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Tony Martin Bandwagon thread

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Will Tony Martin reach a Top Ten overall finish at this year's Tour de France

  • Hell No

    Votes: 4 100.0%

  • Total voters
Jun 16, 2009
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Bavarianrider said:
Well Gesink and Sanchez are natural climbers. While Tony is a big guy who has to run on all cylinders to be upfront in the mountains. But once that big Diesel starts running hot there's little who can stop him. Just give him a couple of days.

So you are saying that we should wait for the weekend for Martin to show us something?
Feb 15, 2011
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Bavarianrider said:
Just wait for the weekend.

auscyclefan94 said:
So you are saying that we should wait for the weekend for Martin to show us something?

Let me see. I'm not sure either, but I think what he is trying to say is that an undefined person or group of people should wait for the weekend. Not sure what you mean by "we", but I'm starting to believe you're on the same page.

My understanding is that Bavarianrider wants all of us to wait for the weekend for an event that involves Tony Martin and some sort of climbing.
May 20, 2010
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I voted maybe.

Tony will probably place 15* to 25 (I will reassess at fin of Dauphine), so I recon he is an small* outside chance of a top 10 at le Tour.

So far Tony may have just had a bad day/slow start to Dauphine. Maybe he was planning on soft pedalling and then felt off colour???

Form (and that still is a big imponderable) aside, his biggest obstacle is his team.

His team will not support him unless he demonstrates great form early on (first week) which detracts from his chances of being in good shape come week 3. Even if in good form he will be called upon to assist Cav. And I assume given his strength, Tony will be called upon to support Cav more than Velits. This leaves Velits in a better position to contend for GC...therefore leaving Tony faced with supporting Velits.

Come to think of it, *modified from 12 to 15 and added small.
Feb 15, 2011
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theyoungest said:
The pi$$ing contest continues, now concerning altitude training :p

Yeah, it's pretty silly.

I heard VDB2 once didn't shave himself for 3 whole days. Any news on Gesink regarding that matter? :)
Feb 15, 2011
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theyoungest said:
Tony Martin once sat on a concrete wall and it collapsed.

Ha! :) Why the hell do I find that funny. It is though.

Dekker_Tifosi said:
In fact, Tony Martin once ate an entire adult horse in 1 evening

I actually heard a story that Tony and Martin where Siamese twins at birth, but were joined into one body shortly after.
Feb 25, 2010
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this is what Vegeta has to say about Jurgen:
Jun 22, 2009
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Dekker_Tifosi said:
With Andy Schleck battling a super saiyan 4 in normal state he is pretty much ruined.

apparently gesink and mollema are going to fuse, Mosink.

Victory is certain.

obviosuly mollema had to lower his lever a s*#tload tomake this possible.

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