So, Lecerf being a member of the proteam Soudal-Quickstep (I checked it on the website of Soudal-Quickstep), but this race participating to devoteam of Soudal-Quickstep (after already participating in races as a "pro" within the Soudal-Quickstepteam) is considered as a pro by UCI. The UCI-points are counting for the rider as well for the proteam. I guess it's the same with the victorys. So, 10 victorys for Soudal-Quickstep at this time.Would you mind linking or citing the rule in question regarding wins?
When I check the UCI website, I can only find what points a team has scored (Quick-Step's points tally), not its number of wins.
The rules also only mention points:
If anything, the tie-breaker indicates that those wins count for the WT team: