from December 2008: - "we like our credibility"
Do you believe that Floyd Landis doped?
No. I think in a normal American court of law, he’s not guilty. Those arbitrations with USADA and CAS are tough. The arbitrators are in the business of arbitrating in favour of the anti-doping agencies. If I was a juror, I don’t think there was guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Why have so many ex-US Postal riders tested positive or admitted doping retrospectively?
I don't know. We’re not in charge of them when they leave. They never tested positive under our guidance.
People say they weren’t caught because your methods of covering up were better.
No. That’s not true. We had a lot of good riders. We had a great team, great directors. Simply not true.
2000 is a compelling case, when we had the French investigation. The only conclusion they could draw was that the samples were too clean. Too clean.
What do you want me to say? My record stands.
What’s your relationship with Hein Verbruggen?
It’s a good relationship. I haven’t talked to or seen him in years.
You made a gift to the UCI back in the early 2000s to buy anti-doping equipment. How much was it?
Er…Well, I can get you an exact number. Around 25,000 dollars. This was a long time ago.
Was the payment to Verbruggen or the UCI?
The UCI. I made it in the interests of it helping. The UCI is not a wealthy organisation.
Did you consider it a potential conflict of interest?
I didn’t. And if it was, we wouldn’t have done it.