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The worst of race profiles

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I don't like those 3D effect profiles that make every climb and MTF look as though they finish on a plateau (especially when there is little or no colour difference between the faces: yes, I am talking about La Vuelta). I guess the defence is usually that if can give an impression of the ascents.

I say usually, because sometimes the downhills get all the prominence.
Trofeo Buffoni

This is a junior race: the colour scheme seems to have been drawn up in a junior school.
A couple of these are just impacted by typos though. Look at the climb profile next to the normal stage profile and you'll realise it's simply meant to be 400m 600m and 800m on the y-axis.

Similarly, that classic awful Vuelta a Colombia stage profile which has a KOM at 2144m and then finished "above" it at 1470m? Manizales is at over 2000m altitude and the climb to Manizales from the west to arrive at the Plaza del Toros is a classic of the race, so that's probably a typo and meant to be a finish at 2470m (although at the same time that profile has a lot of other problems that still necessitate it being here).
This legendary thread has been quiet for too long. I was looking for something else when I came across some old Vuelta a Palencia profiles which most definitely belong here.

Tick the boxes for "scenic landscape", "x-axis creativity", "hilariously-placed GPMs" and "incorrectly-placed altitude":




Like, I see the what they were aiming at but they probably shouldn't have given the task to their intern with one hour of photoshop experience.
This legendary thread has been quiet for too long. I was looking for something else when I came across some old Vuelta a Palencia profiles which most definitely belong here.

Tick the boxes for "scenic landscape", "x-axis creativity", "hilariously-placed GPMs" and "incorrectly-placed altitude":

And meanwhile the riders decided to stay down where it's flat, rather than go riding up those weird mountains in the background.

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