us towards the promised land, McQuaid & Verbruggen are tainted to a blood curdling degree by the last two decades and simply leave us swimming is sewage.
I understand they cannot be proven to be complicit but their handling of cycling in the last two decades has been shown to be farcicle and their inability to accept their own procedual faults and mismanagment is terrifying; meaning even before we get to Kimmage, Landis and countless other preposterous incidents, I can't see how anyone could deny they're driving train wreck of their own making? How they can still be in charge of cycling?
Surely it's time for people power to initiate the final curtain to the doping era and take back the sport we love?
I would gladly sign.
Surely it's clear that cycling cannot make significant gains until they're gone and the UCI recalibrated? However much Vaughters, Millar, Brailsford, Greenedge, Wiggins, Pate etc move us towards the promised land, McQuaid & Verbruggen are tainted to a blood curdling degree by the last two decades and simply leave us swimming is sewage.
I understand they cannot be proven to be complicit but their handling of cycling in the last two decades has been shown to be farcicle and their inability to accept their own procedual faults and mismanagment is terrifying; meaning even before we get to Kimmage, Landis and countless other preposterous incidents, I can't see how anyone could deny they're driving train wreck of their own making? How they can still be in charge of cycling?
Surely it's time for people power to initiate the final curtain to the doping era and take back the sport we love?
I would gladly sign.