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USADA's Reasoned Decision 202 pages

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Mar 13, 2009
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Dave Zabriskie talked about the Tour of Luxembourg (what year?) and that the rumour was going around that the team hotel was going to be raided. A team mate (who?) then burried his doping supply in the Luxembourg woods.


Maybe Benoît Joachim?

Kind of reminds me of Jens Voigt's "joke" about hiding doping supply by the side of the road during his Crédit Agricole days
Aug 12, 2009
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Interesting. Will make for good reading along with Tyler's book when it arrives from Amazon.
Didn't get it for my b'day the other day so I had to order it.

I must say though the timing is impeccable. I read this thread and all the info and low and behold it starts snowing. In the middle of Spring in Australia at 6:30am. Talk about making it rain, USADA made it snow. Not bad, not bad at all.

I will say that I can understand riders limiting their confessions to certain time frames. Confessing to doping at Postal/Disco is a big step. Confessing for doping after that time at Postal, especially in Leipheimer's case (clearly doped to win Suisse and Cali let alone podium GT's) is suicide. That would be admitting your current team supports doping. No more ride. Period. Questions would get asked and teams, careers would be ruined instantly. They would become the villains to everyone but those who think like many on the Clinc. I think they've done enough. Ideally? No, but this microcosm of doping in sport is tiny. They are taking baby steps. Ideally admit everything, but that is an idealist world. This world is for realists and it just ain't on the cards. So what they've done is enough for now IMO.

Why? They admitted they doped. Many haven't even done that. And they talked of free will. They didn't have to do that did they? I just hope they keep talking and don't hide from the questions that will follow. Oh and they keep on apologising.
Kretch said:
As part of their penance George and Levi should be made to sit through multiple screenings of that video on a Jumbotron in a large auditorium with their families and friends, Paul, Betsy, Frankie, Swart, Lemond, Bassons, Simeoni and a packed crowd of cycling fans in attendance.

You know what the worst thing is in this clip? The journalists who gloatingly laughs at Kimmage in the end like he is the idiot there.

I'd love to hear a comment or two from the fellow americans, what they thought of in this exact moment. Vande Velde has always, to me, seemed like a genuinly nice and sympathic guy - and still is in my view - and you can even see him roll eyes at one point. It makes me angry that Paul was bullied in this sitation like he was a little boy. It really does. Hincapie looks like a guy who just wants to say: Shut the **** up, Lance. George and Vande Velde were apparently clean at this point so they must have been somewhat fed up with Lance's rubbish in this interview.
Dec 27, 2010
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Had a couple of busy days and struggling to keep up! Incredible developments, we all knew it was coming but I think we're all surprised at the sheer volume of information in this RD (which I've not finished yet, still churning my way through it). I thought Tygart was taking the p*ss with his 30x more intense comment. Now I realise he was bob on.
Christian said:
Dave Zabriskie talked about the Tour of Luxembourg (what year?) and that the rumour was going around that the team hotel was going to be raided. A team mate (who?) then burried his doping supply in the Luxembourg woods.


Frankie Schleck's poisoning mystery unravelled!

python said:
i am having one of the best days...reading the document.

other than a myriad of thoughts, i am trying to calculate how many new law suits are coming armstrong's way. so far i 've estimated about 5-6. poor guy:rolleyes:

Python, I read this comment yesterday and smiled.:)
Me too. I'm still not through everything but it has been amazing reading it so far...I've jumped around...

I have to say the Levi texting threat stuff was creepy..very chilling to do and say sh!t like that...to his wife!!

Also, made me very sad watching the vid , first one, that Betsy had under the appdx.... Thinking of that poor little baby in the midst of all armstrong's crap...
these were young families...sad stuff..:(
will10 said:
Had a couple of busy days and struggling to keep up! Incredible developments, we all knew it was coming but I think we're all surprised at the sheer volume of information in this RD (which I've not finished yet, still churning my way through it). I thought Tygart was taking the p*ss with his 30x more intense comment. Now I realise he was bob on.

Fwiw, that 30x comment did NOT come out of Travis's mouth...I heard
this from a source that actually spoke with Travis.
Mar 17, 2012
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Christian said:
Kind of reminds me of Jens Voigt's "joke" about hiding doping supply by the side of the road during his Crédit Agricole days

That was my first thought, too...:D

I´m a bit sad our German Jens Voigt was never really accused of doping. I guess he could tell the world nice and funny stories about what he and his teams did the last 15 years...

