andy1234 said:
Surely its irrelevant if its true or not?
Saying that someone is to blame for their cancer is going to go down like a lead balloon with the general public and experts alike.
A lot of people who would not have defended Armstrong, might do when they read this.
If I smoked heavily, I'd have no shock to learn that I had eventually
given myself cancer of the lungs. Most heavy smokers are not shocked or surprised to learn as much of themselves.
I'd also consider myself the author of my own misfortune.
And I'd further assume you would be less-than-thrilled to finance my medical bills to treat my self-induced condition. I mean, I was the one pumping myself full of toxins; not you nor anyone else.
If Lance attached testosterone patches to his balls, it was he who was responsible for any consequences flowing therefrom. Positive (Tri and WC wins) or negative (cancer).