ADR. I suffer from thyroid problems since 1997, when I was a kid and I was amateur cyclist (I was the maturity). ADR. At the end of 2006 as suffering from thyroid thought of retum by dr. Ferrari to solve the problems that resulted from the dysfunction of the thyroid. I asked around the personate of Liquigas (Amadio, Corsets) to be able to attend Ferrari to cure my problems and no one objected to my decision. I telephoned all users `fixed his home in Ferrara and took appointment. At the first appointment I expressed my physical problems to Ferrari and asked if I could follow. Ferrari told me that since he knew that I was running with Ia `Liquigas there were no problems to follow. In that situation he told me that the preparer needs to know `l` athlete and adjust the shot `. It was a clear view and I immediately understood the meaning. I represent that I periodically since then I went from Ferrari in 2007, also because I `endorsement by Liquigas. In that the meeting with Ferrari we agreed the fee of € 12 000 annual for its performance to be paid in installments, the installments that I paid only in part for about € 3000 (can not remember exactly) in as much in March I had a problem of a viral heart remained inactive until July 2007. Represent, however, that from the beginning of 2007 I appeared in Monzuno to make test taking contact with his Swiss number that Ferrari gave me at our first meeting at the end of 2006. Net camper where we were to test the Ferrari had also haemoglobinometer `to` controls of hemoglobin. Still in the test made me even after controlling Entries hemoglobin. In
occasion of the tests I did the training tables, I measured the weight and made assessments of the state of my health. ADR. When he came to allenarrni after heart failure, in July 2007, I went to St. Moritz by Ferrari along with Bertolini, the grandson cyclist Francesco Moser, Gasparotto, Pellizzotti, beans and many others from other teams ~ many of these came from Livigno. I represent that in 2006 I was in Livigno to train on behalf of me and I saw Ferrari with a large group of cyclists including Vinokurov. In `occasion in July 2007, after the illness, I went as stated in St. Moritz and Ferrari spoke of assumption of erythropoietin. Ferrari told me to do it in small
dose, 1000 IU intravenous Giomo - said `with 1000alzi and keep 500` - I stayed in St. Moritz days: 10 and 10 days: erythropoietin as indicatomi hired by Ferrari, I acted as the Ferrari consigliatomi taking Eprex and stopping the recruitment two or three days before the race as he recommended me. I do not remember exactly how many days: I assumed the `erythropoietin, certainly not less than 7. I will surely have seen Ferrari even before going to St. Moritz and I definitely will recommend the recruitment of Epo that I previously I obtained through a former amateur Brescia called Manuel Bresciani I met alia San Pellegrino in 2001. I started taking the `erythropoietin on the advice of Filippo Manelli since 2003 that pointed out to me to take it subcutaneously in the ventral area, for a period smettendone the recruitment a week before the race. Ferrari do not get me started on all `erythropoietin, just showed me a different way to take it than Manelli, so when I went to Ferrari already know the substance, I knew it was forbidden, and I knew the effects remember that in fact my hematocrit had and still has changes also in the proportion of 4/5 points; endocrinologists that I felt I was told that the `effect of these changes would be due from thyroid dysfunction, so that even at this time, when I'm not assuming anything, I still have changes in hematocrit.
ADR. Unlike Filippo Manelli Michele Ferrari I'll explain the mode of recruitment of Epo `not to be found positive. While Marinelli told me to take it in the ventral sottocutaneaa and advised me to discontinue the use of `a week before the race, Michele Ferrari with his methodical Entries recruitment intravenous calibrated unit gave me the opportunity to discontinue the` use also two / three days before the race benefiting from a longer period of effect.
ADR. In 2007 I won in San Sebastian and other minor races and placed once.
ADR. Then I assume that I still went to Ferrari since he lives near my house. Ricardo once, in 2007, saw Ferrari Popovych and Bileka. I represent that all `interior of the Liquigas team talking between us I knew Pellizzotti ranged from Ferrari Monzuno. I know that many of my colleagues went to Ferrari Liquigas because it was spoken between us and Ia same company was aware: Pellizzotti, Kreutziger, Gasparotto, beans. A to test with Ferrari with me, on a few occasions I have seen Pellizzotti, Gasparotto and Possoni. In the camper, term test, entered one at a time and the exams were personal Ia without the presence of other colleagues.
