"Chris Froome is a better cyclist now" you said that while you was "at it"
At what? Its not important. Confused you with my powerful word play.
I have already defeated you with words and yet to make a point.
You cannot even grasp how deep I am.
I think your post is Rubbish and nonsense and so does my 7 year old son.
King Bertie " the greatest rider of is generation "
Do you not remember just a few days ago he dropped the lanky git wizard with ease . Did you forget he beat him bad in the ITT?
He beats King Bertie once and you an admirer of this "Wayne Rooney Et stick insect mash up" claim he his a better rider.
I grant you he won 1 tour but that was against a very out of form Bertie.
Froome done big pooh pooh in his pants when the tour route was announced.
It was only when Bertie and Oleg decided to race the Giro that Froome committed to the tour.
Bertie unleashed only a bit of his power at the Vuleta yet he still toyed with Froome and gave him the beating "not that he deserved , but that he needed"