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What does Schleck know that most won't admit?

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Jun 23, 2009
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Reynolds Boy said:
I hope Andy is right about 17 proving to be a very tough and selective stage.. at this point what concerns me is that he & the others could be even further behind when they leave Bourg that day.

Nobody but JV seems to be talking about the scary finishes (and the huge potential therein) of stages 16 & to a lesser extent also 17.

Getting back to what I was saying.. 16, especially, seems perfect for a strong descender to gain big. Gentle post-restday stage sets up a power guy to motor an attack from the primer gruppo near the top, and put 1:00-2:00+ in on the screaming 30k (@6-8%!) finish.. easily if he has a cooperating partner/teammate.

I don't feel well at all suggesting it, but if I were a betting man.. my money would be on Lance pantsing everyone next Tuesday for the Johnny.. :(

Surely Contador & the others have it well in mind. I just hope everyone is ready to come out and play hard.. if he takes 2:00 the tour will be over.

what ya's think?

You've got balls daring to suggest that LA might possibly win on these forums, mind you most of the anti Lance brigade on here were confidently predicting that he would be back in the gruppetto last Friday. Just goes to show I guess that blind hatred for a rider is just as bad as Bobbie's blind devotion. While the muppets on here were loudly proclaiming his demise in the first week, most objective commentators were being rightfully cautious in writing him off. Personally I think that by the time Ventoux rolls around we will be left with a few mumblings on the road racing forum from the hateboys, with most of them firmly ensconced in the Clinic coming up with their latest doping theories and giving each other a knowing wink. The reality is that barring accidents this is now a two horse race and everyone knows it. The TTT ruined any chance of the race being close for many of the pre race favourites. Hopefully the idiots at ASO are now looking at each other with bovine expressions and saying "Ah so thats why we dropped it a few years ago".:rolleyes:


Jun 23, 2009
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Reynolds Boy said:
I hope Andy is right about 17 proving to be a very tough and selective stage.. at this point what concerns me is that he & the others could be even further behind when they leave Bourg that day.

Nobody but JV seems to be talking about the scary finishes (and the huge potential therein) of stages 16 & to a lesser extent also 17.

Getting back to what I was saying.. 16, especially, seems perfect for a strong descender to gain big. Gentle post-restday stage sets up a power guy to motor an attack from the primer gruppo near the top, and put 1:00-2:00+ in on the screaming 30k (@6-8%!) finish.. easily if he has a cooperating partner/teammate.

I don't feel well at all suggesting it, but if I were a betting man.. my money would be on Lance pantsing everyone next Tuesday for the Johnny.. :(

Surely Contador & the others have it well in mind. I just hope everyone is ready to come out and play hard.. if he takes 2:00 the tour will be over.

what ya's think?

You've got balls daring to suggest that LA might possibly win on these forums, mind you most of the anti Lance brigade on here were confidently predicting that he would be back in the gruppetto last Friday. Just goes to show I guess that blind hatred for a rider is just as bad as Bobbie's blind devotion. While the muppets on here were loudly proclaiming his demise in the first week, most objective commentators were being rightfully cautious in writing him off. Personally I think that by the time Ventoux rolls around we will be left with a few mumblings on the road racing forum from the hateboys, with most of them firmly ensconced in the Clinic coming up with their latest doping theories and giving each other a knowing wink. The reality is that barring accidents this is now a two horse race and everyone knows it. The TTT ruined any chance of the race being close for many of the pre race favourites. Hopefully the idiots at ASO are now looking at each other with bovine expressions and saying "Ah so thats why we dropped it a few years ago".:rolleyes:


Jun 23, 2009
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Amsterhammer said:
According to this CNN article - http://edition.cnn.com/2009/SPORT/07/13/cycling.sastre/index.html Sastre has certainly not given up hope. Judging by last night's Dutch tv interview with both Schlecks, Andy is hoping for a moment when an attack would not immediately be countered by three or four Astanas.

Yeah because they are really just going to sit and watch him ride away. Carlos's comments on here today really reflect the situational reality. It would take a really bad mistake for Astana not only to lose it but possibly clean sweep the podium, thats the reality.
Apr 4, 2009
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race in two halves

Wee Schleck; no killer for sure, just look at his face! like a lanky 12yr old allowed out late to play with the big boys. but man he's a gifted climber. agree with Mellow re bland race. in effect, we have had one key break (CoLancia Wind Break, let's call it), a massively influential TTT on sub-standard roads, hugely neutered mountain stages that kind of insult the pyrennes and then 4 days of boredom on flat stages until 2009TDF part 2 really begins. the key contenders haven't shown what they can do except Lance showing he's a master tactician and judge of racing, and AC showing briefly that on pure ability he's the best. oh, and poor Cadel showing he is definitely on the wrong team. roll on Friday