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What should I do when I get a PM like this?

Recipients: Big GMaC, BroDeal, Hugh Januss, Race Radio, SpartacusRox

Today, 15:20
Lance The Great Lance The Great is online now
Junior Member

Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 17
Default Lance...
It goes without saying. Losers in life such as yourselves having nothing to hold onto but to hate on others that did achieve.

Sad, pathetic, lonely, little men, who spin lies, ignore, SPECULATE and contradict to keep getting attention until you realize you can't get out any more of your BS. You are one set of sad individuals.


Oooh, somebody's getting upset.


I'm a jerk too!!

WTF?? Why didn't I get one?

That's it. Now I'm pissed.
May 15, 2010
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Scott SoCal said:
WTF?? Why didn't I get one?

That's it. Now I'm pissed.

You beat me to it! What? I haven't been hating on Lance enough lately? I've been busy. An old friend came in from out of town! My tux didn't come back from the cleaners! Locusts!


Lance The Great said:
Suasan messaged me yesterday stating a warning for being aggressive and insulting. I said, its OK for the members of this board to be aggressive and insulting towards Lance...

Her reply...

As far as I know, Lance is not a member on this forum.


And someone who has raised $243,000,000 to fight cancer...

Be ashamed of yourselves.

Look at me, man, I mean really look at me. See what you did?

Lance The Great said:
Susan West. messaged me yesterday stating a warning for being aggressive and insulting. I said, its OK for the members of this board to be aggressive and insulting towards Lance...

Her reply...

As far as I know, Lance is not a member on this forum.


And someone who has raised $243,000,000 to fight cancer...

Be ashamed of yourselves.

Curious as to how you arrived at that absurd figure.
May 15, 2010
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Hugh Januss said:
Curious as to how you arrived at that absurd figure.

That's not even a billion. We all know that he has raised many many billions to spread the awareness that cancer is more than just a dessert topping.
Mar 10, 2009
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lgt is an angry troll

Gee, and I wanted so much to be in with the "popular" crowd! But then I remembered I disabled the PM function a long time ago.

lgt (I don't dare spell it out--let alone with capital letters--because it simply is not true) is a troll of high order. A very angry troll!
Jul 24, 2010
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Lance The Great said:
You are all speculating, fully grown men, downgrading the achivements of an athlete who has done so much for the sport & for cancer.

Your ****ing pathetic, the lot of you.

I have been reading these forums on and off for many years, and have never signed up, but reading this post has prompted me to join so I can post what I think.

I am a 32 year old guy from Melbourne Australia. I own a small business doing print management. I enjoy riding my road bike allot and love the sport of cycling. I race now and then and have won the odd C and B grade race. But I have no real natural talent at it.

Since most people that post on here are of similar ilk to each other you will probably claim and think that I am "Lance the Great" just signed in under a different name. I'll also get called a "troll" etc.

The reason I have signed up is because I agree 100% with "Lance the Great". I am not really a lance fan, nor am I a hater. But I have never seen such and unintelligent, pathetic gathering of people in all of my born days.

The vast majority of the high-posters on this board make me embarrassed to call myself a cyclist. It seems that if you consider yourself a "cycling fan" then you need to hate Lance. As if it's not cool becuase non-cycling peole like Armstrong.

The man has never failed a drug test and has become the greatest TdF rider in its history thus far. Not to mention the massive profile boost he has given the sport in the USA and the rest of the world.

Any involvement with drugs / doping is pure speculation. And intelligent people don't base their arguments on speculation, rumour, hear-say and innuendo. They base it on hard facts.

"Lance the Great" is correct, you lot are pathetic.

If you put as much effort into your lives, job, family and cycling as you do snivelling away on this forum then you wouldn't be the sad miserable bunch you are.

All you do is try to cut down a man who has bought joy and hope to millions of people. Your words on here stink of self loathing and a deep-seated knowledge that you will never amount to anything spectacular or have a positive effect on people’s lives.

You can't make yourself better, so you seek to bring down those better than yourself.


krebs303 said:
I agree. I feel unwanted. I feel I am among the unwashed. an untouchable as it were. The SHAME.

I try hard to be as irritating as possible without getting banned and what do I get? Nothin'.


Furious_G said:
I have been reading these forums on and off for many years, and have never signed up, but reading this post has prompted me to join so I can post what I think.

