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USADA's Reasoned Decision 202 pages

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Nov 20, 2010
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Tinman said:
we may be better off having him stay, at least for a while. He is one major liability to Lance, and a replacement would surely not be able to do worse. So please hold off for a while...

Will be interesting to see if Fabiani is kept on retainer.
Nov 20, 2010
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Kristin the Good Roman Catholic

She is known for being very religious. So, what penance will her confessor give her? I hope he makes absolution dependent on her telling the truth publicly. She is such a hypocrite. Maybe she really did deserve Lance.
Aug 27, 2012
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Cimacoppi49 said:
Will be interesting to see if Fabiani is kept on retainer.

cant see that happen for too long. the last 2 days have been a communications disaster for Team Lance. Totally outvoiced in the media. There was a decent effort with paid bloggers, mostly on twitter and news article comments, but the sheer volume of news generated by the USADA report was too overwhelming for them I'd say.

But that's day 1& 2. Lets see where it goes from here. the media need to go into round 2, and move towards more in depth articles on what goes on around/behind the scene, Livestrong, team lance businesses and deceipt, and then UCI complicity. If that happens I think we can declare the battle won. If the media leave it just at the doping case as per past 2 days, then Fabiani/LEhane may be back in with a chance, depending on messaging, and salvage Livestrong.

Overall I think USADA with its material releases has produced such a momentum that it will be hard to overcome. The investigative journos are only just starting, and the data provided is a gold mine that will be dug for days/weeks to come...
Tinman said:
cant see that happen for too long. the last 2 days have been a communications disaster for Team Lance. Totally outvoiced in the media. There was a decent effort with paid bloggers, mostly on twitter and news article comments, but the sheer volume of news generated by the USADA report was too overwhelming for them I'd say.

But that's day 1& 2. Lets see where it goes from here. the media need to go into round 2, and move towards more in depth articles on what goes on around/behind the scene, Livestrong, team lance businesses and deceipt, and then UCI complicity. If that happens I think we can declare the battle won. If the media leave it just at the doping case as per past 2 days, then Fabiani/LEhane may be back in with a chance, depending on messaging, and salvage Livestrong.

Overall I think USADA with its material releases has produced such a momentum that it will be hard to overcome. The investigative journos are only just starting, and the data provided is a gold mine that will be dug for days/weeks to come...

This is only the beginning. The UCI will have their turn at the report. I can’t imagine them doing anything other than endorsing the sanction and attempting to move on. Then WADA will make some noise about truth and reconciliation. The media will keep hearing more and more. Then SCA are going to start their engines in about 30 days time. No way after seeing the conspiracy against them are they going to let this one go. Then there’s the Fed’s whom have not finished. Can’t save it from here. It only going to get worse and worse and worse. Now that 99% of the world have come to terms with the doping the charges to follow will be easily accepted.
Jun 1, 2011
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Interesting how commentary can so run contrary form forum to forum. Like here after this article. There is more of a trend against the accusers and the process. Like DZ's "they forced me to do it" statement.

The troll bot link:


I still think many of Armstrong's accusers are not telling the whole truth about themselves. The genesis of doping for them was not Armstrong, Bruyneel, Riis or Europe, in my opinion, but very likely made at an earlier point. It may have not involved EPO, but I am doubtful that all was well in Neverland and with the Lost Boys long before USPS.

What's startling about the USADA evidence is it does little to look beyond Armstrong and onto U.S. soil. Ferrari is one but one in how many that play the game across the spectrum of sport? Armstrong's accusers fall into the mindset of victimology, but Armstrong still has and will forever have the gun of federal charges pointed his head. He will probably remain silent forever and never have a chance to be anything than the central villain while the others can publish books, go on with their careers and paint themselves as recanting saviors of the sport. Those who say Armstrong had a chance to come clean under in the same light are not calling it like it is. None of the 11 had a federal Grand Jury convened against them. The got the deal on much friendlier terms. Accusations of defrauding the government was and is serious business.

Talk of this changing things even in light of a new governing body, could happen but, over the long run, human nature runs strong and true.

