Landa mostly was there until the big three exploded. He didn’t have to pull a lot. Just not that many opportunities to really pull.
But I was talking about creating a set up to win the tour for Remco. A set up that can help him beat two riders who you will probably put in top best ever GT riders when they retire (1 top 5 and the other has already beaten that guy twice…) .
I think he will need an US post - Sky train for that. hincapie, heras, leipheimer, Hamilton, … or henao, Porte, Thomas , Nieve, …. Some young guys who don’t know how good they really are, some older whose best days are behind them for a part.
The current crop besides are nowhere near that league, not consistent enough, not able to rise above themselves. The did the job in a rather weakish Vuelta, when the leader is clearly the best man of the race it can work.
But if you want to force Pog and Vinge into mistakes, if you want to blunt them, tire them, you need more then Van wilder and Vervaeke. Or the others….
And true, you can’t just make a team like that in cycling in a scratch, you need patience, luck….