Contador doesn't show his results because remember as he likes to tell us every five minutes 'my greatest asset is my recovery'
Nah i'm just playing, i like Contador, but he's a doper, and being a doper makes you a liar.
I agree with others that there's a difference between doping and lying versus doping, lying and aggressive pursuit of your doubters. But to be honest, I think that Contador and Armstrong are no different in the way the decieve the public. As I said, being a doper makes you a liar.
I'm torn on the doping issue. One part of my says "This is my body, and I can do whatever I want to it"
, but the other part of me says it's cheating
I'm torn because I believe people have a right to ingest whatever substance they choose to and that banning products doesn't solve the issue, it merely takes it out of the public eye (ie. i don't know where you guys live, but in Melbourne, I can get any 'recreational' drug I want, anytime I want - bans don't work)
I've often offered 'solutions' to attack doping in these threads, but sometimes I think us fans are fighting a losing battle, which as has been discussed over many threads, after 1998 it was "a new era", after 2006 it was "a new era", and after the old hands leave the sport in a puff of smoke caused by Landis, it will be "a new era"...
A new era that mirrors the era of:
since there was sport, there was doping.