Generally, to give you all an inmpression of what´s happening in Germany now: one could think that everyone´s happy that after Ullrich six years ago, finally Lance gets punishment. But nothing of this, at all. No one cares. That shows that cycling is really dead in German public. Born in 1997, heart attack in 2006, and a slow death in the years after, one could say.
RHRH19861986 said:
That was my first thought, too...:D

I´m a bit sad our German Jens Voigt was never really accused of doping. I guess he could tell the world nice and funny stories about what he and his teams did the last 15 years...

Generally, to give you all an inmpression of what´s happening in Germany now: one could think that everyone´s happy that after Ullrich six years ago, finally Lance gets punishment. But nothing of this, at all. No one cares. That shows that cycling is really dead in German public. Born in 1997, heart attack in 2006, and a slow death in the years after, one could say.

Dead and buried. Sad but true.

Whenever I tell people here I'm a cycling fan, people look at me as if I'd told them I eat babies for fun.

And this is in Münster, Germany's self-proclaimed Fahrradhaupstadt.
mewmewmew13 said:
Python, I read this comment yesterday and smiled.:)
Me too. I'm still not through everything but it has been amazing reading it so far...I've jumped around...

I have to say the Levi texting threat stuff was creepy..very chilling to do and say sh!t like that...to his wife!!

Also, made me very sad watching the vid , first one, that Betsy had under the appdx.... Thinking of that poor little baby in the midst of all armstrong's crap...
these were young families...sad stuff..:(

Creepy Lance. What's he doing preying on women like that?
Just need to comment that I am soooo glad to see Actovegin included.

And, even happier to see the reference to Lance's attempted obfuscation through mispronouncing it.

Minimally it was attempted doping, an indisputable doping violation. And, the mispronouncing was deliberate cover-up.

Doping and conspiracy to hide doping.

Love it.

Aug 27, 2012
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Descender said:
Dead and buried. Sad but true.

Whenever I tell people here I'm a cycling fan, people look at me as if I'd told them I eat babies for fun.

And this is in Münster, Germany's self-proclaimed Fahrradhaupstadt.

Very important post. Please give some thought to why this happened in Germany more than elsewhere, and what it would take to resurrect cycle racing interest in Germany. The new UCI may learn something.
Mar 13, 2009
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Descender said:
Frankie Schleck's poisoning mystery unravelled!


Lol, respect :D

Schlecks hunt, deer eats stuff in the woods, probably contaminated with USPS's Xipamide from ten years ago, when it was a common masking agent!!
Mar 13, 2009
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D-Queued said:
Just need to comment that I am soooo glad to see Actovegin included.

And, even happier to see the reference to Lance's attempted obfuscation through mispronouncing it.

Minimally it was attempted doping, an indisputable doping violation. And, the mispronouncing was deliberate cover-up.

Doping and conspiracy to hide doping.

Love it.

acto acto acto what? Never heard of it.

when people start to speak in rhetoric, not plainspeak, "why would I put that stuff in my body after cancer" and convoluted denials, there is some deceiving going on.
holly guacamole Batman. The infamous recording of Stephanie McIlvain threatening to kill Betsy.

This has been one of the main reasons for vicious tosspots slandering Betsy since 2006, because the message went missing. So they said she made the whole thing up, and then accused her of being a vindictive loony stalker.

Go Betsy!!

And Frankie, you are one lucky dude to have such a wonderful wife (and hot too).
Aug 27, 2012
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sittingbison said:
The infamous recording of Stephanie McIlvain threatening to kill Betsy.

Sad sad sad. Thank god I never did Oakley's. What a rip off they are and what an embarrassment seen to be wearing them now. Pattern emerging here about the behaviors of this whole mob. Thugs.
Sep 29, 2012
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sittingbison said:
holly guacamole Batman. The infamous recording of Stephanie McIlvain threatening to kill Betsy.

This has been one of the main reasons for vicious tosspots slandering Betsy since 2006, because the message went missing. So they said she made the whole thing up, and then accused her of being a vindictive loony stalker.

Go Betsy!!

And Frankie, you are one lucky dude to have such a wonderful wife (and hot too).

Where did you find the recording??