He has more subs than cyclocross worlds has views on youtube he must be doing something right
Funny quote about his obvious overuse of " knucklehead ". He brings some racing basics to his channel( butterfly effect) I was surprised that Aussie broadcasters didn't see the same quality in Robbie McEwan..
The bizarre part of these wait and see threads, where the process is from a fantasy,were blood or urine from a non winning Radio Shack or Lotto rider is analyzed..
And then as far as Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot theory..in a few years old movie, Slaying the Badger about Hinault and Lemond, Greg and his wife both say matter a factly about Fignon's drug use,both during and possibly after his racing career..why not analysis of that?
As curious, during all the soul searching video from everyone in Landis, Lance circles, Horner goes unmentioned?
That was a very common thread that I saw, spread the pain..spread the blame,w everyone in a hurry to name names as to look average..
So why did none of those guilty athletes not choose to include Horner as a data point to reinforce that " everyone was doing it "?
It looks like for some, indefinitely waiting for the shoe to drop is okay..
I always enjoy watching Tyler Hamilton describe what he sees as a quality.. " I had to move on " I agree with him it's a quality..and the waiting mob is filled with knuckleheads.