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"Armstrong to blame for his own cancer"

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Jun 18, 2009
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sub240 said:
I am not sure how your trying to form this but if your saying that 100% without a doubt EPO will cause tumors etc. then have fun.


read again what I wrote, slowly....

no where did I say anything remotely close to what you're suggesting.
May 18, 2009
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buckwheat said:
Flat out lie about LA's cancer?

Jeez, something as innocuous as caffeine has been implicated in tumor growth.

You mean to tell me that you don't believe substances that can create comical physiques (Jawge Hincapie) and absurd performances aren't capable of creating and accelerating the growth of tumors?

Furthermore, there will never be a conclusive study on this because that would be insanely unethical.;)

Hey welcome back! What's the under/over on the longevity of your current stay?

Stop spinning, Mr. Wheat.

Sonnen was quoted as saying PED's caused his cancer. This is the topic of this thread.

You are strawmanning with the other stuff and it is off topic. Please stay within the rules as I am striving to do. You are trying to defend your undefendable statement about Sonnen "nailing" LA by creating a diversion, just like you did on the spaceshuttle issue where I busted you up over the course of several pages on that political thread. You need to let it go. :cool:

Over/Under? I dunno....maybe a couple of weeks. I do see in this thread they haven't gotten the IP thing completely bugged out. :D
Jun 21, 2009
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i don't care much for this ufc thing and have no idea who this feller is but i had a good chuckle anyway. but not really much to see here, i can smell a pr stunt, he's got his name out there to us who never heard of him before, let's move on
May 18, 2009
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MacRoadie said:
That's one long-@ss commute, considering Sonnen lives in Oregon...

The guy is lying. And Rome's suck a$$ won't call him on it. I stopped listening to Rome years ago....he would talk shyt about people then suck them dry when they called in. I guess he learned his lesson when Jim Everett nearly midget tossed him that time.


ChrisE said:
The guy is lying. And Rome's suck a$$ won't call him on it. I stopped listening to Rome years ago....he would talk shyt about people then suck them dry when they called in. I guess he learned his lesson when Jim Everett nearly midget tossed him that time.

You mean Chris Everett.
May 18, 2009
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Animal said:
Oh well done you!

You're so great at annoying people.

Your mummy must be proud.

Actually I was orphaned at a very young age and spent years bumping around various foster homes. Thanks for reminding me of my "mummy".


ChrisE said:
No, LA won't sue because it would open a whole can of worms. Yep, it is open season on LA and he is in a PR bind.

You know I was on the edge of my seat counting the minutes for this ban to end. My login since early June:

"You are banned until 8-4-10 at 23:00. Reason: None specified" :D

Surely I had to have done something. :confused:

Anyway, it's good to be back and I will try not to be too offensive this time. :cool:

Fu*k you if you're not!:)


Hey, maybe FLandis can get this guy to back him up when that Douchebag Rooney comes calling to make good on his shoe threat?
May 18, 2009
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Animal said:
Why do you quote the word mummy?

Are you saying, you never actually had a mother, but were in fact a clone?

That would explain a lot.

A clone of what?

Look, animal. I've already made my point clear to you in my replies to those raunchy PM's you sent me. Please stalk somebody else. Thanks.


Sep 24, 2009
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ChrisE said:
Stop spinning, Mr. Wheat.

Sonnen was quoted as saying PED's caused his cancer. This is the topic of this thread.

You are strawmanning with the other stuff and it is off topic. Please stay within the rules as I am striving to do. You are trying to defend your undefendable statement about Sonnen "nailing" LA by creating a diversion, just like you did on the spaceshuttle issue where I busted you up over the course of several pages on that political thread. You need to let it go. :cool:

Over/Under? I dunno....maybe a couple of weeks. I do see in this thread they haven't gotten the IP thing completely bugged out. :D

You busted me up? I think that was the voices in your head congratulating you. What was the diversion I created? You obviously don't realize that exactly what I predicted was what happened and the Space Shuttle example that YOU introduced only strengthened my point.

Are you a CEO of a tobacco company? Look at how long it took to "prove" cigarettes cause cancer. Jeez, it took millions of people dying before it was satisfactorily "proven."

Sonnen was correct that PED's caused LA's cancer. Prove him wrong.
May 18, 2009
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buckwheat said:
You busted me up? I think that was the voices in your head congratulating you. What was the diversion I created? You obviously don't realize that exactly what I predicted was what happened and the Space Shuttle example that YOU introduced only strengthened my point.

Are you a CEO of a tobacco company? Look at how long it took to "prove" cigarettes cause cancer. Jeez, it took millions of people dying before it was satisfactorily "proven."

Sonnen was correct that PED's caused LA's cancer. Prove him wrong.

No, I say he is not correct so you prove me wrong. So there.

IF I was CEO of a tobacco company I would own a cycling team, and JB would be the DS. I would also have a Ferrari (the doc and car), and I would have a fleet of Treks to sell on ebay to finance my drug binges. I would also pay Katy Perry and that French reporter chick to come give me a massage every day. None of that is happening, so no I am not CEO of a tobacco company.

The good thing about the internet is there should be a record of the drubbing you took over the space shuttle. Unfortunately, over time some of my posts get deleted so anybody that is curious may not get the full picture of your defeat on a subject you know little about. I have actually had time to reflect on how aggressive I was with you on that subject and have worried that it would effect your well being. I realize now that it has left long term emotional scars on you that will not heal. I want you to know I am very sorry and I will let you win some arguments in the future as a token of my sincerity.

