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Rogers to CSC!

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Jul 17, 2012
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JRanton said:
That's to be expected but what I find more frustrating is that no cycling journalist has pointed out in an article that a) Rogers was sitting on a very substantial number of points and b) that he apparently decided to wait until after the world tour license deadline had expired to sign for another team. By pointing that out you can effectively call out Sky and Rogers on their nonsense reasons for his departure without getting into any legal bother.

Why do you need to call them out? We all know exactly why it happened
the asian said:
Ironic that Rogers ended up at Saxo.

Hamilton makes revelations about both Riis and Rogers and they end up together.

Are they ganging up against Tyler?

It really is too funny for words. I'm waiting for all the cat calls next year that Contador is cheating with "known doper" Rogers.
May 28, 2012
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thehog said:
It really is too funny for words. I'm waiting for all the cat calls next year that Contador is cheating with "known doper" Rogers.

It's not impossible Contador will copy Wiggin's victory streak with consecutive Tirreno, Pais Vasco, Dauphine and Tour wins with Roger's help. Saxo-Tinkov will probably have a 1000 reply thread in the Clinic as well as Sky around this time of year. I can't wait for Alberto and his gang's 2013 power outputs with Rogers keeping them just within the 'clean range'. :D
Riis and Rogers are very excited by the move. As I am. I think Rogers will give Contador the edge over Froome at the Tour.

Riis played an excellent game of cat and mouse with Sky to secure Rogers.

With Rogers & Roche, Riis has an excellent Anglo feel to his team.

Contador is all class but with a anti-doping adovocate Roche and Rogers then its Sky's the limits with Saxo Bank for 2013.

“I think Michael’s palmares pretty much speaks for itself,” said SaxoBank team boss Bjarne Riis, quoted in Road Cycling UK. “He is without a doubt a world class rider, a very strong time triallist who is also capable of climbing, and on top of that he is a great guy.

“Surely he will add strength to our team throughout the season and I believe he will be a very important rider for us, both when it comes to helping Alberto [Contador] in Grand Tours and to secure results on his own.”

Rogers added: ”I’m very excited to be joining an extremely strong and experienced squad at SaxoBank-Tinkoff for the coming seasons.

“I feel I can have a positive effect particularly during stage races ranging from just a few days right through to the Grand Tours. I certainly look forward to the many new challenges that lay ahead.”
May 26, 2010
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thehog said:
Riis and Rogers are very excited by the move. As I am. I think Rogers will give Contador the edge over Froome at the Tour.

Riis played an excellent game of cat and mouse with Sky to secure Rogers.

With Rogers & Roche, Riis has an excellent Anglo feel to his team.

Contador is all class but with a anti-doping adovocate Roche and Rogers then its Sky's the limits with Saxo Bank for 2013.

Bet lots on bike pure are doped.

These guys have no problem using everything and anything to 'achieve' in the sport of cycling.
Jul 7, 2010
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del1962 said:
Its a shame because of what he dabbled with in the past Sky will lose a good rider, hope he doesnt slip back into past habits under Tinkoff/Riss

Why can't the person who put the op-ed up get hisnew team right, points to his general ignorance which can be verified in the logical fallacy of his post

Well it's no worse than everyone saying Rogers raced for Telekom. He raced for T-Mobile, Highroad, Columbia and HTC, but not Telekom.

Logical fallacy of my post? Please elaborate. I think a team that has come out very publicly with a zero tolerance of past dopers, suddenly allowing an absolute key team member to go, points in one direction.
Jul 3, 2009
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abbaskip said:
I think a team that has come out very publicly with a zero tolerance of past dopers, suddenly allowing an absolute key team member to go, points in one direction.

Absolutely. Another pointer: He goes to Riis and Contador. THAT is a statement on the topic of PEDs.
Jan 18, 2010
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thehog said:
Riis and Rogers are very excited by the move. As I am. I think Rogers will give Contador the edge over Froome at the Tour.

Riis played an excellent game of cat and mouse with Sky to secure Rogers.

With Rogers & Roche, Riis has an excellent Anglo feel to his team.

Contador is all class but with a anti-doping adovocate Roche and Rogers then its Sky's the limits with Saxo Bank for 2013.

You forget Froome has little Ritchey Porte and Wiggo working for him for this Tour. If thats not an edge I dont know what is. ;)
Feb 16, 2011
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sublimit said:
You forget Froome has little Ritchey Porte and Wiggo working for him for this Tour. If thats not an edge I dont know what is. ;)

I hear Wiggins won't ride the Tour: photo shoot with Gallagher Jnr's 'Pretty Green' label will clash. Then there's the cameo appearance on rhythm guitar on 'Carnation' with Weller Also, there's a mod convention in Brighton in July - Lambrettas at ten paces.
Stingray34 said:
I hear Wiggins won't ride the Tour: photo shoot with Gallagher Jnr's 'Pretty Green' label will clash. Then there's the cameo appearance on rhythm guitar on 'Carnation' with Weller Also, there's a mod convention in Brighton in July - Lambrettas at ten paces.

I read in Wiggins first autobiography that he is shy of media attention. He then said the same in his second autobiography, the third along with the four documentaries aired on Sky about him. He is very shy ad doesn't like the attention.

I also read in a few interviews he did he doesn't like celebrity lifestyle. He also said this at a music awards show, a fashion show and at an Olympic celebration event.

thehog said:
I read in Wiggins first autobiography that he is shy of media attention. He then said the same in his second autobiography, the third along with the four documentaries aired on Sky about him. He is very shy ad doesn't like the attention.

I also read in a few interviews he did he doesn't like celebrity lifestyle. He also said this at a music awards show, a fashion show and at an Olympic celebration event.


Secluded bunker life.

Wiggins is a Sky product. Main product.
Aug 12, 2009
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Ferminal said:
It is possible that any doping Rogers may or may not have done at Sky was purely individual.

If that means all the Tenerife boys he was with didn't notice Rogers skipping training to meet up with Ferrari or someone else then yes.:p

Unlikely. They'd be blind to have not noticed what he did. They knew. Had to have, because even though I do not attribute much intelligence to that group of cavalier Sky riders, we all know the mindset. They're terrified of being outshone by a team mate.

So either the riders knew because they were all doing the same thing, or Rogers was alone doing his own thing and some of the now defunct Sky staff were knowledgeable of his seedier undertakings off the bike. Either way someone knew. And this last option of Rogers going it alone without other riders does not mean his former team mates were not employing the same methodology.

We should all be grateful that Rogers is leaving like the others. That means less doping experience at Sky and potentially less BS on the road in terms of ludicrous performances. In theory at least. Note Thomas and Kennaugh can step into replace Rogers quite easily. But the problems is Wiggins and Froome. They don't trust one another. Loyal boy Rogers is gone, so who gets the other kids in the divorce? Where does Porte fall? Does he forfeit any chance of winning in 2013? If Sky had followed JV's business plan, this would not be happening. And I for one am happier for it.:) Sky end up with egg on their faces again and lose the biggest joke on their team. He will be missed.
Sep 29, 2012
Galic Ho said:
We should all be grateful that Rogers is leaving like the others. That means less doping experience at Sky and potentially less BS on the road in terms of ludicrous performances.

Given their performance in 2012, I think they have enough experience without Rogers to continue in a similar vein. It's been 3 years as a team now, plus one more of Brad as a solo rider.