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Can luck and uncertainty lead to cleaner races

Jan 18, 2010
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Outside of the TT, the major time gaps in this tour between AC and AS came from the cobblestone stage(AC lost 41s) and AS's shifting problems(lost 39s).

They were basically even in the mountains.

There's been much debate over the inclusion of cobblestones and AC's apparent lack of "fair play", I'm hoping not to rehash all that here.

By neutralizing stages and playing nice when somebody gets a flat it ensures that the physically strongest rider wins. Is that the best kind of racing?

I think if there were more elements of luck and more cutthroat attacking (read less fair play) then the benefit of doping would be decreased. Maybe the guy with the best doctor wouldn't win all the time.

What do you think? What else about race tactics would need to change to decrease that benefit of doping, or is that even possible?

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