The sport could simply die in the face of other sports that will achieve spectacular results and attract an audience because they go mostly unchecked.

As someone pointed out earlier, any doping program is a conspiracy. Armstrong simply flew too close to the sun with wings made of wax.
Nov 8, 2010
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jonny testaronny said:
"Other-7" sounds an awful lot like Rick Crawford--recommending that clients buy the blood-spinner was something that came out in his testy email exchange with Decanio.

How about Levi's "Other-8," the doctor at Rabobank who provided EPO? Geert Leinders? Did Brailsford get advance notice of what was about to hit the fan and fired him--errr, declined to renew his contract--just in the nick of time?

bing bing bing

and in addition to allegedly providing Levi with EPO, Crawford coached Danielson at Fort Lewis, coached Barry while he was at Saturn, coached Dede Barry, and was Lance's first coach....

Decanio may have been money on this one.
Aug 27, 2012
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thehog said:
This is only the beginning. The UCI will have their turn at the report. I can’t imagine them doing anything other than endorsing the sanction and attempting to move on. Then WADA will make some noise about truth and reconciliation. The media will keep hearing more and more. Then SCA are going to start their engines in about 30 days time. No way after seeing the conspiracy against them are they going to let this one go. Then there’s the Fed’s whom have not finished. Can’t save it from here. It only going to get worse and worse and worse. Now that 99% of the world have come to terms with the doping the charges to follow will be easily accepted.

Agreed. I can see UCI rubber stamping real quick to save face. And announce a T&R before the media get to them on complicity. They will need to take the front foot, and quick, can do via a T&R.

But I still think the reverberations from the affidavits into other teams will be un-overcomeable. It's no longer 1999-2005 or so and team Lance. It's the whole show exposed, incl UCI...
Aug 7, 2010
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thehog said:
This is only the beginning. The UCI will have their turn at the report. I can’t imagine them doing anything other than endorsing the sanction and attempting to move on. Then WADA will make some noise about truth and reconciliation. The media will keep hearing more and more. Then SCA are going to start their engines in about 30 days time. No way after seeing the conspiracy against them are they going to let this one go. Then there’s the Fed’s whom have not finished. Can’t save it from here. It only going to get worse and worse and worse. Now that 99% of the world have come to terms with the doping the charges to follow will be easily accepted.

I think USADA went quite easy on the UCI. They may have excluded damning evidence that would have required the UCI to appeal rather than acquiesce. Maybe a sigh of relief in Aigle.
Cimacoppi49 said:
She is known for being very religious. So, what penance will her confessor give her? I hope he makes absolution dependent on her telling the truth publicly. She is such a hypocrite. Maybe she really did deserve Lance.

Is or isn't there anything new from her in the USADA case? Only heard by FEDs? If she deserved him, need to watch out for their offspring.
If she's like Haven though, I see the weakness for the dark side, but not reason to kill her reputation needlessly. Supporting is what women do, and she was with the alfa male. If she's a good girl at heart, she's sitting out her punishment just about now.
May 26, 2010
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Cimacoppi49 said:
She is known for being very religious. So, what penance will her confessor give her? I hope he makes absolution dependent on her telling the truth publicly. She is such a hypocrite. Maybe she really did deserve Lance.

She is religious in the do the crime and then beg for forgiveness type ;)
Turner29 said:
I completely agree, which is why I maintain to this day that the Federal DA did not close the LA grand jury investigation due to lack of evidence, rather, knowing that a jury conviction would be difficult to obtain, released to the USADA overwhelming evidence against LA.

Have to agree. However much Herman may come across to some as a doddering old fool, he is truly a wizard of the word. Get him in front of a jury and "Kaa" could lead them down any path he wanted.
Nov 20, 2010
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Fortyninefourteen said:
I think USADA went quite easy on the UCI. They may have excluded damning evidence that would have required the UCI to appeal rather than acquiesce. Maybe a sigh of relief in Aigle.