ADR. Trail 2007 and 2008 switch to talking about other things. Released in 2007 and I `requirement of availability protocol (Adams) and then you were likely to be found positive to` epo Ferrari and then the doctor advised me to do the autoemotrasfusione `, the` inside out `mentioned in the` off Environmental 27.08.2010. Before the tips Ferrari have not done Ia RNAi blood transfusion. I do not remember where Ia Ferrari for the first time, I explained how the `toemotrasfusione me, I remember that I explained the modalities of the whole practice saying to take the bags favoring veterinary channels - the first taken from the Manuel Bresciani - he pointed to take 350 to 500 cc depending on the timing of the recovery and objectives; told me to tie a knot in the bag and weigh it on the scale to find the weight and therefore the amount subsequently withdrawn, before inserting the needle told me to tie a knot on the tube after you start the collection; come to the right tube is blocked with the quantitative Ia clips and close the knot - I was working two or three because they were afraid that it infects, once filled bag Ia provvedevo to store it in a refrigerator brand Liehberr (a mini hospital) at a controlled temperature between +2 ° and +4 °; Ferrari was to tell the type of refrigerator to buy handing me a brochure, I have personally taken steps to locate a dealer buying then l ` appliance in the province of Ravenna. Ferrari was also to tell the termperatura for storage of blood.
ADR. Ferrari I would also suggest the mode of when to make the `blood transfusion saying to draw blood before going to the hill and re-enter after supposed hill this to better justify the displacement parameters: hematocrit, reticulocytes, etc..
ADR. Before this I had never made contact with Ferrari `s blood transfusion, it was he who indicarrni the mode as mentioned above and I Ia first time I was afraid to do it.
ADR. `I started the practice in 2008 and made her one once in the summer because in that period Ia Liquigas forbade me to go to Ferrari changing attitude towards acquaintances previously tolerated.
ADR. The first time I prelevai the blood and put it back with me to the method indicated by `Ferrari was in August of 2008 for the races that month. I re-entered the blood after 20 days: within the sample. Ferrari was telling me that the blood was re-injected after 20 days: and after the period at altitude.
ADR. In 2009 I made a bag before the Giro del Trentino, and in that year I won a stage in the Tour of Italy. I made a couple of bags in the summer of 2009 in the races for the last one of the season. In 2010 I made the first bag Ia before Trittico Lombardo, the second before the Grand Prix hate Camaiore (based on the eavesdropping of 27.08.2010) and the third before the Giro di Lombardia.
ADR. I saw Michele Ferrari at the end of season 201 0. Knowing the search to Popovych told me to throw it all away because there `was a risk of investigation. `The last time I` ve seen Ferrari advised me, in altemative aile bags traditional bags to use PP (polypropylene) that are found in blood centers with difficulty, or to transfer the blood drip into a glass previously emptied. I remember that in that interview in November 201 0 the ribadii that it seemed extremely dangerous for possible contamination of the blood and the risk of embolism.
ADR. Ferrari was telling me the first time that the bags could be found with ease through the veterinary channel because there are no checks and the product was the same.
ADR. Filippo Manelli I would recommend the recruitment of GH and in particular the Geref that I have taken a few times to incompatibility with thyroid problems. Manelli knew of my thyroid problems and when I went from between 2003 and 2006 in spite of this I would recommend the use of `GH (can not remember the specialty) and other hormones. I took only a few times because the hormones consigliatimi by Manelli incompatible with my condition; Manelli was to advise the drugs in his private study Gavardo. Manelli did pay both Je visits and medications.
ADR. I started taking the Testis of Guna from August 2010 on the advice of Michele Ferrari. I hired him as he told me, `half a vial on the shoulder. In the camper Ferrari gave me a vial sometimes anonymous substance of which I pointed out the quality guaranteeing me on the shoulder and told me it was not doping that does not hurt. He never revealed what had made the above vial that I paid € 80 in cash.
ADR. In 2010 I paid Ferrari about 3000 € in cash, and in 2009 the `I paid little because I was running with` Amica Chips Simone Mori that has failed and he has not paid salaries.
I have nothing to add.
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