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Well the line of thunderstorms that are producing tornadoes are headed this way tomorrow. Basically a cold front hitting a warm front. It appears the worst of it where I'm at will be starting around 4pm and ending around 9 to 10pm. Well at least things here at the coast are built to withstand the winds and hail just not tornadoes. Wind will basically be the same as a low Cat 1 hurricane.
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112! o_O
My AC has been running from noon to midnight to keep my old house about 80!
Glad your house at least has A/C, a lot of people in these parts of the world don't have it because we're just not used to these kind of temps. (Thankfully my house has A/C also.)

We don't usually own any snow plows in Eugene either, but that's a story for another day and another season. :tearsofjoy:
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It didn't get out of the 80 last night so my AC is going to go on a 36+ hour run!

FYI: our average temps for this week are all in the mid-high 80s, with lows in the mid 60s.

Did you get relief yet?
Our normal summer temps here are usually mid-high 80s with overnight lows in the 50s. Thankfully we have gotten some relief though, today it's a cloudy 85F.

Things are looking really bad up in Vancouver, B.C., apparently they've hit 121! o_O That's just unheard of in probably all of Canada, at least on the west coast the further north you travel the cooler it gets. There have been quite a few deaths there the last few days, they are attributing this to dehydration and lack of A/C. :(
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Our normal summer temps here are usually mid-high 80s with overnight lows in the 50s. Thankfully we have gotten some relief though, today it's a cloudy 85F.

Things are looking really bad up in Vancouver, B.C., apparently they've hit 121! o_O That's just unheard of in probably all of Canada, at least on the west coast the further north you travel the cooler it gets. There have been quite a few deaths there the last few days, they are attributing this to dehydration and lack of A/C. :(
Over 100 (and every degree more) is hot no matter where you are, but they aren't 'made' for that!

I can't wait until we get closer to average temps. Even getting some evening/night cooling would make a huge difference.

I'm glad that you are a little cooler!
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Normally our A/C doesn't kick in till the afternoon because I open all the windows first thing in the morning when it's cool outside, this allows the house to cool off from the daily heat. Right now that has not been the case, the A/C has been running non-stop.

I'm already crying when I see next month's electrical bill even though my A/C is set to a very sensible 74F, are you crying? At least we have A/C though, we're lucky.
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Most days are still 100+ here, and we have the added fun of the smoke rolling in from all of the fires. Many nights only cool off into the 80s F so opening the house isn't much help. The last few mornings have been in the low 70s though so that's nice. Forecast is for more of the same.

TR...my electrical bill is going to kill me. I have my AC at 78 F.

Side note: The news reporting of the heat is silly. We had ~6 days over 100, then a 99 day, then 9 days over 100, then a 98 day, then 7 days over 100 and then a 99 day... Each time its not 100 they say something like "finally some relief from the heat wave", but then when its over 100 again "we're in another heat wave". How does one day of 99 end a heat wave?! Even the national news said something like "...their fourth heat wave already this summer", sorry no, its just been one long heat wave.
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Most days are still 100+ here, and we have the added fun of the smoke rolling in from all of the fires. Many nights only cool off into the 80s F so opening the house isn't much help. The last few mornings have been in the low 70s though so that's nice. Forecast is for more of the same.

TR...my electrical bill is going to kill me. I have my AC at 78 F.

Side note: The news reporting of the heat is silly. We had ~6 days over 100, then a 99 day, then 9 days over 100, then a 98 day, then 7 days over 100 and then a 99 day... Each time its not 100 they say something like "finally some relief from the heat wave", but then when its over 100 again "we're in another heat wave". How does one day of 99 end a heat wave?! Even the national news said something like "...their fourth heat wave already this summer", sorry no, its just been one long heat wave.
What's your water bill going to be like?

Here we've fortunately dropped down to normal summer temps (for now), but it hasn't rained in weeks. Normally I water the lawn and plants every other day, but with the recent heat I have to water every day because everything is so dried out. I don't need a lovely, golf course-style lawn, but I don't want it to be a fire hazard either. So, I'll be crying when I see the water bill as well.
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What's your water bill going to be like?

Here we've fortunately dropped down to normal summer temps (for now), but it hasn't rained in weeks. Normally I water the lawn and plants every other day, but with the recent heat I have to water every day because everything is so dried out. I don't need a lovely, golf course-style lawn, but I don't want it to be a fire hazard either. So, I'll be crying when I see the water bill as well.
My lawn has never looked this bad. Its not 'offend the neighbors bad', but I am not going to spend $150 a month to keep the grass pretty green.
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My lawn has never looked this bad. Its not 'offend the neighbors bad', but I am not going to spend $150 a month to keep the grass pretty green.
My next-door neighbor is particularly anal about his lawn, it's so green and lush you practically don't dare look at it it's so beautious. His sprinklers are poorly set they end up watering the sidewalk as well as his grass, he doesn't care. His money and his water bill, but I think it's a monumental waste.
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91 F this morning at 7 AM!!! o_O
Eh, jmd, do you have another heatwave later this week? We've got one coming, it's supposed to hit 100+F again. I figure whatever we have is coming your way.

