Re: Re:
sir fly said:
ray j willings said:
sir fly said:
ray j willings[/url]"]
Miburo said:
sir fly said:
Has he prepared for the allergies?
If I remember correctly, Contador is sensitive on the pollen.
Or was it just another PR spin in order to augment the Giro accomplishment?
Look at this tool, watches cycling for 2 years and thinks he knows what he's talking about.
Contador's allergies issue has been known for more than 5 years, never was an issue for the giro.
Do research next time
What tool his he. Spanner , hammer. maybe a nice set of hex keys.
I reckon sir fly not only should know about Bertie's allergies but I would like him to explain the meaning of our existence.
It's not worth getting worked up about someone's allergy's.
The meaning of our existence... Aaahhh...It's not that simple.
I'm afraid that all the efforts to explain (find) it are just way to cope with fear of inanimateness.
So, the meaning should be whatever you imagine it is, but you can always ask yourself how something comes from nothing, or if it wasn't nothing - where did the something come from and so on and on... in the depths of existential meanings.
So the Higgs Bosson experiment so far comply to theory and we seem to be seeing something coming from nothing. But the question will still be asked what is nothing. Lets see what happens next at CERN.
See, we have the word "nothing"... in every language. Why do we have it? What are we describing by it? Only the idea of something... something the nothing should be. Or we think it should be... or we think it's missing.
CERN is the place closest to the meaning, but, somehow, I have doubts regarding current human cognitive capacities to perceive and conceptualise the complexity of existence. Humans are beings developed thanks to reflexive abilities and I deeply believe it's the mechanism that leads all our inquiries, so, at the end, we'll always find (just) ourselves.[/quote]
Hmmm...this is all very deep. But completely pointless to the discussion at hand: CONTADOR.
Oh speaking of Contador, Sir Fly, remember our avatar bet (we had two actually, but the first is coming up soon.) You said AC wouldn't ride the Giro, I said he would ride the Giro and he would win. Just wanted to remind you the loser has to have an avatar of the winners choosing till the Tour.