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Rebellin appreciation thread.

Apr 16, 2009
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Some of you are quick to throw the italien veteran under the bus, but in the midst of this let's not forget that he has had a great CLEAN career until this stupid mistake. He had probably been ill or injured and was struggling to regain form in time for the olympics and so choose to take the CERA in order to not let his fans down.
No positives for 16 years that says it all really. Just last wednesday he showed once again that it can be done clean, so let's not remember him for this lapse of judgement but instead for all of the great things he has done for the sport. I still remember him doing the triple (Amstel/Fleche/LBL) in 2004. Stuff of legends.
Mar 26, 2009
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Meeh, don't wanna burst your bubble, but no positives doesn't mean he never doped, means he never got caught... It's sad a lot of cycling fans (including myself) have come to think like that but let's face it, in assuming most pro cyclist dope/have doped, you are very likely to be right.
Mar 19, 2009
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incredible that such a PURE rider can be judged based on a flimsy (and FALSE) testing procedure.... remember the all the lab mistakes from the Landis case?... david could challenge this and that f-ing "lab" would have no legal leg to stand on if the messed something up...

drug testing itself is an invasion of a world class athlete's privacy

rebellin has had an INCREDIBLE career as a rider, totally clean too. i dont trust these labs... Their in it for MONEY and other selfish interests...

whatever WADA does to this poor, PURE man I hope it is not to harsh.
Mar 10, 2009
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quarterpounder said:
... He had probably been ill or injured and was struggling to regain form in time for the olympics and so choose to take the CERA in order to not let his fans down.

Job well done then. I assume his fans must be feeling so very not let down right about now.

That doesn't make it ok, it makes it worse. He has allegedly cheated everyone who calls themself a fan of cycling. I say allegedly because I'm yet to see anything official yet. Only speculation so far.

But seriously, inventing lame excuses for him before he has been officially named, that's a bit disturbing. Let him do the "deny, deny, accept, make excuses, blame the system" waltz that seems to be the norm with cheats. Then feel free to cut loose.
Mar 19, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
all the guys that are still messing with this stuff.

Like ALL of them that still do drugs? or 98% of them?

The HGH testing is a JOKE. Insulin, IGF-1, etc are all not tested for. "light" doping can decide a race too.

And blood doping is still rampent. You see... things have not changed. Its so fustrating to see all these fans falling for a bunch of public relations CRAP!

And its an insult to the pros that are really clean!
ElChingon said:
I think somebody needs to do a 2001 Giro d'Italia flashback right about now.
Ow! Let's not. And don't forget 2002 either. Or 1999. Or the last two Tours. Or the 2006 Vuelta. Or...

Once the test is verified, and certified, the best thing Rebellin could do is come clean and retire, the way Oscar Camenzind did.

The whole "attack and smear the lab" defense is so tiresome it's not even funny. At least Landis current attitude is fairly positive and he only wants to talk about the future.
Mar 11, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
It's not the getting caught it's the doing it in the first place!

Concur....but I don't "appreciate" him doping. I do "appreciate" him getting caught.

You really got to get with the theme of the "Davide Rebellin Appreciation" thread, 180. ;)
Too bad Rebellin has to go out like that.

You know I thought that about Ulrich and I thought that about Museeow. But these guys make their own beds and they've gotta sleep in 'em. I don't have much sympathy left. Museeuw sure seemed like a classy, well respected rider, just like Rebellin, but at the end of the day a doper is a doper.
Mar 13, 2009
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Whilst I'm prepared to wait for the official release from the IOC almost all leaks are confirmed in the end. If it is indeed true, there's no need to defend the junkie. His whole career and palmares is now tainted.
At the risk of repeating myelf and others...

I am not defending Rebellin or any other cyclist for that matter but doping is endemic in the sport. It's been that way since the first GT riders fuelled up on brandy and horse traquillisers 100 years ago. We can't say for certain that all cyclists are or have doped but it is far more likely than not that most have.

I think we have to come up with a slightly more sophisticated response (along the lines that has been suggested by others above and in different threads) than simply trashing individual cyclists when they get caught.


180mmCrank said:

thats just quoting the same italian news agency source... i would be amazed if the source is wrong though...

um.. thoughts.. sod it, ban him (maybe easier to ban anyone who rode for gerolsteiner, tmobile or any german team... its amazing how the east german mentality for doping carried on after the wall came down), forget about him, lets move on...
Mar 3, 2009
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bikepure said:


o and out

Myles, it's yet to be confirmed that this is the rider in question. A little early for the BikePure highhorse to charge on someone, surely?

Plus I'm sure many riders who have tested positive have good mothers that weren't doing performance enhancing drugs while pregnant, which pretty much assures us that at some point everyone was clean. Sorry to bring rational logic into one of your arguments.

Greg Johnson


Greg Johnson said:
Myles, it's yet to be confirmed that this is the rider in question. A little early for the BikePure highhorse to charge on someone, surely?

Greg Johnson

its not too early...

MILAN, April 29 (Reuters) - Cycling road race silver medallist Davide Rebellin failed a drugs test from the Beijing Games, the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) said on Wednesday.


like i say ban him.. lets move on... but of course we cant because...

"Davide has not done anything. Now we must stay calm in the light of this incredible development," Rebellin's wife and agent Selina Martinello told Gazzetta dello Sport's website (http://www.gazzetta.it).
"We have sent off the request for the analysis of a B sample. We will go on until the end."
Mar 11, 2009
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quarterpounder said:
Some of you are quick to throw the italien veteran under the bus, but in the midst of this let's not forget that he has had a great CLEAN career until this stupid mistake. He had probably been ill or injured and was struggling to regain form in time for the olympics and so choose to take the CERA in order to not let his fans down.
No positives for 16 years that says it all really. Just last wednesday he showed once again that it can be done clean, so let's not remember him for this lapse of judgement but instead for all of the great things he has done for the sport. I still remember him doing the triple (Amstel/Fleche/LBL) in 2004. Stuff of legends.

Great thread got em all in hook line and sinker :D


no less a cyclist for the years up to 2007.. 90% of the guys where doping, his results stand fairly against others... great rider

2008 and 2009.. write off, before that, not a cheat, just like everyone else.. last two years, a cheat.. simple.. taking drugs when all (well most) around him wanted racing clean...

which davide rebellin will i remember.... ?
Mar 3, 2009
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dimspace said:
its not too early...

MILAN, April 29 (Reuters) - Cycling road race silver medallist Davide Rebellin failed a drugs test from the Beijing Games, the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) said on Wednesday.

My mistake. I've been on the train for two hours and hadn't seen the update.

The rest of the comment stands though.

Greg Johnson
I don't think the issue with BikePure is that he's wrong, per se. He's actually quite knowledgeable, and brings a lot of logic and facts to his arguments. It's that he's probably the most jaded, lopsided, singularly focused on doping, member on the forum.

It's like having liver and onions on the top of every menu where you eat. You'll get sick of even seeing it pretty quickly, but you'll probably survive fine if you order it all the time.