I am a 32 year old guy from Melbourne Australia. I own a small business doing print management. I enjoy riding my road bike allot and love the sport of cycling. I race now and then and have won the odd C and B grade race. But I have no real natural talent at it.

Since most people that post on here are of similar ilk to each other you will probably claim and think that I am "Lance the Great" just signed in under a different name. I'll also get called a "troll" etc.

The reason I have signed up is because I agree 100% with "Lance the Great". I am not really a lance fan, nor am I a hater. But I have never seen such and unintelligent, pathetic gathering of people in all of my born days.

The vast majority of the high-posters on this board make me embarrassed to call myself a cyclist. It seems that if you consider yourself a "cycling fan" then you need to hate Lance. As if it's not cool becuase non-cycling peole like Armstrong.

The man has never failed a drug test and has become the greatest TdF rider in its history thus far. Not to mention the massive profile boost he has given the sport in the USA and the rest of the world.

Any involvement with drugs / doping is pure speculation. And intelligent people don't base their arguments on speculation, rumour, hear-say and innuendo. They base it on hard facts.

"Lance the Great" is correct, you lot are pathetic.

If you put as much effort into your lives, job, family and cycling as you do snivelling away on this forum then you wouldn't be the sad miserable bunch you are.

All you do is try to cut down a man who has bought joy and hope to millions of people. Your words on here stink of self loathing and a deep-seated knowledge that you will never amount to anything spectacular or have a positive effect on people’s lives.

You can't make yourself better, so you seek to bring down those better than yourself.

So what size needle does yor boy use when he transfuses?


Furious_G said:
I would love to know the IQ of people like you, I really would.

Might surprise you to know I used to admire LA. When you get a clue you will go down the same road as so many others.

Now, on the other hand, if you are getting a paycheck from Public Strategies then I forgive you.
Furious_G said:
This has nothing to do with what I think about the 2010 tour. If I wanted to discuss that I would post in the appropriate forum.

Why would you register on a cycling forum if not to discuss the "biggest race in the world"?

It's interesting that you have lurked "for years" yet the moment which compelled you to register was not a cycling event.

I think people just need to stop obsessing over someone who's a no one in the sport as of tomorrow and start following the sport itself. I don't know why they do it, maybe they are trying to bring the sport down by highlighting the significance of an individual.


Lance The Great said:
Amen to that!

Its an absolute joke is this place.

Whenever we see a great performance in cycling, Its DOPE, DOPE DOPE related, has to be, What else can it be?.

Ignorant pieces of ****.

Didn't have the balls to train hard & challenge Armstrong in races, instead opting to become forum warriors.

Isn't it great that you don't actually have to come here?

You know, free will and all...


Lance The Great said:
And you have a clue?. You don't have a clue, you SPECULATE.

It goes without saying. Losers in life having nothing to hold onto but to hate on others that did achieve, that had the balls to go out & do something with there life's, such as Lance.

There are so many people on these boards with very low self-esteems & no balls.

Anger management much?


Lance The Great said:
And you have a clue?. You don't have a clue, you SPECULATE.

It goes without saying. Losers in life having nothing to hold onto but to hate on others that did achieve, that had the balls to go out & do something with there life's, such as Lance.

There are so many people on these boards with very low self-esteems & no balls.

I know, I know, OJ is still looking for the real killers.
Jul 24, 2010
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Ferminal said:
Why would you register on a cycling forum if not to discuss the "biggest race in the world"?

It's interesting that you have lurked "for years" yet the moment which compelled you to register was not a cycling event.

I discuss the tour with my friends in real life and mearly come on here to read peoples opinion - it was "Lance the Great" 's post which prompted me to join.

Unlike most people on here, I'm smart enough to know I have nothing much to add to the conversation about the Tour as every point gets repeated ad nausium.

"To appear wise, one must talk; To be wise, one must listen"
Furious_G said:
I discuss the tour with my friends in real life and mearly come on here to read peoples opinion - it was "Lance the Great" 's post which prompted me to join.

Unlike most people on here, I'm smart enough to know I have nothing much to add to the conversation about the Tour as every point gets repeated ad nausium.

"To appear wise, one must talk; To be wise, one must listen"

Then why don't you listen when people say that Lance Armstrong has failed a drugs test?