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Bio-Passport Procedure Question.


Mar 11, 2009
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Actually a two questions...

Regarding the lastest bust, Pat McQuaid was quoted yesterday as saying

“I don’t know if there are more,”
“I specifically request those in charge of anti-doping not to tell me of these things until they are ready to go. I don’t know anything until the press communiqué is ready.”


Is this the Official Procedure....keeping Pat "in the dark"?

My second question is in regards to the "Jury of Nine" that decide if a bio-passport should be investigated - Do they know whose passport they are looking at?. Or is it coded like A Samples and B Samples are.

Last question - is there an Official Specification of what will cause a bio-passport violation. If there is, is it a secret?
I don't trust anything that McQuaid says. He is a lying sack. That whole article is disgusting. Take these statements:

These are another couple of guys that the UCI thinks have been involved in doping and they have been caught,” he said. “Once again, it is a pity that these [doping cases] are happening, but the riders will eventually learn.”
“There is no guarantee for those who play with the system, even those doing so thinking that they are getting away with microdosing,” he insisted. “They are playing with an area that is far too delicate and they are very foolish to do so.”

It is hard to imagine what kind of dirtbag could go before the press and promote the bad apples theory of doping. He knows full well that the sport is rife with doping. He called FLandis and told him that although Landis was not doing anything the others were doing he was the one who was caught, so he need to roll over and accept his punishment. He knows that the UCI is destroying the lives of some riders while others doing the same thing are given a free pass. When riders are caught, he never misses an opportunity to publicly pour salt in their wounds. He met with Armstrong to bring him out of retirement; and he undoubtedly influenced Armstrong to participate in the Tour of Ireland, which is run by his brother. The hypocrisy and double dealing is astounding.
May 13, 2009
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Polish said:
Actually a two questions...

Regarding the lastest bust, Pat McQuaid was quoted yesterday as saying

“I don’t know if there are more,”
“I specifically request those in charge of anti-doping not to tell me of these things until they are ready to go. I don’t know anything until the press communiqué is ready.”


Is this the Official Procedure....keeping Pat "in the dark"?

My second question is in regards to the "Jury of Nine" that decide if a bio-passport should be investigated - Do they know whose passport they are looking at?. Or is it coded like A Samples and B Samples are.

Last question - is there an Official Specification of what will cause a bio-passport violation. If there is, is it a secret?

I think it's coded, so they don't know whose values they're looking at.

For your last question, I think we're all excited to see what is going to be upheld in court.
Sep 25, 2009
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BroDeal said:
I don't trust anything that McQuaid says. .

bingo. pat broke his own word too many times though he probably keeps some distance for covering his own ass

re. anonymity..google parisotto interview to cn. all reviews are supposed to be kept blind as to who the bio data belongs to.

re. official biopassport specification...there is no such a thing.


there are two things that come close and they formalize the passport reviews and results management including the positivity criteria
(i wont bother with the links because no one reads it anyway, just google)


(ii) biological passport methodology description (based on the lausanne wada lab's methodology)

nothing secret. everything in the public domain except the private personal data on each rider.


Apr 28, 2010
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I ahve another question, does anyone know the decision-making proceedings of the committee, because if I read Pellizotti's press conference it appears as though it possible for a minority decision to be made, which strikes me as odd
Barrus said:
I ahve another question, does anyone know the decision-making proceedings of the committee, because if I read Pellizotti's press conference it appears as though it possible for a minority decision to be made, which strikes me as odd

The obvious tactic would be for Pellizotti get the experts who disagreed on the stand. Use the UCI's own people against them.