SlantParallelogram said:
As a general rule Pro Team stuff is only worn by Freds who ride expensive bikes slowly and are too afraid to race. It really is that simple. If you don't understand, then you are probably a Fred and don't realize it.
It must be really comforting and warm to know that you are perfect in every way. I wish I had that feeling running through my body 24 hours a day.
I do also hope that so called "Freds" are not on this forum to read some of the abject drivel that spews from the keyboards of the socially inept or spineless who hide behind the veil of these forums. If you feel that strongly go out at the weekends and actively canvass all of these people you sneer at and see how interested they are in your point of view?
I only joined here last week and as a newbie to this particular forum I must say that it is quite clear there are some people on here who do care about the sport of cycling at all levels. However, sadly there are some who neither care nor are interested in developing the sport and pasttime of cycling from an elitist enclave into a world wide sport that is accessible for everyone and provides people with a feeling that there is more to life than TV.
Is it jealousy that drives the mean streak in you? Jealous of people who can afford to ride expensive bikes and that may not need them. I believe the saying is "all the gear and no idea". I would suggest that you might want to address your petty jealousy's to the bike shops that sell these over inflated kevlar/carbon/titanium shivs to certain people who may not yet have acquired the inside knowledge required to make a wise first purchase.
Is it because the growth of your own dreams have been stunted in some way that you feel knowone else should be aloud to enjoy the fruits of their labours?
Either way it is quite clear that you are a very small and bitter person who sees themself as some kind of crusader for "café society cyclists" that sit and sneer at those who support their favourite riders or teams. I happen to ride with one of the biggest and most successful clubs in Ireland and do everything I can to ensure "newbies" are encouraged. They are the very lifeblood of our sport. I myself, do not wear pro-team gear and would rather wear my clubs colours when out for a spin or racing. The simple reason being that I have a loyalty and sense of pride in my clubs achievements. But I would not pillory someone for turning up to a weekend spin with Astana or BMC gear.
I wonder what club you ride with or what national association you have paid membership to for the last twenty years? What have you put into the sport of cycling against what you have actually taken out? I would like to understand what your club mates/National Union think of you're rather provincial attitude and your complete snobbery?
From your statements you give the impression that you are a very fast, successful rider with accolades and awards piled high. Lets hear about the credibility that gives you the right to pillory others in such a way. I am all ears! By your measure the question that begs here is: If I have won more criteriums, sprints, TT's and competitions across the many disciplines of cycling, than you. Does that give me the right to jump all over your ambitions, endeavours, the expense of your bike(s) or how many vintage jerseys you wear to show off the fact you have been cycling for years? (oops I think I spot a prejudice of my own!)
I am sure the silence won't be deafening as you won't be able to resist the lure of attempting to belittle someone else in the very brave and outspoken fashion you adopt.
Opinions are like @rseholes...everybody has one and I have just expressed mine.