Thoughtforfood said:
Amateurs just got busted with a full doping program. I would suggest that the efforts of the UCI have been nothing but a failure unless your goal is to standardize doping practices, which is clearly what the Bio Passport does. They just set a limit on horsepower, and everyone did what they needed to stay in those limits.
Your contention that Flandis' revelations were to benefit which bureaucracy exactly? I will grant you the battle between Bodry and the UCI is political. However, they are both sitting on the sidelines of the real battle here out of choices made for economic reasons and not ethical sporting decisions. However, I will grant Bodry this, when they did the testing, people got busted. When the UCI is involved, all we hear from Pat is that the new clean generation is swelling and winning. You will have to excuse me if I chuckle at the notion.
That is a personal decision.
There appears to be some pretty significant action taking place in regards to the Landis revelations. Assigning a Federal investigator and Federal Prosecutor are pretty significant actions. Putting out press releases that are nothing more than a pi$$ing contest about credibility are not. Putting out accusations of blackmail and then putting out the emails that you say do that, when those emails do nothing of the sort is just a bad PR move. I would suggest that the action at this point suggests that there is fire under the smoke.
When you fail at fighting against one part of this, you just move the goal posts again. It is the only way you can keep posting, because if you go back to the sites of your failures, you would only be able to admit your complete lack of knowledge and understanding of these subjects, and you don't appear to have the humility to admit when you are wrong.
I would suggest that you just wait a little bit. I think you will find that as we speak, the evidence is being compiled. I am willing to bet that when it comes out, we will never hear from you again. Unlike dbrower, you don't seem the type to take your medicine when the time comes.
You and I agree on this point.
Reverse this statement, and then look in the mirror.
Just as with any organized crime, they will only get the stupid ones for the most part. Other families will maintain their operations because they are smart enough to shut their mouths and not do stupid things that will draw attention to themselves. Twitters about doping controls, chasing riders who have advocated clean racing, and making payments to the governing body are stupid from a PR standpoint. Intelligent criminal enterprise stays out of the news for any reason. Shooting your mouth off is the hallmark of an individual who wants everyone to know how smart he thinks he is in his beating of the system.
That is happening.
Setting up for a straw man is rhetorical dishonesty. It is also transparent to anyone who has read your drivel over these past weeks. Don't expect an answer from anyone. Your question doesn't deserve one.
When amateur teams get busted for full program doping, you will have to excuse anyone who ignores this question. How long is a piece of string?
Well, there is the problem TFF.
Too many 'anti-dopers' are so utterly convinced that they no longer even care to look at evidence.
I will say it again, so the rabid personal trolling is put in place, I do not care whether LA or any other rider is doping or not. What I care about is that we use a systemic AND SUCCESSFUL system to nail the guys with evidence that leads to actual sanction.
..... rather than just press leaks, innuendo, and insinuation.
What got DiLuca? The biopass port anomolies and targeted testing and retesting resulting in a positive test. done.
What got Valverde? Basso? His DNA in a blood bag. done.
What got FL? A positive test for synthetic testosterone. done.
What broke the Festina Affair? Customs officials finding a car full of dope. done.
What has failed to get LA since 1999? Press leaks, innuendo, etc.
IF LA is finally nailed because law enforcement builds a solid case against him, that will only prove me right. The UCI, et al. cannot do anything without evidence. Period.
You inability to separate methodology from desired results is a problem. Please though, spare us the emotionalism, prejorative accusations, and insults when banging your head against a brick wall for a decade doesn't produce the desired result.
It really shouldn't be that difficult after a decade of failure to hear someone say, "stop banging your head into that wall and try going over the wall instead." One way will get you past the wall, the other will not.
However, and bearing in mind that I have no vested interest in LA one way or the other, what happens if said investigation fails to produce anything on LA/JB?
They are accused of the exact same bahavior as the 'minor' team that started this thread, so why can't we produce the same result with major teams using the same thing?
Is it because the Gendarmerie are hopelessly incompitent and corrupt?
Again, the predictive idea (for which I fully acknowledge a great deal of circumstantial evidence) says that certain systems should be in place and can be found. So find them TFF and all your dreams will come true.