stephens said:
Let's clear this up: no one claims every single human being must eat meat to be strong. In reality, the omnivore's position on nutrition, just like their diet, is more complex and open to many possibilities.
Actually I think plenty of people make this claim.
What does the Atkins diet recommend you eat?
Ditto for all other high protein/fat, low carb diets.
What do the paleo and primal diets recommend?
Plenty of nutritional organizations and government food pyramids (not all) show meat as something to be eaten regularly for good health.
Ask any butcher about your claims above.
Ask the meat and livestock industries about your claims above.
Then look at the influence these groups have on government policy.
This tells you what the government thinks about the role of meat and dairy in our diet even if they don't come out directly and say it.
And you've never heard that urban myth that regularly gets propogated around the backyard BBQ by red faced, beer gutted men? "Vegetarians are all a bit weak aren't they? They all look a bit pasty and are always getting sick. What they need is a good steak" Or words to that effect. I must have heard it a 1000 times.
To the contrary, the belief that meat should be a staple part of our diet is absolutely widespread. Hell, just read the rest of this thread!