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2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games - Road racing

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Jun 16, 2009
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abbaskip said:
Large parts of Scotland are actually campaigning for their independence.

The interesting one is actually the Isle of Man (as people have mentioned, probably unknowingly with Cav). The Isle of Man is a self governing British dependency. The Isle of Man is not actually part of the United Kingdom, and so shoudn't REALLY compete with them at the Olympics etc...It is a grey area though, because they're also not technically a nation in their own right. Basically they're a British posession.

If large parts of Scotland are campaigning for independence, where's the independence bill Alex Salmond keeps promising us? It is no longer the central plank of SNP policy because they know it's currently unwinnable.

Also, Guernsey and Jersey compete with similar (identical?) status to the IOM - GO GUERNSEY!!!
Torrrr said:
If large parts of Scotland are campaigning for independence, where's the independence bill Alex Salmond keeps promising us? It is no longer the central plank of SNP policy because they know it's currently unwinnable.

Also, Guernsey and Jersey compete with similar (identical?) status to the IOM - GO GUERNSEY!!!

Do you not find consolation in the fact that until 3 months ago, the last 12 years Britain had been run by 2 Scottish prime ministers?
Jul 2, 2009
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Torrrr said:
It's no different to the Scottish press, it's always the Scot David Millar but the Britons Mark Cavendish and Bradley Wiggins.

I know a few of the 'English' press. And they do Scottish/British stuff deliberately, because they know Scots are so monumentally precious about it, massive chip on their collective shoulder, and they find the reaction funny.
Nov 2, 2009
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The Hitch said:
+ 1


THis is however minor compared to the number of babies and ill people who have died and will continue to die because a very poor country decided to divert billions of dollars to build big stadiums. - here.

But i am open minded. I dont want to take away these sporting events. All i ask is that some of the millions that the big companies, nike, cocacola, the aparatchicks - Sepp Blatter, the athletes get/ win from these sporting events is given back to the societies which have been drained for it.


Open minded and romantic? It will never happen, of course. Capitalism is a system which rewards the "haves", not the "have-nots". Hence slum demolishment for the sake of appearances, amongst countless other things.
Jul 7, 2010
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Ferminal said:
Yes of course the country is UKOGBANI, but ask any sports fan if they would prefer their "home" or their country to be representing them in international events.

I always enjoyed how Scotland are the bitter enemy in football/rugby, yet people like Andy Murray and David Coulthard are great British hopes.


And as I pointed out to a British (English) friend of mine who said "the country is England, because I believe I'm English not British, and it's about what you believe"...West Papuans believe they're West Papuan, but would have to represent Indonesia. There are loads of other examples from around the world too. It doesn't matter what you think the country is or want the country to be. The country IS the UK.
Jul 11, 2010
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The Hitch said:
+ 1

He who reads doesnt read the newspaper is uninformed. He who does read the newspaper is uninformed - Mark Twain.

And back then, the media was far more honourable and had more quality than it does these days

Unfortunately Spains captain Iker Casillias was asked before he won the world cup if he would perhaps give some of his winning money to poor people. His responce was basically _ off. here
He was joined by all in his proffesion who were asked, including his predecesor as world cup captain who said it was ridiculous that people would want to give money to poor people instead of giving it all to him. here

You say the media has not very much honour or quality these days then write that load of ******** there. Neither player said anything of the sort.....
top_tenz_finish said:
You say the media has not very much honour or quality these days then write that load of ******** there. Neither player said anything of the sort.....

Um yes they did

Cannivaro said "what a ridiculous country" after being asked whether he felt he had too much luxury.

ANd Casillias - who as the captain, had negotiated the insane 700 000 winner bonus, the biggest in history. THis despite the fact that Spain is in serious serious economic problems. 20% unemployment and much of the country learns less a year than Casiliias gets in a day.

He was asked about this contradiction, and whether the bonus was really neccesary, and if perhaps it should be given to help the country and especially the poor in it.
Both he and iniesta troped out the usual - seperate politics from football crap. THis despite the fact that HE had negotiated the bonus, hence mixing politics with football in the first place.

And he didnt even stop there. He then tried to defend the bonus by saying he has friends and family in economic problems. Considering he has been earning over £100 000 a week. for the last 7 years, he had plenty of chances to help these alleged poor friends and family before. But having not done this, no sooner does he get challenged in the press, that he hides behind them to justify more money for himself.
A disgrace and one of the most selfish gestures ive seen in my life.

So while i may have exagerated slightly what Cannevaro said, both players showed extreme selfishness, and Casillias did show, that he is totaly unwilling to help those more in need, despite his undeserved huge wealth. Its not ******** (whatever that word is supposed to be) . Read the links.
May 25, 2010
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Really, its the end of the season - what other races fo you honestly think he'd be able to compete in considering he's not at the worlds? I hardly think this was a descison made on a whim...
Tuarts said:
Really, its the end of the season - what other races fo you honestly think he'd be able to compete in considering he's not at the worlds? I hardly think this was a descison made on a whim...

I'm not criticising the decision, in fact I think it's better to race in proper events with the team rather than the Comm Games (was Travis doing Road and Track?). If he were racing in India he would miss out on the final group of one day races in Europe.
Jun 16, 2009
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abbaskip said:
Yes, but they AREN'T separate countries. It's as simple as that.

