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Pure Power Mouthguard

Oct 1, 2009
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Is anyone aware of any professional cyslists wearing the Pure Power Mouthguard, which is being worn by an increasing number of sports people, especially in the US?

See attached URL


This device is currently being touted in Trinidad amongst the cycling fraternity and many people are buying them, even though they are retailing at US$2000.00 each.

Otherwise, is anyone using the device and getting the benefits that it purports to offer?
Jun 29, 2009
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DomFab1 said:
Is anyone aware of any professional cyslists wearing the Pure Power Mouthguard, which is being worn by an increasing number of sports people, especially in the US?

See attached URL


This device is currently being touted in Trinidad amongst the cycling fraternity and many people are buying them, even though they are retailing at US$2000.00 each.

Otherwise, is anyone using the device and getting the benefits that it purports to offer?
I'd need some serious convincing that this is anything other than a gimmick or, at best, placebo. Let's look at the claims: increasing oxygen flow? So what? You might be able to get a bit more air into your lungs with a widened airway, but that doesn't mean you're going to get additional oxygen into your blood. Most pro athletes will already have blood oxygen saturations of near 100%. Athletes already breathe in more oxygen than they can deal with. Blood dopers don't suck in any more air than they did before, they are just able to use more of it. Hence the advantage of boosting RBCs. $2000? Some people are way too gullible.
Oct 1, 2009
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DomFab1 said:
Is anyone aware of any professional cyslists wearing the Pure Power Mouthguard, which is being worn by an increasing number of sports people, especially in the US?

See attached URL


This device is currently being touted in Trinidad amongst the cycling fraternity and many people are buying them, even though they are retailing at US$2000.00 each.

Otherwise, is anyone using the device and getting the benefits that it purports to offer?

Three riders who come to mind right away: Graeme Brown, Theo Bos and Abdoujaparov.
Oct 2, 2009
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PPM Works -It is absolutely Amazing - Scotfab

I have been using my PPM since 5th September .I Have used this 13 times over 4 weeks .

Immediately I noticed on my first ride that my ability to rotate my neck and look over my shoulder increased.

On my second ride the day after I noticed improvements in my explosive speed ,balance in getting out of the saddle and the ability to ride longer ,and harder and recover faster .

I am now in my fourth week and my improvement (to me ) is amazing .We ride app three times per week @ 25-35 miles quite intensely , and once @ 60-75 miles.Occassionally we will ride 80-90 mies or longer .

Overall my speed ,endurance ,climbing efforts and recovery are all improved .

For the past four years I have been suffering from a herniated disk at L5 S1. Normally after a long ride or hard ride I feel discomfort in my lower back ,with some pain running down my left leg.

On a daily basis I will also wake up with stiffness in my lower back .

Over the past four weeks of increased intensities of app 20-30% I have not once had any soreness in my legs associated with fatigue (not once ), and I have not had any pain in my lower back or left leg after riding .

I have read many cycling books from the "cyclist training bible ,to time crunched cyclist "

We all want improvement ,fast , with as little pain as possible . Believe me I have been training at an improved level over the past four weeks and I am much stronger and faster . This product really works .......

Jul 14, 2009
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scotfab said:
I have been using my PPM since 5th September .I Have used this 13 times over 4 weeks .

Immediately I noticed on my first ride that my ability to rotate my neck and look over my shoulder increased.

On my second ride the day after I noticed improvements in my explosive speed ,balance in getting out of the saddle and the ability to ride longer ,and harder and recover faster .

I am now in my fourth week and my improvement (to me ) is amazing .We ride app three times per week @ 25-35 miles quite intensely , and once @ 60-75 miles.Occassionally we will ride 80-90 mies or longer .

Overall my speed ,endurance ,climbing efforts and recovery are all improved .

For the past four years I have been suffering from a herniated disk at L5 S1. Normally after a long ride or hard ride I feel discomfort in my lower back ,with some pain running down my left leg.

On a daily basis I will also wake up with stiffness in my lower back .

Over the past four weeks of increased intensities of app 20-30% I have not once had any soreness in my legs associated with fatigue (not once ), and I have not had any pain in my lower back or left leg after riding .

