Timmy .Vs Forum, 2012
auscyclefan94 said:
If Timmy wants to get rid of his Evans avatar right now he can always swap to a Justin Bieber avatar
That is your only alternative!
This my friend is incorrect. I have come into this thread to right a wrong.
Those of you familiar with contract law, will understand the following;
Consideration is the price paid for the promise of the other party. The price must be something of value, although it need not be money. Consideration may be some right, interest or benefit going to one party or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other party.
Basically this means that a contract where a promise is made can only be legally binding if there is potential for gain; such gains must repersent a value for said individual or party.
Basic principles of negotiation define compromise from both sides. Both parties must (
potentially) gain something, and both parties must (
potentially) lose something.
At this point I hope the concepts of a contract and/or negotiation are familiar for all members reading. I will now present the relevance to a great injustice that has occured on this forum during the past 12 months.
July 2011,
Le Tour de France 2011 is in full throttle, the speculation prior to the race was that Schleck would be the man to beat, Cadel Evans (or more commonly known as Cuddles) simply could not match the luxemburger in the high mountains; I Timmy-loves-Rabo (or more commonly known as "Timothy the Great") was one of the great supporters of this theory. In my mind Cadel Evans simply had no chance to win Le Tour.
As the race continued riders started to crash, champions like Alberto Contador were struggling with fatigue and pre-race favorite schleck was riding like a chump; Yet Evans continued to ride on, with new found confidence and belief. But still I was certain Mr. Evans had no chance and then the threads started... One thread particular (
Cadel Evans, I told you it was his year) annoyed me; The race was barely into the high mountains and there was this thread insinuating that the race was 'in the bag' for Mr. Evans. Sadly this was my breaking point, and as the saying goes "
Drastic threads, require drastic measures".
My reaction...
Timmy-loves-Rabo said:
I am very confident however that cuddles will crack.
If cuddles wins this tour tlr will take a cuddles avatar permanently
As the race went on and "Hope for Cuddles Failure" became more dire I still stuck to my guns, repeating my deal to take a 'cuddles' avatar multiple times.
However everytime I made this statement, it was done unprompted and by my own free will, never was there any value or potential gain for my self-stated pledge. In fact never did any of the 'Cadel Band' even challenge my offer with a potential loss for themselves. In the final time-trial as I so greatly dreaded Evans delivered the goods and snatched the yellow from Andy Schleck's back; Evans became the 2011 Tour De France Champion.
Gracious in defeat, I Timmy-loves-Rabo honored my pledge and took this nightmare of an avatar. I have been forced to bare this shame for too long, people now look at my posts and identify me with cuddles. However, almost 12 months after this setback I formally challenge this injustice; as mentioned earlier a contract cannot be valid if there is no potential gain and loss for all involved parties. Considering this avatar bet (compared to all other avatar bets in cycling news forum history) it is quite clear there was never such potential gain for myself in the given situation, only loss. Likewise there was never potential for loss for the 'cadel band'. In court such a contract would not be legally binding, and I would be happily living with a bada$s Jan Ullrich avatar. Therefore I believe a terrible wrong must be righted and personal choice of avatar must be returned to myself.
Out of the respect of the Cadel band I will continue to bare this avatar, but in the coming weeks I will eventually rid myself of this evil. But removing this avatar will not bring me justice, nor retribution for the difficulties I have faced the last 12 months. Hence I demand the CN moderators to act in the name of justice and all that is good in this world and respectfully perma-band those who opposed me in the
previously mentioned thread.
Only then will justice be served.
I thank all those who read this. Regards, Timmy-loves-rabo.