But they are! Scotland, England, etc, are considered separate countries even if they are apart of United Kingdom which is considered a country.


auscyclefan94 said:
Sorry I meant to put United kingdom.

United kingdom is still not a country!

England, Scotland, wales, North Ireland, Republic of Ireland are countries

England, Scotland, Wales make up the large island known as great britain, which is not a country

The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and a few other little islands, and is still not a country

The british isles includes great britain, the island of ireland, and all the outlying islands, isle of man, channel islands etc. This group of islands is not a country.
Jun 16, 2009
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abbaskip said:
Actually, the country/nation (regardless of what Brits will try to tell you, and who plays Rugby and Football/Soccer), is the United Kingdon of Great Britain and Northern Ireland...

So at the Olympics they represent their nation. At the Comm Games they don't.

The Olympic committee, and the UN use REAL countries, where as Comm Games needs more teams to compete...And in Football/Soccer the nations just want to compete separately, and are allowed to (they're not competing in the 2012 London Olympics because of the fear that if they play as a combined Britain there, FIFA will make them always combine).

And the password is for the United Kingdom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland.

Large parts of Scotland are actually campaigning for their independence. And there is always an issue, that the smaller 'nation states'/principalities Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland etc, have their own parliarments for a fair chunk of their rules (as American and Australian states do too), but England doesn't. This means that issues effecting only England can be voted for by the Scottish representitives in the British parliament for instance.

David Cameron is the BRITISH Prime Minister, not the English PM. It is the BRITISH Army, not the English/Scottish etc Army. etc etc.

The interesting one is actually the Isle of Man (as people have mentioned, probably unknowingly with Cav). The Isle of Man is a self governing British dependency. The Isle of Man is not actually part of the United Kingdom, and so shoudn't REALLY compete with them at the Olympics etc...It is a grey area though, because they're also not technically a nation in their own right. Basically they're a British posession.

It also annoys me when the Olympics etc refer to the competing nation as "Great Britain". As this excludes Northern Ireland, and only includes the part of the UK on the main island. The "British Isles" are Ireland, Great Britain, and the channel islands etc. But "Great Britain" is the main island.

Dim, I was responding to this posters comments who claimed that the United Kingdom was a country.


auscyclefan94 said:
Dim, I was responding to this posters comments who claimed that the United Kingdom was a country.
oh well he/she is as mad as you..

And to that poster, there are arguments in football because they cannot agree on a UK football team for the olympics
Jul 27, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
United kingdom is still not a country!

England, Scotland, wales, North Ireland, Republic of Ireland are countries

England, Scotland, Wales make up the large island known as great britain, which is not a country

The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and a few other little islands, and is still not a country

The british isles includes great britain, the island of ireland, and all the outlying islands, isle of man, channel islands etc. This group of islands is not a country.

All correct except the UK. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island is a Country and a Unitary State.
Jul 7, 2010
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auscyclefan94 said:
But they are! Scotland, England, etc, are considered separate countries even if they are apart of United Kingdom which is considered a country.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Have a look at the UN listed nations.

Have a look at a passport. Your country/nation is Australia (as is mine). Our passports clearly say Australia. We're represented in the UN by Australia.

In the UK, they are represented in the UN by the UK. Not by England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their passports say the UK of GB&NT.
Jul 7, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
United kingdom is still not a country!

England, Scotland, wales, North Ireland, Republic of Ireland are countries
Wrong. As mentioned in post above. The military represents the UK. The UN is represented as the UK. The Prime Minister is the PM of the UK. Scotland are campaigning for independence (if they were already a nation, would they need to do this?) Do I really need to go on?
England, Scotland, Wales make up the large island known as great britain, which is not a country
100% Correct
The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and a few other little islands, and is still not a country
Correct until "and is still not a country".
The british isles includes great britain, the island of ireland, and all the outlying islands, isle of man, channel islands etc. This group of islands is not a country.
Correct. The Republic of Ireland is most definitely independent. And there are other islands (like the Isle of Man) that are British Dependencies.


You are all relying far too much on wikipedia. :D

From Ordnance Survey:

The term United Kingdom (UK) refers to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
It is a political union rather than a geographical term.

In international law and international relations, a state is a geographic political entity possessing politicial sovereignty, i.e. not being subject to any higher political authority. (see Montevideo Convention 1933)

In casual language, the idea of a "state" and a "country" are usually regarded as synonymous. The United States are not made up of several 'countries' and the United Arab Emirates are made up of seven 'emirates'. They are both countries too.

and for the record, technically neither wales or northern ireland are countries.. :D
Jul 7, 2010
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I guess at the end of the day, it depends on your definitions.

If a Nation and a Country are the same thing, then Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland are most definitely not nations. As the nationality (represented by a passport) of their citizens is British (ie. of the UK of GB & NI).

However, it could be said that they are 'countries within a nation'. If this is the case, then your argument is invalid anyway, as Nations should be represented at the Olympic Games.

Australia has a Prime Minister (and a national government), Australia is in the olympics. The UK has a Prime Minister, the UK has a PM (and national government) and is in the olympics.