Awww you used your 4000th post on me.. how sweet
You do rather misinterpret me though, its EbH, Geraint and Russ im secretly in love with. Brad doesnt really do it for me, I defend him, but ive got better things to do than actively promote him..
The only ones around here with a Wiggins fixation seem to be you and blackcat.. If you need help i can recommend a good doctor..
I do, however, object to you using the opportunity to make this personal rather than just a difference of opinion over particular riders. I did not start this thread remember, it was started by Blackcat. I actually think i was very relaxed and humourful in my response to your attempts to windup, I actually think reducing it to personal insults and stepping over the line between joking and offence is rather childish and out of order.
There is absolutely NO NEED whatsoever to make this personal. Its an insult to your intelligence frankly. You are much much smarter than that, you know it, I know it. Stop being a ****.
Sadly this is what happens when someone starts a thread deliberately to antagonise.. It remains good humoured, mild banter, jokes, until someone who simply doesnt know when to shut up takes it to far and turns it personal.