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Renshaw out

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Mar 11, 2009
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MacRoadie said:
At :19 of that video, you can see Renshaw look right at Farrar and throw that hook as plain as day. Farrar even puts his hand out to keep Renshaw from riding him into the barriers.

You're absolutely right, and it was disgraceful. Funny thing is, that isn't what Renshaw got DQ'd for.


Jamsque said:
You're absolutely right, and it was disgraceful. Funny thing is, that isn't what Renshaw got DQ'd for.

No it isn't, and he didn't deserve being kicked out for what he was kicked out for. I have looked at the video, and Dean squeezes him and Renshaw retaliates. If he had caused a crash, maybe I would feel differently, but he didn't and I don't think he deserved to be kicked out for the headbutts.

He impeded Farrar and deserved to be relegated, but nothing more. Just saw an interview with Dean and he wasn't all up in arms about it. He said "that is just sprinting."
May 20, 2010
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So why after 5 sprints, are they only now dishing out punishments for headbutting. Hushovd has been caught headbutting on TV in the Tour, where was his DQ?
May 27, 2009
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Another interesting point is if Renshaw didn't block Farrar who would be wearing the Green Jersey? Petacchi leads Thor by 4 points, which is the points difference between 2nd and 3rd.

edit: spelling
Apr 14, 2010
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eurotrash said:
The headbutting didn't bother me, the hook he through TF afterwards was worth relegation. The catch is relegation is a worthless penalty since MR doesn't give a s**t about what place he gets on the stage, as long as Cav wins, therefore I agree with a harsher penalty but DQing may be a bit much- but those are the rules.


Yep, looking at the overhead on replay (sorry i can't post it), Dean heads into Renshaw's space, resulting in the headbutting. I'm no HTC fan and i think they need to hire a full-time psychological counsellor for Cav (ie. he's a maladjusted little %^&*), but Dean is clearly in the wrong.

However shutting the door on Farrar is too much. I'm guessing Renshaw was ****ed about being ridden into and couldn't help himself. Reminds me of how footballers sometimes play the man hard to bait him and get him to foul himself out of the game. Not suggesting that's what Dean did, just saying.

Anyways, as ET states, the only penalty which matters to HTC is the DQ, so that's what it has to be. Cav (much as I dislike the poor little mummy's boy) won the race fairly, and i couldn't see Farrar beating him at all in any case (though he likely would have gotten second over Petacchi - btw, when are these teams going to learn how to use their own train?!).

At the same time tho, HTC and Cav especially have been getting out of line (both literally and figuratively) a lot this year. Coupled with so many crashes in this TdF, I have a hunch the organisers are penalising HTC for what they are bringing to racing in general AND sending a message to all of the teams, as well as for shutting the door on Farrar.

Bravo commisaires, bravo! :)


Jul 8, 2009
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Thoughtforfood said:
He impeded Farrar and deserved to be relegated, but nothing more. Just saw an interview with Dean and he wasn't all up in arms about it. He said "that is just sprinting."

Yeah, but the way I see it is that relegation is no punishment at all since MR has no aspirations of a good finish. That type of non-punishment gives lead-out men free reign on throwing hooks, etc. to help their man win.
May 13, 2009
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It's maybe a bit over the top, but the cumulative headbutts (in particular the third), and cutting Farrar's lane was probably just too much. Add to that that no other punishment (fines and/or moving Renshaw to last spot) would have had any bite, I can understand the reasoning. Harsh but understandable.

Dean should get some punishment too, but in his case I think fine/relegation to last spot would be enough.

The two riders throwing punches after an earlier stage should have been sent packing, too.

Anyway, I think it'll make the sprints between Ale Jet and Cav much more exciting, and that's a positive outcome.

Also, I have to agree with another poster (can't find the post, maybe it's in another thread). HTC has a fantastic coach for the sprints in Erik Zabel. I think it helps them a lot. Seeing all the botched efforts from the Garmin team, who's coaching them? Vaughters? :eek: :rolleyes: HTC still owns Garmin.
May 21, 2010
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eurotrash said:
Yeah, but the way I see it is that relegation is no punishment at all since MR has no aspirations of a good finish. That type of non-punishment gives lead-out men free reign on throwing hooks, etc. to help their man win.

I'll go with that too! They DQ'd him to send a message to everyone else to mellow the eff out (or at least bring it back down to acceptable levels). And no it probably isn't fair but who cares. Don't take it personally ... it's just business.

PS. Dean apologists? Ah .. the internet, you gotta' love it. There's always someone railing against "the apologists" where ever you go!!!
Jul 30, 2009
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Dean got what he was asking for, Farrar probably not. But I think the penalty is harsh, although as some people have pointed out any other kind would have no effect, except maybe a big fine?

