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Win a Cervelo jersey!

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May 22, 2009
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so in other words, I would have had to been awake around two in the morning to have a shot at winning. I wouldn't have won anyway, but.....



dougiebaby said:
and where exactly are you Mr. Winner? Somewhere in the north of Europe? proves my point

thats also a very good point..

i dont begrudge him the win at all.. its a great prize, but it is a bit unfair on the americans, and even us brits, unless we get up every morning and check the forum from 8am till 10am in case there is a competition, its always gonna be first come.. probably just cos it was a sprinters stage, there where not really many options.. im surprused it was the third person on the list that was right... that would have been most peoples first choices..

but congrats though.. wicked prize, not as good as the columbia one, but great nonetheless..


Susan Westemeyer said:
Yes, indeedy, the person with the totally unpronounceable name has won! And we actually gave away the Cervelo jersey on the first try!


And everybody else, keep in touch here, who knows what else might pop up before the end of the race.


is it possible to let us know the day before, like before.. and maybe have the initial time for the thread a little later, maybe 12pm gmt or something so the americans have a chance to take part.. (still 7am eastern but a bit better for them) and around peoples lunchtimes in uk and europe
Mar 10, 2009
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Damn, didn't realise it was the first post that wins, thought correct answers went into a hat! Wouldn't that be fairer in a randomy way? Not that I'm bitter in anyway
I quite like the first person to nominate the correct answer wins the prize as it will stop too many copycat answers if there is a three man break that is 20 minutes ahead with 25 km to go, for example.

Starting the comps a bit later would be really beneficial to everyone in the UK, Portugal, and the USA but how much later can you leave it, if you go for 12pm GMT, 1pm CET, 7am EST then you still miss out on the USA market, but still have about 3 to 3.5 hours of racing left which gives everyone enough time to place there answers.

Now before any Australians say "What about us!!!" even at 12pm GMT, it is still only 9pm or 10pm in Australia giving many of you plenty of time to enter before its time to get to bed.
Mar 10, 2009
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Just leave it up to the contest promoters to decide, they're giving it away so hopefully no one is going to blow a gasket over this.

Second note, can we get a Jersey from a team with a cooler design :D


quadsRme said:
or maybe the ones who chose the same names but were late in turning them in get a t-shirt or a hat?

i think it was just a bit unfortunate today as it wasnt announced in advance the competition was on.. it was really just a matter of who would be the first to come to the forum and guess who would come third, davis or ferrar.. :D

but it does need to be fairer..

that said.. i dont really have much interest in the cervelho jersey.. it was the columbia i was after,. :D
Well being first certainly didn't help. I was hoping Farrar and Davis would be motivated enough from not winning yet to fend off Petacchi but it seems Farrar is a bit of a pussy in the fight for positions. He let Renshaw push him off the wheel of his own lead out man without fighting to get the wheel back. That's a situation he certainly needs to improve on.

And I don't understand what's so difficult to pronounce about kjetilraknerud?
Mar 10, 2009
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ingsve said:
And I don't understand what's so difficult to pronounce about kjetilraknerud?
Oh, did kjetilraknerud win?

I am happy for him, as he seems to be a regular here, while the winner of the Columbia jersey was some I-am-here-for-the-contest-only guy, right?
Apr 28, 2009
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180mmCrank said:
Did you know that kjetilraknerud is an anagram of litjekkarrendru?

Spookie ;)
Scary, isn't it?
I recieved a message from competition organizers, and was asked to send an e-mail with my real name and address. I wonder if they found it funny that it actually is my real name :)
kjetilraknerud said:
Scary, isn't it?
I recieved a message from competition organizers, and was asked to send an e-mail with my real name and address. I wonder if they found it funny that it actually is my real name :)

No, why should I find it funny? No doubt my name from when before I was married would look funny to any number of non-americans. The German family I married into always had trouble with it.

I think it is seeing it all written together as one word, which is confusing. Also, I am not a fan of using my real name as a forum nickname.



Leopejo said:
Oh, did kjetilraknerud win?

I am happy for him, as he seems to be a regular here, while the winner of the Columbia jersey was some I-am-here-for-the-contest-only guy, right?

yes and no.. nice someone who has been here a while, but i guess another part of it is encouraging people to the forum for the competition and hoping stick around...

ive not looked to see how many members over the last week or so have joined, and stayed.. think there might be 1 or 2