“Here is the simple truth – while others may have cheated to try to beat me, I cheated better than them to win. Beating a cheater is easier when you have the best doctor. I won using hard work, EPO, single minded devotion to PED use, HGH, dedication, steroids, exhaustive preparation and training, sociopathological and mental advantages, pain and suffering, supposedly innovative technology that made no difference, bullying others in the peloton, bribing UCI, a team that slaved for me and sacrifices that came with a huge dollar price for me in my professional and personal life. Yep i'm rich. None of that came in a pill or a bottle, its mostly transfusions. All of that is why I could beat others, with the help of UCI testing, even when they and I weren’t racing clean. If I beat people that were cheating, it was because I cheated harder and got more from my PEDs also helped by the UCI doing the testing, not because I am a nice guy, because i am not. “
-- Lance Armstrong, June 29, 2007