rick james said:
Didn’t realise it was only the far left, socialist injustice, liberal nuts that were allowed to post on here
You're posting, so that's not really true. There have been a few right leaning people who post/posted here, there still are some, and as long as they post within the rules (which can be a bit lax in here due to the nature of the discussions) they are welcome to post.
The demographic you are likely to encounter on a cycling forum is probably going to be more left leaning (although anyone who defines themselves as a centrist is likely to be fiscally conservative) due to the people cycling attracts within the expected age brackets of online posters. Certainly the clubs I ride with have more left leaning young people and the more right leaning people tend to be older.
As for socialist injustice, I think it's important to recognise that a huge part of every functioning society is based on socialist principles and arose due to socialist endeavours:
Publicly funded police, fire departments, infrastructure and its maintenance, housing, utilities and transport are all socialist principles. Simple things like turning on a tap and getting free (part of tax), clean drinking water exist because of socialism. For profit fire departments have been tried and they don't work well (for obvious reasons). Free education is fundamental to attempting to create a fairer society and is another socialist endeavour.
The NHS is social healthcare. Taking something as simple as giving birth as an example. The cost to give birth in the USA, even if you have insurance, is ~$5000-10000, depending on where you live. if you require a C-section you can chuck another $2500-4000 on top of that. If you don't have insurance you pretty much double those costs. This results in the poorest people in society being saddled with huge debts they can't pay. It's insanely unfair compared to social healthcare.
Socialism is pretty much the opposite of injustice. As an economic theory it advocates for a fair reward for your labour and politically that the community controls this and determines how best it is used. Capitalism does not and cannot. The fundamental principle of capitalism is that your labour is undervalued and the difference is kept as profit by private owners. Under Capitalism, as a worker, you are never paid a "fair" wage and never can be.