Mongol_Waaijer said:
Eventually more of the truth about Lance has to come out. too many people know too much for it to ever be truly kept secret. If Lance ever goes into politics the big money interests will be able to uncover dirt and pay people to talk etc.
But hell, we've seen with the "Birthers" that in Idiot America a "lunatic fringe" idea can quickly become mainstream if enough idiots want to believe it, and if there are slick PR machines pushing ideas in the media.
Like other controversies such as evolution vs creationism, was Saddam behind 9/11 the following rule seems to emerge:
Something is "fact" if enough people believe it.
How "true" something is depends on how strongly people believe it.
The Lance legend is not really any different.
In the same way that a christian can argue "the bible says so" in a debate on evolution, a Lance admirer can say "it's all a French conspiracy" or "never tested positive" etc etc.
It gets pointless.
sadly, you are correct, sir
and yes, I am American, and Yes, I race bikes (although not very well), and as a cyclist I am a target of angry rednecks on the county roads that want to kill me because I may cause them to have to swerve or .. god-forbid.. slow down a little bit when they come up on me.
I am also evolving. I started out in cycling as a kid on a BMX. Saw the Coors Classic in person and was hooked. Davis Phinney & Andy Hampsten were heroes back in those days. Lance was coming up the pro ranks when I raced in college. We were all big fans back then. I have called myself neutral on Lance since I was able to see certain things for myself (going from pro-LA in 2005 to LA-neutral in 2009). I did not dogmatically hold my pro-LA position, but rather got more realistic. I am still somewhere in the middle, but his own behavior, especially since his comeback, has pushed me a little more in the other direction. I thought he was cool at the Leadville 100 last year, but now things are changing. I see him as not being able to accept his position at Astana as second-best and acting like a vindictive junior-high kid via the media, twitter, etc. And I see the "reason" for his comeback being, as he has said, to "kick their a$$es" and not really to raise cancer awareness. And this is personal to me since I have a family member with cancer. I see that (cancer fundraising) as a fringe-benefit to the comeback at best, but the ego of LA being the primary reason. And he has proven that he can come back and kick MOST of their a$$es. That being said, I don't hate him, not necessarily even dislike him yet. But jeez, the more that comes out, the less I am sure. Stay tuned ……..