JRTinMA said:
Just three reasons I have my doubts...
1) 2009 BW vs the 2010 Sky version
2) Why employ Lim
3) RH goes top 10 this year. (Please don't say its cause CVV crashed out)
Well, nobody KNOWS, it's just conjecture, but...
I don't think Wiggo is such a shocker. He totally changed his focus and prep in 2010. Plus I think the weight of expectations can change things. This is not w/o precedent. For example, look at Andy Hampsten. Goes 4th in his first ever Tour (1st full season in Europe, I think), riding support for Lemond. After that, he leaves to became a team leader...and never is able to improve on his inaugural performance.
As for Lim...correct me if I'm wrong, but when Floyd hired him in 2006, I believe Lim was just a dweeb finishing up his PhD in exercise physiology...just a geek in a basement lab, running V02 tests on college students, and prob living off a university stipend. Along comes Floyd, says, "Hey, I'll pay you $40K if you spend the summer in Europe w/ me?". Of course Lim would say yes. Then after developing some trust, Floyd lets him in on the truth -- "You're gonna assist me w/ transfusions. Everybody does it, no big deal."
OK, so you can condemn Lim for not walking away at that point, but I don't think overnite he morphs into an Asian-American Dr. Ferrari over at Garmin. That would be like saying a recent bank heist MUST be the work of the local shoplifter...
As for RH, the guy had shown his promise in tough races like Amstel Gold, and the Ardennes, no? These are races that typically Tour riders do well in. I don't think Top 10 is so shocking... Nicholas Roche did Top 15, and he has even less palmares than RH.
Besides, Top 10 is not even close to "podium", or "contending for the win". If a clean rider can't go Top 10 in 2010, we might as well just stop watching...