I read the French version.
Le contenu de cet article a été supprimé Suite à la campagne de harcèlement et de dénigrement qui a visé Antoine Vayer sur internet, la rédaction a pris la décision de supprimer l’article le 31.03.2021. L’article fut, à de trop nombreuses reprises, l’instrument de groupuscules malveillants...
The author writes in bad faith on a number of the topics he touches. He makes it clear that he is just as qualified to talk about Portoleau's calculations (which he attributes to Vayer) as you are to teach us about the physics of black holes and the justification for Penrose's Nobel prize.
I'm the author of that article.
It's confirmed Vayer uses the sentence from the Festina affair to claim he was innocent, but continues to spread accusations against Virenque and Dufaux who are not coming from the trial.
It's confirmed Vayer had at this moment and still now good relations with Laurent Brochard who cheated in 1997
It's confirmed Vayer trolls cyclists. He admitted it on Marion Sicot's case.
It's confirmed Vayer makes lame photoshops.
It's confirmed Vayer spreads accusations based on the nationality of the riders. Wait, isn't it called xenophobia?
It's confirmed Péraud was a suspect rider.
It's confirmed Thibaut Pinot is suspect specially after his stage camps with Preidler.
It's confirmed Vayer became friend with Floyd Landis, despite he claimed in a chronicle the winner of the Tour 06 will be a cheater, a liar and a thief. I admit he may be right about that.
It's confirmed Vayer is not welcome in Professional teams anymore and at least one of his customers was meeting him and Bernard Sainz secretly.
It's confirmed Armstrong wasn't fighting for the Yellow Jersey in 2005 at Marie Blanque as Pogacar did.
It's confirmed Vayer uses Portoleau's calculations based on his own ideas and doesn't want them to be tested scientifically. Why are Vayer and Portoleau only publishing their "results" in their own pages and not in real scientific magazines?
It's confirmed Vayer has personal troubles with Lefevere and Van Mol, but not with their past riders Vasseur and Pineau who became managers themselves.
It's confirmed Vayer has sexist behaviors.
It's confirmed Vayer is hypocrit about Marion Sicot.
It's confirmed the video of Alaphilippe sucks.
In the next article there will be more things to add to that very long list.