Cav the fastest by a big margin from a long way out there. Didn't take long for him to get over whatever was bothering him. Hopefully he's grown up a bit too.
May 26, 2010
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Cobblestones said:
.... HTC still owns Garmin.

HTC owns the last 300metres.

Still think if Sean Kelly, who was not a dirty vicious sprinter, did not have a problem with it why should anyone????

although he had a great fight with Vanderarden(spelling) during a TdF finish, throwing fists at each other....:D

Should be a panel of former sprint specialists who decide these things. enough of them probably working on the tour.

Hinault is part of a panel that decides the combativity award for each stage, €2000.00 prize.

edit;. Back in 1997, and by strange coincidence, Erik Zabel was moved from first to last place having aimed a head **** at Frédéric Moncassin. Zabel, though, stayed in the race…
Mar 10, 2009
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The Hitch said:
Maybe the organisers should invent more fun penalties.
Or letting him continue with the stipulation that he can not participate in any sprint on the final stage.

Found via steephill.tv, this good video showing the ins and outs of bunch sprints.
May 26, 2010
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Winterfold said:
Dean got what he was asking for, Farrar probably not. But I think the penalty is harsh, although as some people have pointed out any other kind would have no effect, except maybe a big fine?

Cav the fastest by a big margin from a long way out there. Didn't take long for him to get over whatever was bothering him. Hopefully he's grown up a bit too.

Cav's reaction to Renshaw being sent home will tell...:rolleyes:
Jun 19, 2009
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Willy_Voet said:
You Cav slurpers need new glasses. Officials had it right.

1. HTC train deviated right (stage left). Check the paint on the ground and distance from the barriers.
2. The "elbow" Dean gave was nothing. He didn't lean (I'm not even sure the elbow made contact.)
3. Renshaw headbutts 3 times, then deviates further right.
4. Renshaw looks back, sees Farrar coming then deviates left.

While some contact is bound to happen almost everything up to the hook to the barriers is more or less standard (the head-butting made for good theatre but Dean dealt with it). When Renshaw takes any guy to the barriers he's relegated at least. If he's done it before and the judges have discussed it with his DS after previous stages; he should be out. Those can be career ending manuveurs.
Jul 18, 2009
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Right, Renshaw was a bad boy. Can't argue with that. And I agree with most that the deviation on Farrar was worse than the goings on with Dean. I think the first 2 were self defence but the 3rd was needless and what did the damage.

But to disqualify him from the whole race is a bit much. I was expecting a dressing down and a fine. Worse than attacking somone with a wheel?

Fair enough you can say that any other penalty is meaningless but it will be interesting to see how consistent the officials are with every other sprint. They're lucky there will be only 2 more probably.

It's slightly curious that there have been 2 controversial decisions in the past 2 years and both have involved HTC. Both times the judges made a very summary & clear cut decision in a situation where things didn't look so straightforward. You'd almost think they were looking for any excuse. Obviously the Cav detractors support the penalties and the fans are outraged. I must admit I think Renshaw's disq is a joke!

I hope this really puts a rocket up Cav and spurs him on. I'd love to see him go green this year but he seems to be overcoming one hurdle after another. If not then I hope Ale does it. Cav's got some years left in him and Petacchi is definitely the second best sprinter there this year. Cav will be gutted he ballsed up stage 1 as big Thor looks to be struggling more in the bunch finishes this year.
Jul 30, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
Cav's reaction to Renshaw being sent home will tell...:rolleyes:

seems to handle it pretty well.

this could be a good learning experience for him - he will have to work out how to sneak wins with no leadout a la Robbie McEwan - he is quick enough, but does he have the guile?

After today's performance then if he is on Petacchi's wheel with 300 or less to go then would who would bet against him winning?
Jul 30, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
Cav's reaction to Renshaw being sent home will tell...:rolleyes:

seems to handle it pretty well. He's clearly gutted, but no tantrums. So he does seem to have learned quite a bit from the last few months...

this could be a good learning experience for him - he will have to work out how to sneak wins with no leadout a la Robbie McEwan - he is quick enough, but does he have the guile?

After today's performance then if he is on Petacchi's wheel with 300 or less to go then would who would be against him winning?
Sep 23, 2009
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Elagabalus said:
I'll go with that too! They DQ'd him to send a message to everyone else to mellow the eff out (or at least bring it back down to acceptable levels). And no it probably isn't fair but who cares. Don't take it personally ... it's just business.

PS. Dean apologists? Ah .. the internet, you gotta' love it. There's always someone railing against "the apologists" where ever you go!!!

Your p.s. is pathetic.

Renshaw did the dirty on Farrar, his head said , you fluck with me, I'll fluck with you, stupid reaction.