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What has happened to the forum????

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Jul 5, 2011
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Like most so called improvements this is absolutely terrible. I've got eyestrain already and I detest the new layout. No doubt some programmer had to prove he/she wasn't just sitting around getting paid to do nothing.
What happened to the avatars? Mine wasn't noteworthy but some were interesting or amusing.


Sep 24, 2014
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Re: Re:

Netserk said:
sam said:
lemon cheese cake said:
I've PMed Libertine about this.

You can do me a favour - can you put :


PM or post in here - then I can get the redirects setup - didn't have time yesterday to do it.
I'd like to do that, but there are two problems:

There's no link to a post (previously each post had a number [OP was #1, first reply #2 and so on], which if you clicked on that you saw the one post in isolation with a new url, so it was easy to link to), so it's not easy to find the new url.

There are more than 1.000 of such links to other posts in that thread, so do you want us to give you the link to every single one of them or just a couple?

Cheers :)
Just a couple of examples would be great
Ok I will try that a little later.

I like how you have made it visible which threads are locked and which are sticky :)

Another thing I have noticed: Before the update, it was possible to click on the numbers that showed how many replies a thread had which gave you a pop-up window which showed how many posts the different users had in that thread.


edit: "Your images may only be up to 650 pixels wide." <---- Is a little (very) annoying.
edit2: "You cannot use certain BBCodes: ." <---- Mucho annoying as well. Not even senior members can post links?

rainman said:
Like most so called improvements this is absolutely terrible. I've got eyestrain already and I detest the new layout. No doubt some programmer had to prove he/she wasn't just sitting around getting paid to do nothing.
What happened to the avatars? Mine wasn't noteworthy but some were interesting or amusing.

I can see your avatar. Are you sure it's not disabled in your options?
Dec 17, 2014
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Netserk said:
Ok I will try that a little later.

I like how you have made it visible which threads are locked and which are sticky :)

Another thing I have noticed: Before the update, it was possible to click on the numbers that showed how many replies a thread had which gave you a pop-up window which showed how many posts the different users had in that thread.


edit: "Your images may only be up to 650 pixels wide." <---- Is a little (very) annoying.
edit2: "You cannot use certain BBCodes: ." <---- Mucho annoying as well. No... temporarily due to some spam related issues.
New forum noticeably faster, and cleaner, which I really like.

Is there a way to multi-quote? You used to be able to in the old one. I can't see it here.

Is there a way to change the color layout? This one has a lot of white, which is hard on the eyes after a while.

I notice in some threads photos were cropped off. Not sized down, but cropped off, which is no good. Is there a way to fix that? Even a forced scaling of photos to a pixel maximum would be better.

In the old forum you use to be able to choose the amount of posts you're viewing per page. I can't seem to find such a thing here.

In the long run this is going to work well I think. Just need to get over some bumps.
Mar 13, 2009
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Archibald said:
first thoughts;

- very sterile...
- no avatars and "private message" sits louder and prouder than the poster's name on the right,
- from menu, it shows last poster on a thread but no longer has the button to that last post, only the last page number,
- blackcat's signature has "" bookending the "We're the Armstrongs",
- post number missing but I think that's been mentioned here already,
- navagation from page to page has moved - took a bit to find it
- quotes include quotes within quotes within quotes - this will get well messy!!
- no indiciation of sticky's and regular posts, read or unread, new or not,
- multi post reply function no more

and other stuff mentioned previously by other users

yeah, its a good signature, but i cant take complete credit. anna verbatim
Re: Re:

Chris said:
Armchair cyclist said:
I am logged in with a 7 letter password of lower case letters only.

Did you do anything in particular to achieve this?

When I first logged in after the update, it seemed to reject my password. It was not specific as to why, and I don't have a photographic memory, but the message seemed to indicate some deep incompatability. I just thought, "That's odd, I'll try again," ignored all the other steps that it tried to direct me towards, and typed in user name and password a second time. Simple as that.

Incidentally, to all the people complaining that multiple level quoting will cause problems, note how I edited the quotes here. Don't blame the software for your desire to be a lazy editor of your own messages.
Oct 6, 2009
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It would be good if stickied threads were a different color, or were noticeably marked in some way. There are so many of them, it's hard to quickly see which threads have new posts and which are just stickied. (Mods - some of the stickies could maybe be un-stickied too, to clean up the board.)

Font sizes for posts and quotes needs to be bigger. This should be an easy fix, yes?

I'd like to see the font sizes for posters' names be made bigger, so you can easily see whose reply you are reading.

