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Teams & Riders Team Movistar-thread

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Ivan Sosa had a really good first half of the season, but wasn’t selected for any GT in 2023.

A mysterious rider.

Until now, he rode no TdF. And in his three GTs, his final GC and best stage rankings were poor. Hard to imagine, but true…
Not hard to imagine at all. He is godawful at everything that is not a climb. Even that is a stretch, because the stage can't be longer than 150 kilometers. And even that is a stretch, because the stage would have be a unipuerto. He doesn't have endurance, he doesn't have stamina, he doesn't have an engine.

In a world where every stage was 150 kilometers of _____________/ in near perfect conditions with no wind, Sosa would be feared by the Gods themselves. Remco, Vingegaard and Pogacar would tremble before him. Unfortunately for Sosa, cycling isn't like that.
Iván Sosa has all the same flaws as Kevin Rivera. He's a better rider than Rivera, hence why he's still on the World Tour when Rivera stalled out at ProConti and after RusVelo got their licence revoked he couldn't find a pro deal and went back to Central America, but he'll always flatter to deceive as a result and he's clearly regressed from his initial breakout. Classic Unzué buy-low candidate as it seems Ineos had given up on him and he was still young enough to be worth a deal, but while there have been moments of class, the last two years have mostly shown why Ineos gave up on him and those performances that showcase him have been against some lacklustre fields in races like Asturias and Langkawi.

There's still a good rider in there, but his limitations are now well known and have to be worked around to get anything out of him. He'll destroy things like the Asia Tour where those kind of stages DNP describes proliferate, but falter in a WT péloton.
Saudi Telecom becomes the main Telefonica (Movistar) shareholder. they probably won't have budget problems
The deal is not yet closed. The news has taken everybody by surprise. EU officials have stated today that EU regulations provide mechanisms to veto those operations in order to prevent strategic European companies from falling under control of non-European actors. The Spanish Government, after being in part responsible of the low share prices that made the acquisition operation rather affordable, and being totally clueless about it, will try to avoid it.
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Sure, but Ineos has had and has lots of spanish talking riders, they have spanish DS' and trainers. Wouldn't be that unfathomable at all.
I didn’t mean language or national differences, but rather the way the two organizations are perceived from the outside: one fastidious (supposedly) and rigid in training programs and race tactics (the Ineos mountain train) the other more laissez faire. But they’re just cliches I know, doesn’t mean they couldn’t work well together.
Sure, but Ineos has had and has lots of spanish talking riders, they have spanish DS' and trainers. Wouldn't be that unfathomable at all.
There's also Nicolas Portal, Rigoberto Urán, Xabier Zandio, Vasil Kiryienka, David López, Beñat Intxausti, Jonathan Castroviejo, Andrey Amador and Richard Carapaz who've transferred from Caisse/Movistar (since the first three transferred before the team became Movistar) to Sky/Ineos, and Alex Dowsett, Mikel Landa and Iván Sosa who've gone the other way.

This also should include Dario Cataldo who has ridden for both teams but with a stint between the two at Astana, who are possibly the only team close to having done as many transfers with Sky/Ineos, thanks primarily to the Acquadro connection especially at that point where he'd managed to anger enough teams that the two were the only ones still willing to deal with him, with Mikel Landa and Diego Rosa going from Astana to Sky/Ineos and Dario Cataldo, Lenoardo Basso, Sebastián Henao and Gianni Moscon going the other way, plus David de la Cruz, Davide Martinelli, Joe Dombrowski and of course Mark Cavendish who have rode for both.
While the team does create some interesting stories this season, good god is this roster bad.
If Aranburu and Lazkano leave the team in 2025 as is heavily rumored, we really do not have any rider that can - you know - WIN A RACE. Even Aranburu isn't exactly racking them up (his last win was in 2022), but if you're betting on Màs and Rubio as well as a Gonzalo Serrano or old Fernando Gaviria to actually win something meaningful (yes i know Rubio won a GT stage last season), man are you going to be left disappointed. We all know Enric's ceiling by now and the younger guys are just a little out of reach for him.

I really wonder about the direction of this team. We have very little in terms of developing talent (I think Ivan Roméo could still be a very decent rider down the road, the others are still far away from competing for wins), but Movistar has certainly lost most of its appeal to any aspiring rider - and it's not just based on financials I would assume. I'd be interested to hear if other Movistar supporters feel differently about the state of the roster (or see more to get excited about at least) and why that is.
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Just like in the good old days. A glorious stage. Setting a hard pace to bring back their own guys.
Seriously...what was the plan? Rubio for the stage/GC?
Probably, but then Rubio didn't feel great. Quintana was already constatly looking back when he upped the pace.

The plan was probably for Pelayo to go first, then Quintana decimates the field before Rubio attacks and bridges to Pelayo, who then pulls on the flatter part of the final climb, after the descent.

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