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Teams & Riders Alberto Contador Discussion Thread

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Re: Re:

LaFlorecita said:
silvergrenade said:
LaFlorecita said:
silvergrenade said:
Yeah, he got dehydrated.
HB over 300.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
What's your problem guy?

I would really appreciate if you attack the argument instead of the "guy" writing it.
Good day to you.
Sorry, I searched but couldn't find any argument. Could you point it out?

Guess theres no argument then.
As I said, Good day madam.
Jul 4, 2015
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It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.
Nobody could've followed Quintana today and I think Contador made a mistake trying to do so. But can't blame him either because he has been fighter his whole career and has achieved more than any other active rider. At one point there will be stronger riders and today it was Quintana. I don't think that everything is over yet but Quintana looks mightily strong right now.

Ramon Koran said:
It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.

I think Contador has earned right to retire whenever he wants to. If he still enjoys cycling eventhough he has been unlucky this year there is no reason to retire. You can't always be the best but I still belive that he has at least 1 more GC win ahead of him.

Ramon Koran said:
It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.
It is not time to retire until he decides to retire.
Jul 4, 2015
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Re: Re:

LaFlorecita said:
Ramon Koran said:
It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.
It is not time to retire until he decides to retire.
Of course that's my personal opinion Alberto is a grown up and will make his own decison. However unless he shows me that he can win the Tour next year I will not support him, riding at 34 long beyond your peak is ridiculoous IMO.
Jul 10, 2009
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Ramon Koran said:
It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.

+1 from me. The case of "went into red" hardly rose up in his imperial years 07-11. Times have changed, more new talent and a fading of his own skill. Look at every sport, Federer faded, Jack Nicklaus faded even Pele faded. Serena would have faded by now but she had that 2-3 year break? The frequent "went into red" is proof enough that its time to hang the boots.
Aug 15, 2016
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Re: Re:

LaFlorecita said:
From Tinkoff website

The drizzle in the air didn’t dampen his spirits as he crossed the line in 8th position – his strong placing pushing him up to 5th overall after excelling on the hardest day of the race so far.
:Question: :Question:

give it a break, they guy is covered in wounds, in his condition it was a tremendous performance, deserve praise.
Doesn't seem to have it right now, but is still my favourite for the 3rd spot on the podium. He will take loads of time on Chaves in the ITT and Valverde... well, I don't even know.

Hoping he will race the Giro and Vuelta next year, the Giro could be spectacular, but Im pretty certain at this point he can't contend for the Tour. Will be a waste if Froome or Quintana shows up at 100%.

A slight bright spot on Camperona, but otherwise, very disappointing showing from Contador.
Re: Re:

Amnes2015 said:
LaFlorecita said:
From Tinkoff website

The drizzle in the air didn’t dampen his spirits as he crossed the line in 8th position – his strong placing pushing him up to 5th overall after excelling on the hardest day of the race so far.
:Question: :Question:

give it a break, they guy is covered in wounds, in his condition it was a tremendous performance, deserve praise.
Agreed, it wasn't even that bad. This is the problem with all the ridiculous pre-race hype; it leads to completely unrealistic expectations. He was never going to put minutes into the likes of Quintana and Froome; those days are long gone. Contador didn't pace himself brilliantly, but he's still in contention for the top 5, it's not like he's absolutely cracked and fell off a cliff. The two tough hilly stages after his crash he's done pretty well in; not amazingly, but not terribly either.

Who needs enemies when you have fans like these. :confused:
Re: Re:

DFA123 said:
Amnes2015 said:
LaFlorecita said:
From Tinkoff website

The drizzle in the air didn’t dampen his spirits as he crossed the line in 8th position – his strong placing pushing him up to 5th overall after excelling on the hardest day of the race so far.
:Question: :Question:

give it a break, they guy is covered in wounds, in his condition it was a tremendous performance, deserve praise.
Agreed, it wasn't even that bad. This is the problem with all the ridiculous pre-race hype; it leads to completely unrealistic expectations. He was never going to put minutes into the likes of Quintana and Froome; those days are long gone. Contador didn't pace himself brilliantly, but he's still in contention for the top 5, it's not like he's absolutely cracked and fell off a cliff. The two tough hilly stages after his crash he's done pretty well in; not amazingly, but not terribly either.

Who needs enemies when you have fans like these. :confused:
Stop hating, I was just pointing out another sarcastic comment from the team's PR guy. Not sure who it is, but I saw many comments like this during the Tour. Also on the official twitter feed. It makes me sick, Alberto deserves more respect.
Re: Re:

jilbiker said:
Ramon Koran said:
It's time for him to retire, I've supported him in the ups and down since 07 and never gave up on him (except 2013 where I wanted him to retire as well), but it really is time to go he's 34 over the hill for several years and getting worst as the years go by, the emergence of the new generation means he'd struggle to even against the likes of Yates or Bardet... He has no chance in the Tour as a matter of fact only 09 contador mmight have a chance against the sky train.Anyway time to say goodbye, thanks for all the emotions.