They may have a lot more that is being held back for Johan's arbitration hearing.
Nov 20, 2010
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Cloxxki said:
Is or isn't there anything new from her in the USADA case? Only heard by FEDs? If she deserved him, need to watch out for their offspring.
If she's like Haven though, I see the weakness for the dark side, but not reason to kill her reputation needlessly. Supporting is what women do, and she was with the alfa male. If she's a good girl at heart, she's sitting out her punishment just about now.
Tim Herman represented her at one point during the federal investigation. IIRC, he moved to quash or modify a subpoena. How she handles this with her confessor could be interesting. I could see her not getting absolution until she fesses up. Once SCA goes back to court, I expect she will be subpoenaed as a witness. It will be interesting. But, the truth will set her free.
Nov 20, 2010
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Kretch said:
As part of their penance George and Levi should be made to sit through multiple screenings of that video on a Jumbotron in a large auditorium with their families and friends, Paul, Betsy, Frankie, Swart, Lemond, Bassons, Simeoni and a packed crowd of cycling fans in attendance.
A true sociopath at work. At least George and Levi look a bit uncomfortable.
May 27, 2012
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Cimacoppi49 said:
If he knowingly lied on Armstrong's behalf and thereby aided the conspiracy, he's potentially in a world of hurt. I and another lawyer will be going through the USADA decision timeline comparing it to Herman's public statements. If there is any indication of his having done anything beyond zealously representing his client within the bounds of the law, it will be brought to the attention of the Texas bar and the chief judge of the Federal Circuit Ct. of Appeals covering the district in which he maintains his primary practice.

And I sincerely hope your efforts find fruit. After listening to his "I haven't read the decision, but I am going to smear everyone anyway, and by the way, Lance is a Jesus figure because he was thrown to the lions" interview with ESPN radio yesterday, he deserves to go down.
Wow. Thanks a zillion.

Cimacoppi49 said:
If he knowingly lied on Armstrong's behalf and thereby aided the conspiracy, he's potentially in a world of hurt. I and another lawyer will be going through the USADA decision timeline comparing it to Herman's public statements. If there is any indication of his having done anything beyond zealously representing his client within the bounds of the law, it will be brought to the attention of the Texas bar and the chief judge of the Federal Circuit Ct. of Appeals covering the district in which he maintains his primary practice.
Printed newspapers

Thought that there'd be much more front page coverage than I saw; however, these images are from the Newseum website and most likely represent only a fraction of the printed periodicals out there.


A couple of items have got lost due to reducing the size.

Aug 3, 2010
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Christian Vande Velde's affidavit...
Pg. 8
Item 50

"Early in the season, I got a clear indication from one of U.S. Postal's executives (assumed to be cycling team exec and not mail carrier exec) that he believed that a doping doctor was a neccessary condition for a successful cycling program"

I have a feelng that there are going to be many courtrooms in CVV's future.
May 7, 2009
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Cimacoppi49 said:
If he knowingly lied on Armstrong's behalf and thereby aided the conspiracy, he's potentially in a world of hurt. I and another lawyer will be going through the USADA decision timeline comparing it to Herman's public statements. If there is any indication of his having done anything beyond zealously representing his client within the bounds of the law, it will be brought to the attention of the Texas bar and the chief judge of the Federal Circuit Ct. of Appeals covering the district in which he maintains his primary practice.

This is excellent work. I also wondered if Judge Sparks may take an interet in the evidence presented by USADA in that it may contradict certain claims that were made in his courtroom ????
This is speculation on my part.
Aug 7, 2010
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Cimacoppi49 said:
If he knowingly lied on Armstrong's behalf and thereby aided the conspiracy, he's potentially in a world of hurt. I and another lawyer will be going through the USADA decision timeline comparing it to Herman's public statements. If there is any indication of his having done anything beyond zealously representing his client within the bounds of the law, it will be brought to the attention of the Texas bar and the chief judge of the Federal Circuit Ct. of Appeals covering the district in which he maintains his primary practice.

If his appearance on CNN last night, facilitated by his good friend Jack Daniels, is any indication, Herman knows he is in a world of hurt. Sparks is trhe least of his concerns, as he testified in the SCA case. Nose-grow.

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