blutto aquaintance/fellow rider who happens to be an oncologist/researcher once told me he thought the secret to Lance's success could be found in the drugs that Lance had taken during his cancer treatment and continued to take well after the his opinion these drugs ( and gawd knows how he knew this...but as researcher he was really connected...) were masking agents of a very high fact the money line was something like this..."these drugs create a hole in the drug regs so big you could drive a semi full of drugs thru it at 90mph and not touch anything"..
if i were you, i'd ask your oncology acquaintance WHAT drugs exactly he meant. i promise to come back with a considered technical comment because i personally know some of the best oncologists in the business.
regarding ferrari's exclusive deal with texas...if i'm not mistaken, this was first brought up by d. walsh and subsequently was part of the sca proceedings. can anyone dig out what were la's responses to direct questioning regarding the exclusive deal. that would end any speculation and shed much light on the matter.