I like watching races with Sagan in them but his T-shirt choice is very stupid for a
23 year old, really, as is what he did on the podium.
I voted for the second option but really think the whole "podium girl" thing is sexist and outdated. Thankfully, there are no podium girls or boys in tennis. Cycling is the only sport I watch that still has podium girls. I know it's something still done in Nascar and other motorsports too; most of the time I don't think about it, really.
But, interesting to read the various posters perspectives on this thread and observe where they come from. This Sexism is alive and well where I am from and I see pretty much universally people do not get it, as well.
no surprise.
Actually I could imagine some pro tennis players that would do what Sagan did on impulse too but wow - the pro would be crucified in the media.