Then why is Lance still riding without sanction?
Accussation without proof is just creative writing - some better than others - but that does not get us to the point where LA will be sanctioned does it?
Every single challenge that has been brought to LA has been beaten when it goes before an adjudicative authority - every single one.
You cannot simply dump the accussation and declare 'proof' when you ignore the rebuttal. So what is the rebuttal to your story, and how does the story simply negate the rebuttal?
Interestingly enough, I see Levi, Lance & Trek, and BMC in the adverts as I write this - I think I can clearly see where the proof lead - and it was certainly not to a doping conviction.
BTW, here is a very short rebuttal to this well known accussation:
Notice the bottom line:
The report suggests very strongly that WADA chose to urinate all over its own WADA Code (PDF link) in order to plant suspicion that Lance Armstrong doped. It did this even with the foreknowledge that the “evidence” thus generated rose barely above the level of innuendo, and couldn't be used as evidence in a real doping inquiry.
That's pretty much the definition of a smear campaign."
So Lance should be worried because people keep bringing up the same already debunked accussations? RIIIGGGHHHTT.