Not wild about the nested quotes feature, but I suppose they have their place.

I really want to see the return of the "Today's Posts" or "New Posts" feature. On the old forum, even if you weren't logged in, you could still click that to see only things posted today, with the threads listed in descending order from most recent activity. I never went out to the forum's index page, just used this feature whether I was logged in or not.
Oct 6, 2009
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When I submit a new post, I don't want to waste time with a blank screen that says "your post was submitted successfully," and then gives me the option to click to see my post or to go to the forum index page. Just take me automatically to the thread with my new post in it.
Oct 6, 2009
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Netserk said:
<snipped to show only photo>


Borrowing Netserk's photo here - in the last column, it serves no purpose to only see that the last post was by XXXXX. It should include the thread title along with username, so we know if we want to click on that subforum or not. There are lots of subforums with threads I read and others I don't care about. Adding thread name would be useful.

Again, I'd rather have the old feature to "show me all today's posts" or "show me all new unread posts" as a default one-click search feature where the results were a list of threads with new posts, in descending order from newest to oldest unread posts.
Mar 12, 2010
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when people are talking about post above name on index they mean this...


and can we have tapatalk now please


And some sort of Mark Forums read option

Mar 12, 2010
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My edited version :D


.post.bg2, ul.topiclist li.row.bg1 dl {background-color: #f8f8f8 ;}
author { background-color: none ;}
div.content { font-size: 16px;}
div.content blockquote div {font-size: 12px;}
div.notice { font-size: 9px;}
p.author {background: none; font-size: 10px;}
li.pm-icon a span {font-size: 8px;}
dl.postprofile dt a {font-size: 14px;}
Oct 6, 2009
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TheGame said:
when people are talking about post above name on index they mean this...



Yes, this is a better picture because it's out on the forum's index page. The photo I borrowed from Netserk is already on a subforum page, so thread titles are already there. I meant I wanted thread titles added to the forum's main index page, latest activity column - like is shown above in The Game's picture.
Mar 12, 2010
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Re: Re:

Parrulo said:
Beech Mtn said:
When I submit a new post, I don't want to waste time with a blank screen that says "your post was submitted successfully," and then gives me the option to click to see my post or to go to the forum index page. Just take me automatically to the thread with my new post in it.

Very much this

theres a mod for it, but its very old


theres also a cheat that changes the delay from 3 seconds to 0


Edit: hang on, i didnt get teh annoying post succesful page then.. Ah... not getting it from quick reply, but am getting it from full reply/edit
Oct 6, 2009
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I notice the former forum's foul-language filter appears to be gone. Or at least is much more lenient. This is generally a good thing, since the other was over-zealous.

Little test:
*** Pound
Re: Re:

Jeff said:
Netserk said:
sam said:
You can do me a favour - can you put :


PM or post in here - then I can get the redirects setup - didn't have time yesterday to do it.
I'd like to do that, but there are two problems:

There's no link to a post (previously each post had a number [OP was #1, first reply #2 and so on], which if you clicked on that you saw the one post in isolation with a new url, so it was easy to link to), so it's not easy to find the new url.

There are more than 1.000 of such links to other posts in that thread, so do you want us to give you the link to every single one of them or just a couple?

Cheers :)
Just a couple of examples would be great
It's difficult because there isn't the same capacity to locate a single post. For example, the first post in the thread, which contains all the links to the library posts, has this as a link to the library for fictional one-day races:

This link is of course now dead. But it tells us that the library for fictional one-day races is post 289 in the thread. I manually hunted out that post and there are links to each such race posted by members - a total of 42 separate links such as these:

and so on. This is actually a comparatively small library as each race only has the one link in it, as opposed to some of the posts for fantasy Tours or Giri which have up to 21 per contribution.

As each library is sorted alphabetically (first by race name, then by poster) these are not in chronological order, so organizing them to rebuild the libraries manually will be a herculean task. Because of how big the thread had grown (far bigger than I ever anticipated) it was already a bit unwieldy to do it as each post happened rather than to do it all in one go. And at present I cannot see a way to link to individual posts to be able to set this up anyway.

The thread itself now has this URL:

I can see that this does not change when moving from page to page so the individual post number for every forum post that we previously had ceases to be relevant. However the last part of each link from the library shows where in the thread to look for the post originally linked, so if there's some way of using this to automatically redirect it would be MUCH appreciated by myself and, since otherwise they'll be reliant on my patience in rebuilding the libraries, anybody else who uses the thread...