+1 from me. The case of "went into red" hardly rose up in his imperial years 07-11. Times have changed, more new talent and a fading of his own skill. Look at every sport, Federer faded, Jack Nicklaus faded even Pele faded. Serena would have faded by now but she had that 2-3 year break? The frequent "went into red" is proof enough that its time to hang the boots.
Didn't know there is a rule which says you have to retire once you're past your peak.
Oh excuse me Mr Damian13ster but many, teammates and ex-teammates have given him nothing but praise. But because one bitter loser hates him because he had to ride for him in 2013 instead of being allowed to ride for himself, all that doesn't mean anything? I suppose you know him better than them :rolleyes:

damian13ster said:
Which teammates? The ones that are getting chosen for GT on WT team because they are buddies with Alberto? Dont you think that might be one of the reasons for lack of cohesion in the team?
What about Andreas Klöden, Christian Vande Velde, Michele Scarponi, Paolo Tiralongo, Luis Leon Sanchez, Koen de Kort?
The lack of cohesion is because a couple riders on the team only think about themselves. Alberto has shown he thinks about others as well by allowing teammates to ride for themselves and gifting stages to other riders.
Re: Re:

LaFlorecita said:
damian13ster said:
Which teammates? The ones that are getting chosen for GT on WT team because they are buddies with Alberto? Dont you think that might be one of the reasons for lack of cohesion in the team?
What about Andreas Klöden, Christian Vande Velde, Michele Scarponi, Paolo Tiralongo, Luis Leon Sanchez, Koen de Kort?
The lack of cohesion is because a couple riders on the team only think about themselves.

There is not a single human that has only enemies. The fact is that he cant get the team working together, has domestiques speaking out against him, throws temper tantrums like in this Tour. He doesnt deserve respect from his teammates just because some other cyclists respect him. You have to EARN respect. He clearly hasnt. Just deal with it
Re: Re:

damian13ster said:
There is not a single human that has only enemies. The fact is that he cant get the team working together, has domestiques speaking out against him, throws temper tantrums like in this Tour. He doesnt deserve respect from his teammates just because some other cyclists respect him. You have to EARN respect. He clearly hasnt. Just deal with it
Why are you so sure Kreuziger wasn't the problem?
And when did he throw tantrums? Do you have a source for that or are you just making *** up? I think your immense dislike for him is showing.
PS: voicing his discontent in one interview after a teammate was told to wait for him, looked him in the eye and left him to die, does not count as a tantrum in my opinion.
If he is little bit afected by the crah, he shoudl improve after the rest day,

But the fact is that he was worse in Ezaro before the crash than in La Camperona, and he was the first to attack today and he is better than Hermans and Pardilla, his level in Burgos.

Contador said at the begining of la Vuelta he was in a very good shape.

It was a pity in 2014 Quintana crashed.

Matteo. said:
He wasn't that bad?! He cracked in the last 3kms , dropped by everybody( including poor riders).
ok ,it's not the end of the world and there's a lot of climb ahead but it need realism , analyzing his today's race
Considering his crash, it wasn't bad. But he could have lost less time if he had raced more smartly. So to say he "excelled" is pushing it. And for Alberto, an 8th place is obviously not a "strong placing". They're taking the piss.

Valv.Piti said:
Damn you two are pathetic at times.

Flo, it isn't fair to accuse the website of being sarcastic or whatever. I know you are upset with how things are going, but do you honestly think it was intended to ridicule Contador? Seriously?
Yes, I do honestly think so. Once, it could be an unfortunate phrasing. But this is the 4th or 5th time.
If it wasn't intended to mock or ridicule him, this person should never get a job as a PR person again.

Edit: for a more realistic and neutral description of events, still with a positive vibe though, how about this -
Alberto opened proceedings early with an attack only Nairo Quintana could follow. The two pushed on trying to gain time on other challengers. With [I forgot the distance]km to go, Quintana attacked and Alberto, still recovering from his crash 3 days ago, didn't manage to respond. He kept on battling towards the line, finishing 8th on the stage. He now sits in 5th on GC, gaining two places.
Re: Re:

LaFlorecita said:
damian13ster said:
Which teammates? The ones that are getting chosen for GT on WT team because they are buddies with Alberto? Dont you think that might be one of the reasons for lack of cohesion in the team?
What about Andreas Klöden, Christian Vande Velde, Michele Scarponi, Paolo Tiralongo, Luis Leon Sanchez, Koen de Kort?
The lack of cohesion is because a couple riders on the team only think about themselves. Alberto has shown he thinks about others as well by allowing teammates to ride for themselves and gifting stages to other riders.
Tiralongo dislikes him so much that he doesn't want to look at Alberto and therefore always rides in front of him, like in Fuente De :rolleyes: