Hey everyone,
A bit of background information. I'm not a regular cycler. I spent the summer using my recumbent bicycle without issue. Then in the winter I had to switch indoors and using a stationary bicycle. Now I've been doing sprint intervals, so nothing longer than 10-12 minutes. And about a month after switching to the stationary I started to develop testicle pain. I saw the doctor and he thought it was two different issues. My IT-Band and also micro trauma of my leg constantly hitting the testicle. I bought a new seat, and got my first pair of cycling shorts, gave the boys about three weeks rest and tried the stationary again. Which resulted in that dull sore testicle pain again.
I am now thinking that some of the issue is my sitting position.
For more information there is this video:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ4ZkA8aSkQ
I think I am sitting wrong. Where I'm rotating my pelvis forward and putting weight closer to the thinner part of the saddle. While using the stationary I don't notice no large pain there. It's only afterwards that I feel the soreness. In the video they point that most of the weight should be to the rear of the seat. I wasn't doing that.
I want to confirm with people more knowledgeable than me that this could be the case.
A bit of background information. I'm not a regular cycler. I spent the summer using my recumbent bicycle without issue. Then in the winter I had to switch indoors and using a stationary bicycle. Now I've been doing sprint intervals, so nothing longer than 10-12 minutes. And about a month after switching to the stationary I started to develop testicle pain. I saw the doctor and he thought it was two different issues. My IT-Band and also micro trauma of my leg constantly hitting the testicle. I bought a new seat, and got my first pair of cycling shorts, gave the boys about three weeks rest and tried the stationary again. Which resulted in that dull sore testicle pain again.
I am now thinking that some of the issue is my sitting position.
For more information there is this video:
I think I am sitting wrong. Where I'm rotating my pelvis forward and putting weight closer to the thinner part of the saddle. While using the stationary I don't notice no large pain there. It's only afterwards that I feel the soreness. In the video they point that most of the weight should be to the rear of the seat. I wasn't doing that.
I want to confirm with people more knowledgeable than me that this could be the case.