Sky would at least be stronger in the valleys with Wiggo.
Topic: I have thought a little regarding AC and his "comeback" this year. Even if I stand my ground that he will not win the Tour again (and I, for obvious reasons, don't like him), I have to admit that his improvement in form compared to last year is impressive. I gues he reinvented himself in a way and found a way to push himself a little further than last year. His successful spring campaign - even if it became a little overhyped taking into consideration the level of competition in some of the races and the respective gaps - is a serious warning shot at Sky.
Nevertheless, there are considerable other factors which speak in ACs favour and which he could not influence. Should AC do very well at the Tour, these factors will equally contribute to his possible success in France (and therefore should be mentioned here):
1. Froomes injuries in the spring: Without these injuries, there would be no talking of AC being able to drop Froome in the mountains (or even to stay with him). Let's face it: Froomes prep was seriously hampered by several injuries and setbacks whereas ACs prep went ideally. Of course this is an advantage for AC. Same goes for injuries of Froomes teammates, in particular Porte and (to a lesser extent) Stannard.
2. Important rivals not riding/out of form: Last year's Tour has revealed that there are at least five riders which are potentially and/or constantly stronger than AC in the mountains: Froome, Quintana, Valverde, Rodriguez and Porte. Quintana is not at the start in France, Valverde's form is unclear and Rodriguez, Froome (see above) and Porte did not have an ideal preparation.
3. Course designed for AC: This years course has obviously (for whatever reason) been designed in favour of AC. No TT, no second long (and flat) ITT, nice MTFs. I don't know why, but the Tour organisers still put some value in this guy and - obviously - want to give him another chance to win the Tour. Well done.
So let the games begin. To the least, AC will contribute to a more exciting race than lst year. Hell, the guy is so annoying -but even I have to respect his fighting spirit.
Topic: I have thought a little regarding AC and his "comeback" this year. Even if I stand my ground that he will not win the Tour again (and I, for obvious reasons, don't like him), I have to admit that his improvement in form compared to last year is impressive. I gues he reinvented himself in a way and found a way to push himself a little further than last year. His successful spring campaign - even if it became a little overhyped taking into consideration the level of competition in some of the races and the respective gaps - is a serious warning shot at Sky.
Nevertheless, there are considerable other factors which speak in ACs favour and which he could not influence. Should AC do very well at the Tour, these factors will equally contribute to his possible success in France (and therefore should be mentioned here):
1. Froomes injuries in the spring: Without these injuries, there would be no talking of AC being able to drop Froome in the mountains (or even to stay with him). Let's face it: Froomes prep was seriously hampered by several injuries and setbacks whereas ACs prep went ideally. Of course this is an advantage for AC. Same goes for injuries of Froomes teammates, in particular Porte and (to a lesser extent) Stannard.
2. Important rivals not riding/out of form: Last year's Tour has revealed that there are at least five riders which are potentially and/or constantly stronger than AC in the mountains: Froome, Quintana, Valverde, Rodriguez and Porte. Quintana is not at the start in France, Valverde's form is unclear and Rodriguez, Froome (see above) and Porte did not have an ideal preparation.
3. Course designed for AC: This years course has obviously (for whatever reason) been designed in favour of AC. No TT, no second long (and flat) ITT, nice MTFs. I don't know why, but the Tour organisers still put some value in this guy and - obviously - want to give him another chance to win the Tour. Well done.
So let the games begin. To the least, AC will contribute to a more exciting race than lst year. Hell, the guy is so annoying -but even I have to respect his fighting spirit.