I have read many cycling books from the "cyclist training bible ,to time crunched cyclist "

We all want improvement ,fast , with as little pain as possible . Believe me I have been training at an improved level over the past four weeks and I am much stronger and faster . This product really works .......


Normally LSD stands for long,steady,distance in cycling. If you put something in your mouth that made your have explosive power and better balance on one of your @30 mile rides it was LSD. The other kind. If you ride with anything in your mouth again say hello to Jimi Hendrixs and Elvis, maybe Jim Morrison If you see that much improvement in your speed and power in 4 weeks you probably should have been using other gears,39x23 will deny anybody of speed and power.Make sure to lick the package it came in
This is crap (the product)

scotfab said:
We all want improvement ,fast , with as little pain as possible . Believe me I have been training at an improved level over the past four weeks and I am much stronger and faster . This product really works ....... scotfab.

This is a complete crock of stinky shit, steaming in a vat of retardedness. I will retract this statement when I can see some degree of scientific proof backing this up. Until then, what utter poo :eek: :D :eek:
Oct 2, 2009
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I am reading this post with great interest, and I look at things with an open mind. I learned my lesson last year, when I heard about the swim suit , that makes you swim faster. Now < I always look at products with an open mind. I am sick and tired of my fellow athletes not telling me the edge they use against the competition, and keep the secret to themselves.
Jaw positioning makes sense to me. There is lots of research on the internet to indicate this. I looked at the website for the Pure Power Mouthguard, and I saw Shaq giving a testimonial an d his use of the guard.
At , first< I said that this is bull****!, but then I checked his stats from Nov 2008, and compared it to his 2007 stats, and his foul shooting went from 51% to over 61 %, and he played with no injuries.( he says he used the mouthpiece for the 08 to the 09 season)
I am going to do more research on this product, before I dismiss it!

Oct 2, 2009
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I smell your crap

I did not say that I was for it, but that I wanted to do more research.
I smell your crap in being closed minded. I was close minded last year < and I learned my lesson.
What if it does works?

I will continue to surf the net and do some more research.
Sep 30, 2009
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There is a lot of literature available to look at whith concerns to jaw positioning and power output. I myself have not looked at this product but will. I had my father (a dental technologist, those guys that make everything that the dentist puts in your mouth) craft me a mouthgaurd that was thicker than normal, and had the front middle third cut out from it. Basically it was a two piece MG that covered the upper teeth from your canines back. I had him make this because of the research that I had come across (medically published articles that I came across when I was in school to be a cardiac imaging tech), and because when i did my lifting for track cycling, I found i had a tendency to really clench my jaw a lot. I noticed an immediate improvement in my lifting when i used this, and it did help my standing starts, but never tried it on a long ride.
Sep 30, 2009
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Just looked at it and it seems interesting. I think it's grossly overpriced tho. The only special equipment that is required is an EMG machine and some soft impressionable bite blocks. Like everything the dentist puts in your mouth it's been marked up several times the price it cost him. production cost for something like this once the EMG machine has been paid off (they cost about 6-8G) should only be around 2-300 dollars.
Oct 1, 2009
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twothirds said:
Just looked at it and it seems interesting. I think it's grossly overpriced tho. The only special equipment that is required is an EMG machine and some soft impressionable bite blocks. Like everything the dentist puts in your mouth it's been marked up several times the price it cost him. production cost for something like this once the EMG machine has been paid off (they cost about 6-8G) should only be around 2-300 dollars.

Check out shockdoctor.com and the Gravity 2 mouthguard for the lower jaw, which claims possible performance enhancement. Priced at anywhere between US$17.00 and US$25.00 (depending on where you buy). You put it in hot water and then bite down on it and it takes the impression of your teeth. Might be worth a go as it's approximately 100 times cheaper than the PPM. You can purchase on Amazon also.
Oct 1, 2009
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twothirds said:
Just looked at it and it seems interesting. I think it's grossly overpriced tho. The only special equipment that is required is an EMG machine and some soft impressionable bite blocks. Like everything the dentist puts in your mouth it's been marked up several times the price it cost him. production cost for something like this once the EMG machine has been paid off (they cost about 6-8G) should only be around 2-300 dollars.

