Andrichuk said:
Although I understand why people choose to believe in god under certain circumstances, I still don't think its justified. To me its just the easy way to say "Hey I know its looking bad right now but don't worry, god will watch over us".
I do not just look to God for help through the hard stuff.
Andrichuk said:
Why would you trust that god will help you through anything when he let you get in the position to suffer?
He didn't let anyone do anything. We have free will, we choose our poison and pleasure.
Andrichuk said:
I really hope that I don't get the response thats some where along the lines of "hes trying to teach you to be a stronger person, blah blah blah." I could see some one saying that but can you really not doing anything for yourself?
There are many things that happen in this universe for which I have no answer, but believe at some point in infinity, I might know. Just like science.
Andrichuk said:
Can you not take responsibility for making a mistake?
I take responsibility for all of my actions.
Andrichuk said:
Can you not take the credit for doing something good?
If I do something good so that I can get credit for it, then I did it for the wrong reason. However, if it was something "good" then someone else benefited, and that is the most important part anyway.
Andrichuk said:
Do you really think people wouldn't know the difference between right and wrong if god or jesus didn't tell us?
Of course we know, most people have a conscience regardless of what they believe. My personal belief is that very thing points to a soul or a part of us that is infinite.
Andrichuk said:
Is the world any better since religion was introduced to us?
Would people be that much different if it hadn't? Just because people believe religion makes them better does not mean it does. Just because people believe atheism makes them better does not mean it does. People, regardless of belief or lack thereof, are people.
Andrichuk said:
I'll leave you with one quote from Epicurus,
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
I simply wonder this: Why do we worry so much about the state of evil in the world and so much less about the state of evil in our own minds? And I have that question for anyone, religious or no, who seeks to point out the evil of anyone else.
God has impacted my life profoundly. I don't have to justify that to anyone. I don't care what anyone thinks about that. I promise you, many of your external questions are internal ones for me. What I cannot deny is the power of God in my life that I have experienced by ceding my will. I don't have all of the answers. I used to think I had to have them. I decided the good God has brought to my life is good, and that I didn't think my way into it. All I did was ask for help one time when I had nothing and nobody else to turn to. I received help. I still receive help because I ask for it. That help is not always what I think it should be, and sometimes comes much more slowly than I desire. However, it always comes in some form. I just accept it, and hold onto the glimpses of Him I have.
Sometimes, I ask for help in keeping in perspective the good things in my life, and doing with them what is wise and helpful to others.
Sometimes, I am just content. Those are the best times.
Sometimes, I am a potty mouthed *** who shows few if any redeeming values, and yet He still loves me.
I fully understand that one day, I may face something that may take my life painfully, or be subjected to a pain that so devastating that my anguish may not cease in this life. Tragic things happen, and many people in them pray for deliverance. The deliverance for which they pray does not come, and maybe mine won't either. I hope that I will then touch the solace of the belief I have that there is something beyond this.
I will end with this. I think that maybe, your soul moves on to a better place after death regardless of the life you have lived or what you have believed. I actually hope that was Christ's message.