I am so sick of this crap, can't really ride or even go for a walk unless it's at the crack of dawn when it's still relatively cool outside. About the only thing the heat is good for is ripening tomatoes and blueberries.
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My lawn has never looked this bad. Its not 'offend the neighbors bad', but I am not going to spend $150 a month to keep the grass pretty green.
In Australia we are used to droughts but have become petrified to build new dams to capture rain when it does fall.

We are in a wet cycle now in Eastern Australia so water restrictions have been eased (Australia is influenced by te El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)). But dry periods and restrictions will return. The city of Sydney water supply is from a dam that was built in 1960. The only addition to Sydney's water supply since then was a desalination plant built in 2010. Currently it is switched off as dam levels are at 94% capacity. But can get below 50% which is when we can water the lawns or wash the car except with a bucket rather than a hose. The point is population has grown by nearly 150% / 3 million in that time and only a part time desal plant has been built. Meanwhile we wait for the next inevitable water restrictions when ENSO sees a return to dry El Niño conditions.

As I write it is winter where I am located. Sydney temperatures vary depending upon proximity to the Ocean which has a moderating influence. A typical early morning at 5am sees the outside temperature at my location below 10C - maybe as low as 5C. But this morning we have 15C. Sign of the times?
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Eh, jmd, do you have another heatwave later this week? We've got one coming, it's supposed to hit 100+F again. I figure whatever we have is coming your way.

I am so sick of this crap, can't really ride or even go for a walk unless it's at the crack of dawn when it's still relatively cool outside. About the only thing the heat is good for is ripening tomatoes and blueberries.
Is that 100+F max ? What you describe is a very normal summer where I live. I ride early before sunrise - usually leave home by 5:30am. My advice is get used to it, you will acclimatize.

The only time I get stuck in hot weather is on Saturday morning group rides which can finish after 9am. Sometimes I don't mind the heat. But if you follow cycling you would know the TdF and Vuelta can be raced in oppressive heat. It is one thing to ride but racing in those temperatures is something else. To be a pro cyclist you need a tough head.
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Is that 100+F max ? What you describe is a very normal summer where I live. I ride early before sunrise - usually leave home by 5:30am. My advice is get used to it, you will acclimatize.

The only time I get stuck in hot weather is on Saturday morning group rides which can finish after 9am. Sometimes I don't mind the heat. But if you follow cycling you would know the TdF and Vuelta can be raced in oppressive heat. It is one thing to ride but racing in those temperatures is something else. To be a pro cyclist you need a tough head.
I'm not answering for TR, I'll let her do that, but we are in the same region of the USA and it has been a hotter than average and in many cases record hot. Having 25 100+ F days with many 98/99 degree days in between is not 'normal' for July, let alone June. Precip is down as well.

A note about precipitation: we had no measurable precip for July until the 31st when we got an inch (about 4X normal for July) so if you just look at the books, Boise looks like it had a wetter than normal July.
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This is so depressing. The world's literally burning.
Yes it’s scary. But not everywhere on the globe is burning up. The science of AGW says the poles will warm faster than the tropics. So I checked Vostok Station in Antartica which is the coldest place on Earth. Over the last three days the temperature at Vostok Station has averaged -74C (-101F)! That’s cold even by Vostok standards.
On average, the coolest month in Vostok station is August with -64.0° Celsius (-83.2° Fahrenheit).
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Is that 100+F max ? What you describe is a very normal summer where I live. I ride early before sunrise - usually leave home by 5:30am. My advice is get used to it, you will acclimatize.

The only time I get stuck in hot weather is on Saturday morning group rides which can finish after 9am. Sometimes I don't mind the heat. But if you follow cycling you would know the TdF and Vuelta can be raced in oppressive heat. It is one thing to ride but racing in those temperatures is something else. To be a pro cyclist you need a tough head.
I sometimes question where the pros draw the line between being tough and being unnecessarily foolish. (As Spinal Tap would say there's a fine line between stupid and clever.) Of course, they have whole teams of doctors and nutritionists who remind them to properly hydrate during excessive heat, for us mere mortals this is not an option.

Otherwise what jmd said upthread - in this region we are experiencing unprecedent summer temps. A lot of people don't have air conditioning because it hasn't really been necessary till now. In my area we now also have smoky air from all the wildfires in the region, I'll be jumping for joy the next time it rains. (As I'm sure the firefighters will be.)

And now for everyone's enjoyment (and completely from the left field because I had mentioned Spinal Tap):

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrKqBlZdOTk&ab_channel=ivandes11
In the end the temperatures at 850 hPa in Spain during the weekend were a couple of degrees below the forecasts (+29,7°C and +29,5°C the radiosonde data from Huelva and Murcia at 00z on sunday) and the higher 2 meter temperature was "only" +48,7°C so the Sicilian record from last week survived.