A dentist on the net said his marginal costs are around US$100 to produce. The equipment he already has, as a practicing dentist.
Jul 14, 2009
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Just so it's clear. Leg muscles and blood to run them, make the hole better or bigger but the rest of the parts are the same size after 1,2,3,4 weeks scratch that months, they can cut your entire head off and jam a coffee can in your wind pipe it won't increase your balance or VO2 max. Bike racing is not free throw shooting and if it was Shaq would suck at that also. So many great players and the only guy to have a plastic bit in his mouth is the single most unproductive guy on the hardwood. All Shaq ever had to do to improve was practice and not get so god dammmd fat. When Wade or McGrady tells us to put the plastic in then I will think about it. Shaq you are great on TV stop playing or whatever that is you are doing. If the Spice Girls are looking for Clumsy Spice they know where to find you. I would buy foot rub or a chair to watch TV if Shaq says it's good,pizza,crisps or high calorie beer, nothing to do with fitness.
Sep 30, 2009
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DomFab1 said:
A dentist on the net said his marginal costs are around US$100 to produce. The equipment he already has, as a practicing dentist.

Is this for the PPM or a regular custom mouthguard?

If he's producing the MGs in house with his own equipment, then yeah, it will be a lot cheaper. But if he's outsourcing it, then he's gotta pay someone else to do it and to have it shipped to and from the lab that makes it.

The Shock Doctors may help you out the way a PPM claims, but if it does it's pure luck. The "boil and bite" MGs are about 90% as effective as a custom MG made with the same materials for the purposes of concussion prevention. Customs fit better and align your jaw better, making them more effective.

To make a PPM, an impression is taken of both the upper and lower teeth. The customer is then asked to lightly bite down on plates of varying thicknesses to see how big the gap should be. This step and the next step are where the EMG come in. Once the right thickness is found, they then manipulate the jaw from to back and side to side until they find the sweet spot where the EMG says the jaw muscles are most relaxed. They measure the front to back gap between the incisors and find a spacer that corresponds to that thickness. Two soft impression layers are put on the hard bite spacer, inserted into the mouth, and the customer bites down with the incisor spacer in place to take an impression of the jaw alignment. Now the they make a regular mouthgaurd that takes this alignment into place and charge 750 bones for it.
Jun 16, 2009
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Seems to me that many times when Pro cyclists are working hard they do so with their mouths wide open, not much use for a mouthguard then:D

funny how most of the posters who take this issue seriously have just a handful of posts between all of them, and the people making fun of this issue have hundreds of posts,hmmmmmmm

Kind of like that stupid yoga thread, which is nothing more than blatant advertising, all the posts are from newbies and all contain links to ,(surprise surprise) Yoga workshops:eek:
Mar 11, 2009
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This is ridiculous. That mouth piece would do nothing to improve your cycling performance. If anything, it would block airflow as it would require you to keep your mouth shut when it should be open.

What exactly do you do when you need to drink? Or eat a gel pack or food? Do you, mid ride, remove the mouthpiece, and then have to deal with putting it back in after you feed?

People spend $$$ of the stupidest things, expecting some magic way to cheat to their performance goals. Be cheaper to just find a shady doctor that will subscribe EPO and HGH for you.
Mar 11, 2009
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So if I use one of these a$$ expensive pieces of plastic I will ride my bike faster:rolleyes: LOL

I got better things to spend my money on.
nightfend said:
This is ridiculous. That mouth piece would do nothing to improve your cycling performance. If anything, it would block airflow as it would require you to keep your mouth shut when it should be open.

What exactly do you do when you need to drink? Or eat a gel pack or food? Do you, mid ride, remove the mouthpiece, and then have to deal with putting it back in after you feed?

People spend $$$ of the stupidest things, expecting some magic way to cheat to their performance goals. Be cheaper to just find a shady doctor that will subscribe EPO and HGH for you.

Thank you!

How do you eat food or talk to your DS on the radio with that thing in your mouth? This thread should have been called 'gentle spam'. Pfff,:(.... whatever.

Thank you!!

titan_90 said:
So if I use one of these a$$ expensive pieces of plastic I will ride my bike faster:rolleyes: LOL

I got better things to spend my money on.

And thank you!!!

Finally, some reasonable posts! Can we kill this thread now? UPOS :D