Saturday you will watch Chael get his a$$ kicked by Silva and you will finally realize I am right. In midievel times justice was served on the battle field, like in that movie Excalibur when Lancelot (lol) defended Guenever from the charges of adultery. That is what will happen Saturday nite, and Chael's LA Cancer BS will be exposed for the fraud that it is.....on the battlefield.

Keep your head up, Mr. Wheat. Life is short, and you shouldn't spend it worrying about losing arguments. It happens to the best of us at times, so I hear. :D


Sep 24, 2009
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ChrisE said:
No, I say he is not correct so you prove me wrong. So there.

IF I was CEO of a tobacco company I would own a cycling team, and JB would be the DS. I would also have a Ferrari (the doc and car), and I would have a fleet of Treks to sell on ebay to finance my drug binges. I would also pay Katy Perry and that French reporter chick to come give me a massage every day. None of that is happening, so no I am not CEO of a tobacco company.

The good thing about the internet is there should be a record of the drubbing you took over the space shuttle. Unfortunately, over time some of my posts get deleted so anybody that is curious may not get the full picture of your defeat on a subject you know little about. I have actually had time to reflect on how aggressive I was with you on that subject and have worried that it would effect your well being. I realize now that it has left long term emotional scars on you that will not heal. I want you to know I am very sorry and I will let you win some arguments in the future as a token of my sincerity.

Saturday you will watch Chael get his a$$ kicked by Silva and you will finally realize I am right. In midievel times justice was served on the battle field, like in that movie Excalibur when Lancelot (lol) defended Guenever from the charges of adultery. That is what will happen Saturday nite, and Chael's LA Cancer BS will be exposed for the fraud that it is.....on the battlefield.

Keep your head up, Mr. Wheat. Life is short, and you shouldn't spend it worrying about losing arguments. It happens to the best of us at times, so I hear. :D

I said the Deepwater Horizon was a foreseeable and preventable incident.

You brought up the Challenger disaster to show that it was an just accident and was NOT foreseeable and preventable.

I pointed out that the investigation into the Challenger disaster showed that it was both foreseeable and preventable and that it was the worst example possible you could use to prove your point as it completely proved my point.

Welcome Back!

PS. Lance's use of PED's from the age of 16 onward resulted in his Cancer at 24. Thanks Chael. We could use you here on the forum to "talk" sense into the fanboys.


Aug 5, 2010
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131313 said:

read again what I wrote, slowly....

no where did I say anything remotely close to what you're suggesting.

The way you were wording your argument was leading me to believe that was your point.

This MMA fighter stated that Armstrong’s cancer was caused by performance enhancing drugs. I was reading from your posts that you agreed with him. I was wrong?
May 18, 2009
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buckwheat said:
I said the Deepwater Horizon was a foreseeable and preventable incident.

You brought up the Challenger disaster to show that it was an just accident and was NOT foreseeable and preventable.

I pointed out that the investigation into the Challenger disaster showed that it was both foreseeable and preventable and that it was the worst example possible you could use to prove your point as it completely proved my point.

Welcome Back!

PS. Lance's use of PED's from the age of 16 onward resulted in his Cancer at 24. Thanks Chael. We could use you here on the forum to "talk" sense into the fanboys.

Ok, Mr. Wheat. I don't care to rehash this since you plan to not be honest. Revisionist history is so boring. Better to defend your position on it's merits instead of using strawmen and diversionary tactics to blur your weak position in the discussion.


Aug 5, 2010
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buckwheat said:
I said the Deepwater Horizon was a foreseeable and preventable incident.

You brought up the Challenger disaster to show that it was an just accident and was NOT foreseeable and preventable.

I pointed out that the investigation into the Challenger disaster showed that it was both foreseeable and preventable and that it was the worst example possible you could use to prove your point as it completely proved my point.

Welcome Back!

PS. Lance's use of PED's from the age of 16 onward resulted in his Cancer at 24. Thanks Chael. We could use you here on the forum to "talk" sense into the fanboys.
Hey this topic is not about the space shuttle or some oil platform. This is about Armstrongs cancer.


Sep 24, 2009
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ChrisE said:
Ok, Mr. Wheat. I don't care to rehash this since you plan to not be honest. Revisionist history is so boring. Better to defend your position on it's merits instead of using strawmen and diversionary tactics to blur your weak position in the discussion.

My weak position?

You said Deepwater Horizon was an unpreventable accident.

I said it was criminal negligence.

That issue was very straitforward, as evidenced by a few summary sentences.

You seem to think LA's cancer was inevitable. Who knows?

I think LA was playing with fire by having Comical inject him with cortisone when he was 18 and then throwing a lot more fuel on the fire in his early 20's.

Therefore, IMHO as well as the opinion of Sonnen, LA gave himself cancer.

Let him sue me.:D

Hey, if you want to take a highly carcinogenic brew of performance enhancing substances, go ahead, but I'd advise against it.

PS, maybe LA was 13 or 14 when he started gearing up?


Sep 24, 2009
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sub240 said:
Hey this topic is not about the space shuttle or some oil platform. This is about Armstrongs cancer.

Sorry I took 10 seconds out of your life.

BTW, the thread is about MMA fighter Chael Sonnen's pronouncement that LA gave himself cancer.